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Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic

Carry Bean
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Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic Empty Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic

Post by slainte39 Thu Nov 03, 2016 4:21 pm

To end the idle and confusing speculation on TOB, that corner will be a new building/facility for a new First Cash operation.
You will be able to pawn and borrow in style. lol!

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Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic Empty Re: Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic

Post by CanuckBob Thu Nov 03, 2016 5:17 pm

Perfect. Now I know where I can get some extra beer money.... should go tell them it is a new "Loud Instrument and Cohete Factory" going there......jaja.

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Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic Empty Re: Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic

Post by Rosa Venus Thu Nov 03, 2016 5:55 pm

slainte39 wrote: that corner will be a new building/facility for a new First Cash operation.

That's also what I was told by a reputable source. It's going to be a money-laundering facility pawn shop.

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Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic Empty Re: Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic

Post by hockables Thu Nov 03, 2016 6:08 pm

Rosa Venus wrote:
slainte39 wrote: that corner will be a new building/facility for a new First Cash operation.

That's also what I was told by a reputable source. It's going to be a money-laundering facility pawn shop.


good church goin folk..... Beer
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Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic Empty Re: Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic

Post by Trailrunner Thu Nov 03, 2016 6:19 pm

Rosa Venus wrote:
slainte39 wrote: that corner will be a new building/facility for a new First Cash operation.

That's also what I was told by a reputable source. It's going to be a money-laundering facility pawn shop.


Probably true!
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Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic Empty Re: Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic

Post by Lady Otter Latté Thu Nov 03, 2016 7:01 pm

Large pawn shop on the main street through a Puebla Magico? Make up your mind what you want your "little village" to become and plan accordingly.
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Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic Empty Re: Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic

Post by Carry Bean Thu Nov 03, 2016 7:27 pm

Will they play loud music?

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Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic Empty Re: Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic

Post by Trailrunner Thu Nov 03, 2016 7:38 pm

Yes! Please notify ezpz!
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Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic Empty Re: Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic

Post by Carry Bean Thu Nov 03, 2016 7:39 pm


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Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic Empty Re: Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic

Post by Vandre Thu Nov 03, 2016 8:23 pm

With a pawn shop so convenient, anybody else think there's a possibility of an increase in burglaries? Bear with me here, ....... what if the proprietor of this shop also has another one in Guadalajara. So, the stuff stolen in Guadalajara is sold in Ajijic and stuff stolen here, the reverse. Obviously we saw last night that their working hours are flexible, noise regs. ignored, neighborhood not in-the-loop, police not "on scene". I think that the risk to our community is so great, that we expats need to begin immediately contacting any and all agencies to express our fears and demand attention. It does not matter that all the people "in the know" knew that the property was going to be demolished and what it was going to reappear as yet, we never heard squat about it. We need to unite and take back our town.
Ok, who's with me ........Actually, I mean I'll support your efforts in any way that I can. Call me.

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Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic Empty Re: Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic

Post by Carry Bean Thu Nov 03, 2016 8:52 pm

Not really. Lots already disappear in Guadalajara and there are several little gold & jewelry buying spots that you'd never know were there already here. I had to visit a lot of them buying my jewelry back when a maid stole my jewelry.

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Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic Empty Re: Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic

Post by Zedinmexico Thu Nov 03, 2016 9:07 pm

On the other board is a picture of the now empty lot if you want to see. They are also talking about the Green Mansion being torn down on Juarez and carraterra. Lets think logically about this and not jump to conclusions as I bet the Vial made them run all the trucks at night to avoid gridlock in downtown Ajijic Vandre.


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Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic Empty Re: Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic

Post by MexicoPete Thu Nov 03, 2016 9:25 pm

I stopped by the construction site today and West across the street on the Carretera, I went into the takeout food store where there were two customers and three employees. I asked them what was happening and both the workers and the two local shoppers stated that they heard that this was going to be a car wash facility. I politely asked if they really believed that this was true. They all said yes and that they believed that this was going to be a car wash facility.

