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Music, food, fun and dancing

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Music, food, fun and dancing Empty Music, food, fun and dancing

Post by ajijicbob Tue Jul 14, 2015 7:36 pm

An Afternoon Delight! Fundraiser for Victor Garcia Rodriguez!
Join us for live music, food, fun and, of course...dancing!
Thursday, July 23 at 1pm, there will be a benefit luncheon for Victor Garcia Rodriguez, extremely talented musician/violinist, who's violin was stolen recently. This is a fundraiser to help Victor replace the violin he needs so desperately to continue to perform with his father, Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia at Lakeside. Victor will perform at the luncheon with featured band, "Men in Black" and special guest, Daniel Cordero.
The fundraiser will be held at:
La Bodegas Restaurant and Bar in ajijic
16 de Septiembre #124
20 % of all food and drink orders will be donated for Victors violin. Thanks to Javier, owner of La Bodegas!

Join in the fun and support a great musician. See you there.

Posts : 10
Join date : 2012-05-15

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