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Maybe a major upswing in the home sales market early 2017?

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Maybe a major upswing in the home sales market early 2017? Empty Maybe a major upswing in the home sales market early 2017?

Post by Clueless Sun Oct 02, 2016 5:40 pm

Right after the Republican convention, I read an article that said there had been a jump in requests for immigration information into Canada by Americans.

More currently, there are stories of many people saying if Trump gets elected, they will leave the country.

Of course, this isn't something that is usually done "quickly," but rather thought out, and as time passes, the realities of what a move would entail hits home.

I would think Mexico would be the preferred/better choice for someone that felt they "needed" to leave the U.S. Cost of living here is better than Canada, and that's always a factor. Still, with Canada, there is little language issues and I believe free health care for residents (not sure on that one). COL is probably much higher.

Anyway, it could happen that with somewhat of a glut of affordable homes available here, that the change of the year could bring a major change here; not overnight, but noticable early 2017.

IMO as always.

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Maybe a major upswing in the home sales market early 2017? Empty Re: Maybe a major upswing in the home sales market early 2017?

Post by CanuckBob Sun Oct 02, 2016 7:22 pm

Canada does not take American refugees, expats or retirees unless they are extremely wealthy and bring millions with them. We all know it is easy to get into Mexico so I'm thinking they will head south.

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Maybe a major upswing in the home sales market early 2017? Empty Re: Maybe a major upswing in the home sales market early 2017?

Post by Defarge Mon Oct 03, 2016 12:51 pm

Our house was listed for sale last year. No serious interest. This year, I have a few people looking at it, one couple was interested and wanted to look at in April, they changed their plans and flew down on Saturday. I have had a few online inquiries as well. So maybe the November elections are prompting people to at least look. Additionally, the housing market in most states has improved, so selling with equity in a NOB home is more of an option than is was for many years. Time will tell.
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Maybe a major upswing in the home sales market early 2017? Empty Re: Maybe a major upswing in the home sales market early 2017?

Post by CanuckBob Mon Oct 03, 2016 12:53 pm

Now we just need the US dollar to drop significantly bringing the MXN and CDN back into play and the market could have a real run.

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Maybe a major upswing in the home sales market early 2017? Empty Re: Maybe a major upswing in the home sales market early 2017?

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