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Death on the carretera

papa chango
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Death on the carretera Empty Death on the carretera

Post by papa chango Sat Sep 05, 2015 9:36 am

Death on the carretera

There is a dead dog on the north side of the  carretera near the Telmex office in Ajijic.  I first noticed it about a week ago.  It is a small dog with short, tan hair and it used to have a green collar. I couple of days ago, I noticed that the collar was gone but the dog was still there.

I have seen many dead animals by the roads in Mexico but I was surprised that dead animals are left by the road in towns.
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Death on the carretera Empty Re: Death on the carretera

Post by Ezzie Sat Sep 05, 2015 9:40 am

I don't think the locals like to touch dead animals, They are usually left where they fall. Something superstitious or for health concerns?? I removed a dead gato from the driveway this morning, the workers with me just walked on past it.

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Death on the carretera Empty Re: Death on the carretera

Post by CanuckBob Sat Sep 05, 2015 9:47 am

As far as I know Mexico doesn't employ city workers to go around and pick up dead animals like NOB. I have seen dead horses, cattle, dogs, cats etc. for weeks/months on the side of the roads. They larger ones usually get covered in lime and left to the elements. The smaller ones are left to the predators unless a citizen cleans it up.
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Death on the carretera Empty Re: Death on the carretera

Post by Intercasa Sat Sep 05, 2015 9:58 am

They stole the collar, funny. In Mexico City a guy was hot by a car and my friend drove by a few times and each time she drove by the y stole more and more of his clothes until the police finally showed up to pick up a naked body. People have no shame or values.
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Death on the carretera Empty Re: Death on the carretera

Post by simpsca Sat Sep 05, 2015 11:48 am

I thought the bomberos took care of dead animals. I had a horse with a broken leg on my street once and my Mexican neighbor said she would call the bomberos. Next time I went out it was gone and it couldn't walk.
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Death on the carretera Empty Re: Death on the carretera

Post by solajijic Sat Sep 05, 2015 1:10 pm

A live horse can be butchered for meat.

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Death on the carretera Empty Re: Death on the carretera

Post by slainte39 Sat Sep 05, 2015 2:04 pm

solajijic wrote:A live horse can be butchered for meat.  

Maybe for home butchering and use, but it's hard to find in the carnicerias.

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Death on the carretera Empty Re: Death on the carretera

Post by TrueBrit Tue Sep 08, 2015 5:46 pm

I saw a big black dog get hit on the carretera by El Pechugon. It wasn't dead but was heading that way. There was a little crowd formed to watch it. And the cars had to cross into the opposite lane to avoid it. By the time I got to it and pulled it out of the road, it was dead. A man approached me and said he would take care of it for 20pesos. He said he was going to put it in a plastic bag. I gave him 20 pesos and he went to OXXO to buy some beer. It finally got dragged to the corner of the street and left on the corner. Someone finally covered it up with some old cloth. I asked about what we should do, and amidst the shrugged shoulders, someone said they were going to call the Delegacion. Anyway it was gone later, so no idea what happened to it.

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