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A bad experience with a gas delivery service

Lady Otter Latté
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A bad experience with a gas delivery service Empty A bad experience with a gas delivery service

Post by Clueless Thu Jan 07, 2016 9:58 am

Once previously when I posted an experience, I was chided for not naming the company. OK, so I will here.

Gerente de Zona came to my neighbors and provided gas. When they left, their tall truck took down some lines (power, phone) for my house and my other neighbor. Driver admitted his error and said he would return to fix it. He returned, but didn't have the equipment needed and promised he would return the next day. Two days passed and no word, so I paid ($500) for my repair work and my neighbor did his own.

I went to the company and nicely told the manager what happened, and he said he knew about it. We talked and he offered (I did not ask) a gas credit to me of 65 liters. I accepted with thanks. He gave me a "receipt" to get the gas.

When I called for the gas a couple of weeks later, I was told that the manager that gave me the credit was no longer with the company and the new manager would not honor the credit.

I am going to do no more than make this post and have my fracc office manager sent the story to the frac mailing list.

If there was a lesson to be learned by me from this incident, I don't know what it was.

Snarky replies accepted by PM or in the Octogon please.

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A bad experience with a gas delivery service Empty Re: A bad experience with a gas delivery service

Post by Trailrunner Thu Jan 07, 2016 10:24 am

Here's a clue: Never use a gas company nobody's ever heard of.
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A bad experience with a gas delivery service Empty Re: A bad experience with a gas delivery service

Post by Lady Otter Latté Thu Jan 07, 2016 12:07 pm

If you get shafted by a company no one has ever heard of be grateful that the experience cost you no more than 500 pesos and move on with enjoying your life.
Lady Otter Latté
Lady Otter Latté
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A bad experience with a gas delivery service Empty Re: A bad experience with a gas delivery service

Post by Jerlyn Thu Jan 07, 2016 3:31 pm

lol Clueless, I really do not understand why you post on this board, you know people are just going to crap on what ever it is you say - you could walk on flippin water and some one is going to bitch that you can not swim.

For those nattering at him about using an unknown gas company, he did not, his neighbor did. I assume there is some perverse pleasure on some ones part in this ongoing creepy game of complaining and snarking.

It's beautiful out and I finally found the apostrophe on the Spanish keyboard, so life is good, get out and enjoy it :)

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A bad experience with a gas delivery service Empty Re: A bad experience with a gas delivery service

Post by slainte39 Thu Jan 07, 2016 10:14 pm

I know several people that use Gas Butep that live in the Raquet Club. I don't think they are that "unknown".

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A bad experience with a gas delivery service Empty Re: A bad experience with a gas delivery service

Post by Ms.Thang Thu Jan 07, 2016 10:34 pm

I've heard that "new manager" story often enough, I think it's a "thing" to avoid whatever they are trying to avoid. It's a large enough company, try calling their main office and ask to speak to his boss.

Um...the name of the company is "Gas Butep" Gerente de Zona is the Juan Pablo guy...the zone manager.

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A bad experience with a gas delivery service Empty Re: A bad experience with a gas delivery service

Post by slainte39 Thu Jan 07, 2016 10:42 pm

Ms.Thang wrote:

Um...the name of the company is "Gas Butep"  Gerente de Zona is the Juan Pablo guy...the zone manager.

Exactly.....thinking that is the name of the gas company you are looking for is.....well....clueless. lol!

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A bad experience with a gas delivery service Empty Re: A bad experience with a gas delivery service

Post by Clueless Fri Jan 08, 2016 8:58 am

Jerlyn wrote:lol  Clueless, I really do not understand why you post on this board, you know people are just going to crap on what ever it is you say - you could walk on flippin water and some one is going to bitch that you can not swim.  

It use to bother me how some, one in particular, board members are always nasty; but I considered the source and decided. I have had enough PMs to understand why some people are the way they are, here, and in the real world.

I will post something if I feel it may be of interest and/or help anyone or to contribute my $0.02 pesos worth in a "conversation." Always respectfully of course.

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A bad experience with a gas delivery service Empty Re: A bad experience with a gas delivery service

Post by CanuckBob Fri Jan 08, 2016 10:03 am

Don't feel bad Clueless. It seems the masses around here always need someone to pick on. It's just a matter of time before a new target arrives. Before you it was Susan/bronco/bennie, Johninajijic, Chapala Payaso, Zoey, Twelveoaks, etc., etc.........
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A bad experience with a gas delivery service Empty Re: A bad experience with a gas delivery service

Post by Lady Otter Latté Fri Jan 08, 2016 10:17 am

I wish to make clear that in this thread my post was actually sincere. Clueless was at a loss as to what lesson he might find in this incident and I offered one. I am always grateful when lessons do not cost too much, and 500 pesos seems pretty reasonable. Failure to learn a lesson usually results in the price going up the next time and the next time and ....
Lady Otter Latté
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A bad experience with a gas delivery service Empty Re: A bad experience with a gas delivery service

Post by slainte39 Fri Jan 08, 2016 11:39 am

I love clueless.....may he live forever on this board and I wish him the very best.
But he is defined by his God given? name.....clueless.

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