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sending money to the states

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sending money to the states  Empty sending money to the states

Post by gravy Wed Jan 07, 2015 9:03 am

my friend Marshall ( wheelchair bound ) needs to send money to the states ......... any place in Ajijic that we can accomplish this or VERY CLOSE BY that won't charge a fortune ?.. the clown car I drive sort of limits this
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sending money to the states  Empty Re: sending money to the states

Post by CanuckBob Wed Jan 07, 2015 9:09 am

He can't do an InterAct E-transfer or PayPal transfer?
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sending money to the states  Empty Re: sending money to the states

Post by gravy Wed Jan 07, 2015 9:11 am

think he has cash and no bank or pay pal
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sending money to the states  Empty Re: sending money to the states

Post by desafinada Wed Jan 07, 2015 11:37 am

If he wants to send it via USPS, Handy Mail will send a stamped envelope. There is a small fee if you are not a member. I think it is 20 pesos. They may need to know how much you are sending so they don't exceed the limit.

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sending money to the states  Empty Re: sending money to the states

Post by RVGRINGO Wed Jan 07, 2015 12:40 pm

He could give pesos to another expat with a NoB account and ask the other expat to use Bill Pay from his bank to the recipient. No cost & fast.

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sending money to the states  Empty Re: sending money to the states

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