It sure doesn't sound like that would be a good site for a car wash facility, but what do I know. Frankly I would be happy if were a Burger King. I guess only time will tell whether what they told me is correct.
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Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic Empty Re: Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic

Post by CanuckBob Thu Nov 03, 2016 9:50 pm

Vandre wrote:Preview
With a pawn shop so convenient, anybody else think there's a possibility of an increase in burglaries?  Bear with me here, ....... what if the proprietor of this shop also has another one in Guadalajara.  So, the stuff stolen in Guadalajara is sold in Ajijic and stuff stolen here, the reverse.  Obviously we saw last night that their working hours are flexible, noise regs. ignored, neighborhood not in-the-loop, police not "on scene".  I think that the risk to our community is so great, that we expats need to begin immediately contacting any and all agencies to express our fears and demand attention.  It does not matter that all the people "in the know" knew that the property was going to be demolished and what it was going to reappear as yet, we never heard squat about it. We need to unite and take back our town.
Ok, who's with me ........Actually,  I mean I'll support your efforts in any way that I can.  Call me.

There is already a pawn shop in Chapala just south of Soriana's so they can trade the stuff with them.

Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic 374777

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Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic Empty Re: Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic

Post by slainte39 Thu Nov 03, 2016 10:30 pm

CanuckBob wrote:
Vandre wrote:Preview
With a pawn shop so convenient, anybody else think there's a possibility of an increase in burglaries?  Bear with me here, ....... what if the proprietor of this shop also has another one in Guadalajara.  So, the stuff stolen in Guadalajara is sold in Ajijic and stuff stolen here, the reverse.  Obviously we saw last night that their working hours are flexible, noise regs. ignored, neighborhood not in-the-loop, police not "on scene".  I think that the risk to our community is so great, that we expats need to begin immediately contacting any and all agencies to express our fears and demand attention.  It does not matter that all the people "in the know" knew that the property was going to be demolished and what it was going to reappear as yet, we never heard squat about it. We need to unite and take back our town.
Ok, who's with me ........Actually,  I mean I'll support your efforts in any way that I can.  Call me.

There is already a pawn shop in Chapala just south of Soriana's so they can trade the stuff with them.

Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic 374777

First Cash is a large chain with many, many locations in the US and in Chapala, one about half way to GDL before the airport.
The demolition was done at night for the convenience of the trucks to load escombro, haul it off, and less pedestrian traffic around the site.
Safety and less interference with the normal daytime activity was the mitigating factor.  I don't think it is normal procedure for any purchaser of a property to have to advertise what their intent is to the public, except for normal advertising when conducting their business.
It certainly wasn't that hard to find out if you are really curious....just go to Catastro, Registro Publico, or Obras Publicas.  It certainly wasn't a secret in the business community.  No one is going to deliver a flyer on your doorstep.

Look at it this way.....when Donald Trump stops money transfers to Mexico you will have a short term alternative to have cash. I think some of the banks are already testing the water for that outcome with their having inconsistent availability of dispersing funds through the cajeros automaticos.    lol!

Of course, he will let you return any funds you have here to the US.....he says so, and I believe him.

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Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic Empty Re: Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic

Post by hockables Thu Nov 03, 2016 11:58 pm

Vandre wrote:Preview
With a pawn shop so convenient, anybody else think there's a possibility of an increase in burglaries?  Bear with me here, ....... what if the proprietor of this shop also has another one in Guadalajara.  So, the stuff stolen in Guadalajara is sold in Ajijic and stuff stolen here, the reverse.  Obviously we saw last night that their working hours are flexible, noise regs. ignored, neighborhood not in-the-loop, police not "on scene".  I think that the risk to our community is so great, that we expats need to begin immediately contacting any and all agencies to express our fears and demand attention.  It does not matter that all the people "in the know" knew that the property was going to be demolished and what it was going to reappear as yet, we never heard squat about it. We need to unite and take back our town.
Ok, who's with me ........Actually,  I mean I'll support your efforts in any way that I can.  Call me.

Gawdd ... nobody told you??
They gonna open up a store where poo folk can get money... cause the Banks sure as hell won't help.
Better put a stop to this before all those thieving bastards clean us out!!

Is that about right?

