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Submitted w/o judgment, just my experience.

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Submitted w/o judgment, just my experience. Empty Submitted w/o judgment, just my experience.

Post by Clueless Sun Jun 07, 2015 11:18 am

First, I believe everyone should take responsibility for themselves, including me.

Three years ago, I went insurance shopping and Q&A (across from Walmart) gave me the best price. I tool it.

When renewal time came, I tried to find if there was any change in price and was promised a return call that week; two weeks later, no call and I called again. I was told I would be called back that day or the next at the latest. A week later, with no call, I went in and got the price and renewed.

I asked the Office Manager to please notify me when my policy was due for renewal and what would be the cost. She "promised" I would be notified. It was not her responsibility to do this, but she said she would and relied on that. I asked this help because I have a very bad memory and sometimes even when I write things down or arrange for me to get reminder from Google, it doesn't happen.

I found today that the policy through Q&A expired two months ago. I had never been called as promised. It was really my responsibility to keep track of my affairs (business). But it was a promise.

I am now giving this insurance back to Parker where I have other insurance. Parker always sends me a reminder when insurance is due and will even call me with followups and give me a current price. Parker costs more however, I need the "support" and above-and-beyond service parker gives. I am willing to pay more money for the "insurance" of good service.


Last edited by Clueless on Sun Jun 07, 2015 11:21 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Add note)
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Submitted w/o judgment, just my experience. Empty Re: Submitted w/o judgment, just my experience.

Post by hockables Sun Jun 07, 2015 11:27 am

Sometimes, it's worth paying a little more.

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Submitted w/o judgment, just my experience. Empty Re: Submitted w/o judgment, just my experience.

Post by RVGRINGO Sun Jun 07, 2015 11:44 am

Print online calendars for current and future years. Keep them beside your keyboard with a pen handy. Never fails, if you use them.

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Submitted w/o judgment, just my experience. Empty Re: Submitted w/o judgment, just my experience.

Post by Woody Sun Jun 07, 2015 3:31 pm

hockables wrote:Sometimes, it's worth paying a little more.

Agreed Hock !  I was in sales side of my industry for many years and some of my customers would buy from other vendors on occasion because they were cheaper on some items.  Many of them would come back later and buy from me again and when I asked why they would say "because you went out of your way to take care of me beyond the purchase. Those other guys could care less".. That was a good feeling !!  Very Happy
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