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What is the best deal money and timewise for sending a letterpak to the U.S.

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What is the best deal money and timewise for sending a letterpak to the U.S. Empty What is the best deal money and timewise for sending a letterpak to the U.S.

Post by Clueless Sat Aug 23, 2014 10:54 am

I need to send documents to Texas about once a month and I need to feel confident they will arrive within a given time.

I'm thinking FedEx, DHL or UPS.

Any experience on which is the one I should trust the most and the costs?

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What is the best deal money and timewise for sending a letterpak to the U.S. Empty Re: What is the best deal money and timewise for sending a letterpak to the U.S.

Post by dcampbell757 Sat Aug 23, 2014 11:40 am

Have sent many documents using Fedex...excellent service and easy to track.

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What is the best deal money and timewise for sending a letterpak to the U.S. Empty Re: What is the best deal money and timewise for sending a letterpak to the U.S.

Post by David Sat Aug 23, 2014 12:18 pm

Costly though.  If USPS is OK, then give them to Handymail or Sol y Luna.  Both courier to the US and put in US Mail.
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What is the best deal money and timewise for sending a letterpak to the U.S. Empty Re: What is the best deal money and timewise for sending a letterpak to the U.S.

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