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Popcorn Time

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Popcorn Time Empty Popcorn Time

Post by CHILLIN Tue Jul 08, 2014 4:32 pm

This is a new service. The original Popcorn Time was abandoned by investors, but the coders have kept it alive. There is a controversial clone called "time4popcorn" but there are a lot of warnings about it. It is not so much malicious - but it is poorly written and could expose your computer's files to outside access. This is a perfect project for running a dedicated "entertainment" computer running Linux.

It is a netflix interface which plays movies and television shows - all free, all high def, all available from Mexico. It gets around the streaming download speed limitations many of us suffer from by saving torrent downloads in the background.

Here is a link to an article, to make up your own mind. Note there is glaring error is the article - Popcorn is likely illegal, not legal.

I added the website, because, ironically,  there seems to be copycats
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