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Visa card process-the home stretch!

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Visa card process-the home stretch! Empty Visa card process-the home stretch!

Post by pamarie Thu Aug 20, 2015 1:01 pm

Well I'm finally at the home stretch through the lengthy process of getting my Permanente Residente Visa card for any interested folks!! What a long process it has been, but so happy to see light at the end of the tunnel now. In ten more days I will be going in to pick up my card after 4 visits to the Chapala INM office taking 7 weeks total so far. They were ready two weeks ago for me to go in and get fingerprinted, bring in the photos and sign some more forms, but I couldn't get in there at that time. My welcome to Mexico has been far from what I expected...landed myself in a mess upon the journey here, no fault but my own...due to the horrendous journey of sitting for 10-12 hours for 7 days resulted in a pulmonary thromboembolism that put me in the hospital for 4 days and that was quite an adventure in itself! I am proud of myself though for getting through it pretty much on my own and having one of the best cardiologist in the country to heal me! Dr. Najar is amazing!!!! So things are looking up, getting much better from here on out for me and I am feeling quite lucky to be alive right now. I learned some great lessons along the way and have met some wonderful people. It has become very clear to me that I must buy a car, because it's just not working for me to be without one, especially with my recent health scare. I love Ajijic and Lakeside, so glad I moved here and I can hardly wait to get out and meet folks in the area and really discover all there is here! Every time I see those magical mountains I am in complete awe with a feeling of being hugged by the universe! I love the feel of the neighborhood, the kindness of everyone I's so welcoming here, so soothing!

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Visa card process-the home stretch! Empty Re: Visa card process-the home stretch!

Post by quiltbugj Thu Aug 20, 2015 7:26 pm

So glad your health is returning.
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Visa card process-the home stretch! Empty Re: Visa card process-the home stretch!

Post by CanuckBob Thu Aug 20, 2015 9:02 pm

Maybe you can make it to our next swarm and meet some of our members.
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Visa card process-the home stretch! Empty Re: Visa card process-the home stretch!

Post by zenwoodle Thu Aug 20, 2015 10:36 pm

CanuckBob wrote:Maybe you can make it to our next swarm and meet some of our members.

And that would be this coming Tuesday at 1:00 at Perry's.
Hope to see you there. Beer Beer
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Visa card process-the home stretch! Empty Re: Visa card process-the home stretch!

Post by juanrey Fri Aug 21, 2015 9:17 am

Glad to hear your health is returning and that fairly soon you will be able to begin to enjoy yourself. You've had quite a rough start, but once you turn the corner and can begin enjoying yourself you see what happiness really is. And it's a daily event.
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Visa card process-the home stretch! Empty Re: Visa card process-the home stretch!

Post by pamarie Sat Aug 22, 2015 2:01 pm

Thanks Zenwoodle, CanuckBob and Juanrey, you three have been so helpful and kind to me on this forum and in extending yourselves with much helpful advice. I can't wait to meet you and your wives someday! I will attenpt to come to the swarm if my leg is not hurting on Tuesday. Its just down the street from Lolita's Inn in fact about a block or so away. I'm dying to get out and about but doctors orders are to not walk a lot until the pain is completely gone in my leg. So not sure if I can make it or not....

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