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airport check-in as new citizen

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airport check-in as new citizen Empty airport check-in as new citizen

Post by Perritonegro Mon Jul 06, 2015 9:24 am

Airline check-in with just carry on is easy as you can download a boarding pass. You have already given them passport and lodging information. All you need to do is fill in the FMM at immigration.

BUT, as a newly minted citizen you can't use your passport from el norte. So how do you get your boarding pass printed online and what procedure do you follow checking in.

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airport check-in as new citizen Empty Re: airport check-in as new citizen

Post by CanuckBob Mon Jul 06, 2015 9:39 am

I don't think foreigner's can do on-line check in departing Mexico as they want to collect the bottom half of your FMM (the one you fill out at immigration) at the check in counter. mean new "expat" not "citizen" correct? Because as a "citizen" you would have a Mexican passport.
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airport check-in as new citizen Empty Re: airport check-in as new citizen

Post by Perritonegro Mon Jul 06, 2015 11:39 am

No, I meant new mexican citizen. And yes, always check in on line and fly frequently. The collecting is done at the gate. So now I can only use my Mexican passport to leave the country. But don't know how that works.

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airport check-in as new citizen Empty Re: airport check-in as new citizen

Post by brigitte Mon Jul 06, 2015 11:46 am

Check in with your Mexican passport, if that does not work check in at the gate.

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airport check-in as new citizen Empty Re: airport check-in as new citizen

Post by CanuckBob Mon Jul 06, 2015 1:39 pm

Mexican citizens have to fill out FMM's when they leave the country too???
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airport check-in as new citizen Empty Re: airport check-in as new citizen

Post by Rosa Venus Mon Jul 06, 2015 1:58 pm

I've always read/heard that if you have both a Mexican passport and a US passport, you use the Mexican passport while in Mexico at the airport, and use the US passport while in the US airport, coming or going. I would guess it's the same if you have Dual Mexican/Canadian citizenship, or any other flavor for that matter.
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airport check-in as new citizen Empty Re: airport check-in as new citizen

Post by Perritonegro Mon Jul 06, 2015 2:22 pm

Yes exactly, BUT, when you book your flight on-line you input data from your passport. That includes the passport number. Then, when you download the boarding pass this flight information is part of your landing document. if you input your Mexican passport information it will not jive with your US passport resulting in detainment. If you use your Mexican for arrival in the US then you need a Visa. That's why I'm hoping to hear from someone who is an American or Canadian who is a citizen of Mexico and who can set my discombobulated mind straight.

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airport check-in as new citizen Empty Re: airport check-in as new citizen

Post by brigitte Mon Jul 06, 2015 2:37 pm

The landing document does not matter the immigration looks at your passport not your boarding pass.

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airport check-in as new citizen Empty Re: airport check-in as new citizen

Post by hueco_negro Mon Jul 06, 2015 2:54 pm

You would fill out the US customs declaration on the plane and put your US passport number there and that is all you show upon arrival.
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airport check-in as new citizen Empty Re: airport check-in as new citizen

Post by JRPJR Tue Jul 07, 2015 12:30 pm

hueco_negro wrote:You would fill out the US customs declaration on the plane and put your US passport number there and that is all you show upon arrival.

You no longer need to fill out a US Customs declaration, at least it traveling by air, if you are a US citizen.


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airport check-in as new citizen Empty Re: airport check-in as new citizen

Post by Perritonegro Tue Jul 07, 2015 12:50 pm

Perfect, thanks to you all I have the answer. Much easier than I thought.

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airport check-in as new citizen Empty Re: airport check-in as new citizen

Post by shana Tue Jul 07, 2015 4:13 pm

As a Mexican citizen for a good number of years and fly to or through the US quite a bit, I show my Mexican passport at the check at the in counter. They then ask if I have a visa for the US. At that point I show my American passport. They hand it back and we move on.
The immigration folks in the US get a list of who is coming through. Only once was I asked if I had another passport as I was not on their list of Americans. I said yes. He asked me where it was from. When I told him Mexico he asked me how I liked it there and a few other social type questions and I was passed through.

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