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Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic Empty Re: Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic

Post by Vandre Fri Nov 04, 2016 12:34 am

Hock, I hope for your sake you were just kidding, cuz I sure was. But looking back thru the thread, maybe it's only CBob who got it. Guess I should give up my hopes for a career in comedy.

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Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic Empty Re: Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic

Post by slainte39 Fri Nov 04, 2016 1:45 am

Vandre wrote:Hock, I hope for your sake you were just kidding, cuz I sure was.  But looking back thru the thread, maybe it's only CBob who got it.  Guess I should give up my hopes for a career in comedy.

Well maybe not comedy, but you should take up a career in dramatic acting, cause you sure fooled me.
Got to hand it to you....your good. lol! (even fooled my sniff test for leg pulling blarney Shocked )

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Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic Empty Re: Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic

Post by Rosa Venus Fri Nov 04, 2016 1:56 am

slainte39 wrote:
The demolition was done at night for the convenience of the trucks to load escombro, haul it off, and less pedestrian traffic around the site. YES.

Safety and less interference with the normal daytime activity was the mitigating factor.  YES.

It certainly wasn't that hard to find out.. It certainly wasn't a secret in the business community.  AND, YES.

As soon as I asked someone "who would know" I was told exactly the same thing slainte39 posted, that it would be a Pawn Shop of some sort, though I didn't hear the brand name. Still I decided it would be more fun to watch the clueless folks on the other forum flail around and speculate. Cheap entertainment.

P.S. I caught your sarcasm, vandre.
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Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic Empty Re: Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic

Post by slainte39 Fri Nov 04, 2016 2:00 am

MexicoPete wrote:I stopped by the construction site today and West across the street on the Carretera, I went into the takeout food store where there were two customers and three employees. I asked them what was happening and both the workers and the two local shoppers stated that they heard that this was going to be a car wash facility. I politely asked if they really believed that  this was true. They all said yes and that they  believed that this was going to be a car wash facility.

It sure doesn't sound like that would be a good site for a car wash facility, but what do I know. Frankly I would be happy if were a Burger King. I guess only time will tell whether what they told me is correct.

With all your gadgets, you can survive longer than most of us here with this new business help, if the cash from NOB dries up.
If that happens, you can buy me a double whopper at BK......please!    Very Happy

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Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic Empty Re: Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic

Post by CanuckBob Fri Nov 04, 2016 9:23 am

Vandre wrote:Hock, I hope for your sake you were just kidding, cuz I sure was.  But looking back thru the thread, maybe it's only CBob who got it.  Guess I should give up my hopes for a career in comedy.

Honestly, I did have to read it twice before I realized it was carefully crafted sarcasm..... Beer

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Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic Empty Re: Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic

Post by Lady Otter Latté Fri Nov 04, 2016 9:53 am

Vande, you had me until the last two sentences. I think the problem is that it sounded too much like actual posts we read all the time. It is difficult to spoof people who are already spoofs of themselves.
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Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic Empty Re: Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic

Post by solajijic Fri Nov 04, 2016 11:14 am

Sarcasm or not it rings a tad true. Anyhow that type of store is a pathetic use of prime space for a village that professes to desperately want Magico status. It screams a lack of prosperity for the area. I bet it is set back off the federal boundry in aniticpation of 4 lanes. I was reminded of how the Oxxo went up, quick and silent with the wall around it.

I am not so happy with changes in this direction.

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Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic Empty Re: Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic

Post by gringal Fri Nov 04, 2016 11:19 am

Pardon the pessismism, but I think the chances of the town of Ajijic getting "Pueblo Magico" status are somewhere between zero and none, regardless of what happens to the property in question. We are what we are, and we ain't no San Miguel or Bernal, etc. Just too grungy in general, from the entrance on to the lake. That doesn't mean it isn't a nice place to live.

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Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic Empty Re: Northeast corner of the carretera and Marcos Castellanos, Ajijic

Post by solajijic Fri Nov 04, 2016 11:29 am

The committee was sworn in just last week or so and it is comprised of local movers. However I too do not think the substance is here for the designation and the fact that the Magico fund is empty means no new designations for years and then pent-up demand for funds to previous magicos that won't get funds they were promised. Typical boondoggle.

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