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Please help rebuild Casa Corazon the old people's community center and home in Jocotepec

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Please help rebuild Casa Corazon the old people's community center and home in Jocotepec Empty Please help rebuild Casa Corazon the old people's community center and home in Jocotepec

Post by rosfreed Sun May 03, 2015 12:13 pm

Please help raise the money to rebuild Casa Corazon so it can continue to feed and house the poor, elderly and indigent people of Jocotepec. There has been soil shifting in Joco, and the walls and floor of CC sank and cracked. It has been declared temporarily unsafe, and must be repaired fast. There are homeless hungry and neglected old folk on the streets and living in sheds
Please go to the link below, and give easily to this building fund, and e mail it to your friends, post it on your FB page, and help us to spread the word to the world
"There but for the Grace of God, go I"
If you have a problem with the link, please take the trouble to email me at rosfreed @ and I will send it to you


Posts : 4
Join date : 2012-01-02

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Please help rebuild Casa Corazon the old people's community center and home in Jocotepec Empty Re: Please help rebuild Casa Corazon the old people's community center and home in Jocotepec

Post by Andreana Mon May 04, 2015 1:43 am

It is shocking that old people have to live like that and they can not do anything against it. If you are young, you have the power to change the situation.

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Please help rebuild Casa Corazon the old people's community center and home in Jocotepec Empty Re: Please help rebuild Casa Corazon the old people's community center and home in Jocotepec

Post by rosfreed Mon May 04, 2015 9:22 am

Thank you, Andreana...I wish someone could "change" it, but right now, all we can do is try the best we can to help the old people by rebuilding Casa Corazon and getting the food program going, and temporary housing against the coming rain.


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Join date : 2012-01-02

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Please help rebuild Casa Corazon the old people's community center and home in Jocotepec Empty Re: Please help rebuild Casa Corazon the old people's community center and home in Jocotepec

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