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Cell phones.

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Cell phones.  Empty Cell phones.

Post by Rob and Wendy Tue May 20, 2014 7:06 pm

I am not sure I am posting in the correct area. If I am I apologize.  

I have spent the day looking at cell phone plans. 
My situation I don't believe is very unique. 
I live in Mexico and work in Canada and the USA. 
I spend 50% of my time in Mexico and the rest split between the USA and Canada. 
I need an international data plan, texting, long distance and phone service. I have checked the cell phone companies in all three countries. Needless to say I am very confused now. Lol. 

$500 USD is what I keep arriving at. 

Can anyone help? 

Thank you in advance.

Rob and Wendy

Posts : 14
Join date : 2013-12-12

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Cell phones.  Empty Re: Cell phones.

Post by Pogo Mon Jun 02, 2014 6:52 pm

I suggest you buy a new, UNLOCKED (meaning not attached to any cell phone service provider) iPhone GSM. They can be purchased through Telmex in the Lakeside area or in Guadalajara at Best Buy or the Ishop both located in the Gallarias mall. In the U.S., go into any AT&T shop of Apple store. The critical issue is getting an UNLOCKED GSM phone. Once you have that, you can buy a pre-paid sim card for the phone in ANY country you are in, slip it into the phone and you are good to go in that country and maybe several others. The sim cards can be purchased inexpensively almost anywhere as well - Best Buy, AT&T, Verizon, Rogers, Bell, Telus, etc. Even in shops in airports. You can keep putting money on the sim to extend your use of it indefinitely. This is by far the cheapest and easiest way to get international service on a cell phone. However, be forewarned - sticker shock! Buying an UNLOCKED phone will cost you much more initially than buying one that is locked to a service provider. A new iPhone  5C will cost in the neighborhood of $500 USD because there is no service provider discounting the phone to you. However, you make up for the higher cost very quickly and you are not locked into a contract that is, by and large, outright robbery no matter who the service provider is and no matter what the whistles and bells are that you get with the contract. Spend the money; buy the unlocked phone. Use it in any country with an inexpensive and rechargeable sim card. It will be easy and you will be pleased to be free of the kind of underhandedness, skullduggery and unscrupulousness of the typical cell phone service provider

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