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Drinking glasses -the ones with the bumpy colored dots

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Drinking glasses -the ones with the bumpy colored dots Empty Drinking glasses -the ones with the bumpy colored dots

Post by Ms.Thang Sun Apr 10, 2016 10:14 am

Where can I buy some of those glasses, the colorful bumpy ones? I see them all the time when I'm not looking for them. There was a little shop in Chapala that had them but the Easter crowd cleaned them out. I haven't looked in that little shop near the malecon that sells the plates and stuff, do they sell them?
Where are they sold in Ajiji? I don't want to go to Guadalajara.

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Drinking glasses -the ones with the bumpy colored dots Empty Re: Drinking glasses -the ones with the bumpy colored dots

Post by gringal Sun Apr 10, 2016 10:24 am

Sent you a PM

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Drinking glasses -the ones with the bumpy colored dots Empty Re: Drinking glasses -the ones with the bumpy colored dots

Post by rzrbk Mon Apr 11, 2016 7:14 am

The guy that sells glasses at the tianguis on Wednesday usually has them. If not, ask him and I'm sure he'll bring them for you the following week.

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Drinking glasses -the ones with the bumpy colored dots Empty Re: Drinking glasses -the ones with the bumpy colored dots

Post by Ms.Thang Tue Apr 12, 2016 5:17 pm

rzrbk wrote:The guy that sells glasses at the tianguis on Wednesday usually has them. If not, ask him and I'm sure he'll bring them for you the following week.

Oh, I didn't think abou that! Thank you!

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