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Any recommendations on a good cement wall resurfacer?

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Any recommendations on a good cement wall resurfacer?   Empty Any recommendations on a good cement wall resurfacer?

Post by Guest 26th May 2016, 10:10 am

We are done tearing out the built in cabinets in our kitchen and now are in need of a person that can resurface the walls with cement to ready for tile. Does anyone know of a person looking for work?


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Any recommendations on a good cement wall resurfacer?   Empty Maybe I can help.

Post by Lehrer 18th June 2016, 2:52 pm

Me&BearDog wrote:We are done tearing out the built in cabinets in our kitchen and now are in need of a person that can resurface the walls with cement to ready for tile. Does anyone know of a person looking for work?

Years ago, when I lived in Riberas del Pilar, I contracted with Raul the son of my maid (Norma Ceja) to take care of a cilitra problem on the back wall of the rent house where I lived. I haven't followed up with the owner, but I believe he did a quality job.

All I have at the moment is his mother's email address (she speaks no English) and a cellphone number for an uncle (who does speak English). You can give it a try: 333 459 5533 (Raul Garcia).

Good luck!
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Age : 81
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