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Please give me a recommendation for an opthamoligist

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Please give  me a recommendation for an opthamoligist Empty Please give me a recommendation for an opthamoligist

Post by twelveoaks Thu Apr 30, 2015 4:25 pm

I need to have a cataract removed and a lens implanted. If you have any experience with an opthamologist and this procedure I would appreciate a recommendation and other info as far as price, if possible. You can PM me if you prefer.


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Please give  me a recommendation for an opthamoligist Empty Re: Please give me a recommendation for an opthamoligist

Post by RVGRINGO Thu Apr 30, 2015 6:53 pm

Iused Dr. Guillermo Avalos for cataracts, Torre Ghenza, Ruben Dario 1208/3+4, Providencia Guadalajara, some years ago. Call him at 01-333-641-0972 or 0981. He speaks English fluently, his assistant speaks some and the receptionist hardly at all.

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Please give  me a recommendation for an opthamoligist Empty Re: Please give me a recommendation for an opthamoligist

Post by zenwoodle Thu Apr 30, 2015 10:31 pm

I am about to have cataract surgery (in next few weeks) done by Dr Rios at Alta Retina.
He has come highly recommended by people on this board and neighbors who have used him since he set up a practice here.
I have been wearing glasses for over 60 years now, and have dealt with numerous ophthalmologists.
My experience with him so far has been excellent.
I will be happy to share my experience after the surgery is complete.
PM me if you are interested. Beer
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Please give  me a recommendation for an opthamoligist Empty Re: Please give me a recommendation for an opthamoligist

Post by Charliej Fri May 01, 2015 12:13 am

Dr Rios did cataract surgery on both eyes last October. I had worn glasses for the last 54 years. I don't need glasses any more. I was very pleased with the level of care that I recieved. The follow up visits were very helpful to me as I did not know what to expect after the surgery. I talked with Dr Rios about a floater that I have in my right eye. He told me that he could break it up with a laser, but the result might not be good. He recommended leaving it as is. He thought that the risk of a bad outcome over rode the possiblity of a good outcome. I respect his opinion, as an unscrupulus doctor might have done the surgery just for the money.
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Please give  me a recommendation for an opthamoligist Empty Re: Please give me a recommendation for an opthamoligist

Post by SunFan Fri May 01, 2015 11:51 am

I too have had excellent surgical results with Dr. Rioberto Rios.

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