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Facebook Empty Re: Facebook

Post by solajijic Fri Nov 04, 2016 1:05 pm

Carrie Bean - Mexican community members, maybe 16 or so, 4 women, Chuni Medeles facebook page.

I know so many turn their nose up at FAcebook. But the major communication from the civic sector, clubs, activites etc.. comes thru social media outlets now and by not using the medium you are not getting the information you might enjoy knowing about the area.

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Facebook Empty Re: Facebook

Post by CanuckBob Fri Nov 04, 2016 1:08 pm media, such as Facebook, will be the eventual demise of these web boards. I'd say we maybe have another 5 years max.

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Facebook Empty Re: Facebook

Post by Carry Bean Fri Nov 04, 2016 5:28 pm

I don't turn my nose up at Facebook and am on it. So far, nobody has cleaned out my bank account or stolen my identity yet.

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Facebook Empty Re: Facebook

Post by CanuckBob Fri Nov 04, 2016 5:34 pm

Facebook is a perfect venue for staying in touch with friends and family. I rarely ever send an "e-mail" to anyone any longer. You can set your privacy to very strict levels.

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Facebook Empty Re: Facebook

Post by gringal Fri Nov 04, 2016 6:29 pm

Trailrunner wrote:I agree, with both of you.

hahaha Carry, so true! What is UP with that anyway?

Okay: here's why I don't do Facebook. Not "turning my nose up" about it.

What I don't like is that a record is kept somewhere of everything you ever posted, from the cradle to the grave. Not that I have anything inportant to hide, but when I read about people being held accountable for what they posted, and even losing jobs over it, I just find it too Orwellian for my taste, that's all, and I don't feel like swelling the ranks. If others enjoy the process.........fine.

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Facebook Empty Re: Facebook

Post by Carry Bean Fri Nov 04, 2016 7:28 pm

I don't work & I'm old.  If I ever have to have a boss again, I'll be in worse shape than some post I made on Facebook in 2009.  They can record my lame jokes for posterity. And nobody HAS to be on it but it's sure easier to keep track of where I used to live and old friends I reconnected with after 30 years.

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Facebook Empty Re: Facebook

Post by Vandre Fri Nov 04, 2016 7:47 pm

Probably should start another thread so we don't confuse this Marcos Castellanos thread but, as long as I'm here ......
The trouble with Facebook et al. is, first of all, they'll know your name so you can't hide behind an anonymous "handle" (that's no fun). Next it could quickly get unweildy with posts from friends displaying right before one offering a rustico dining set or gently used mattress. And after that, a post discussing advancements in the treatment of lactose intolerance. I realize you can segment your "friends/groups" but won't that be incredibly tedious to have to select, for example. the "Lakeside Life" group, and then have to wade thru a plethora of mindless posts without being able to zero in on Restaurant hours,. Sure, you might be able to search (within that group) but still ....... So, I search, for example, "airport". Up pops posts from now to back years ago. Results will include parking fees, modes of transportation, road blocks etc. but scant info on what is happening on November 4th, 2016. The beauty of these webboards is their immediacy, they can present the information I need right now, or allow me to introduce the question, eg."anybody know what the sirens at 2a.m. were? or, "is your phone/internet down in chapala, or is it just me here in Ajijic" It's probably obvious that I'm not a skilled social media user, so if someone can enlighten me as to how you can keep up with your 682 "good friends", as well as the 45 groups you're following (and still be gainfully employed or just out there enjoying your well earned retirement), I'd welcome the input.

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Facebook Empty Re: Facebook

Post by Lady Otter Latté Fri Nov 04, 2016 8:14 pm

Your Facebook experience is what you make it. I belong to three local groups and have 130 Friends. Only about half (or less) are active users and only a handful of those are on daily.
As I scan my News Feed I "hide" posts that I don't care about and any Facebook bullshit links and ads. It takes a split second to do it and keeps my feed uncluttered. My Friends generally are smart and funny and I enjoy having them around.
Periodically, I go through my Friends list and unfollow or unfriend people who I don't really care to hear about or from anymore. I used to have a rule that I did not accept Friend requests from people I had not met in real life. But, I interacted with some really interesting people on mutual Friends' posts and saw no reason to decline their Friend requests. A couple of times they turned out to be pains in the ass so I unFriended them.
Oh, and I deferentiate between friends (people with whom I have a real relationship) and Friends (people who I have never met and interact with only on Facebook).

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Facebook Empty Facebook

Post by CanuckBob Sat Nov 05, 2016 8:37 am

One can also have an anonymous Facebook account. They don't care what name you use to sign up as long as you have a valid e-mail address. However Facebook is about connecting with friends and family, not trolling, so having an anonymous handle kind of defeats the purpose. Besides, even using ones real name doesn't stop some people. I have seen lots of very nasty comments in some of these Facebook discussion groups.

Facebook is forever developing so I'm sure they will accommodate these discussion groups with "forum like" setups in the near future.

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Facebook Empty Re: Facebook

Post by gringal Sat Nov 05, 2016 9:04 am

I read this (or another similar article I can't find now) on Yahoo news yesterday and am wondering if there's any connection between that and  the explosion of social media, since some of the meanest stuff in the known universe seems to thrive there.  Mature minds can usually handle "mean girls" and "mean guys", but how well does a tween or teen process cyber-bullying?

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Facebook Empty Re: Facebook

Post by Trailrunner Sat Nov 05, 2016 9:21 am

Like the others above, I like FB too. I am friends with some of the people I went to grade school with in Hawaii, most of my old medical coworkers, and many local friends. They are all kind and interesting people, do interesting things, and are fun to be in daily contact with - as wanted.

A couple of days ago a friend posted regarding a US wildland firefighter friend of his who injured himself loading a patient into a helicopter and his battle trying to get medical coverage for the injury. Every one turned him down, Workman's Comp, Fire, even the lawyers he hired said to give it up the system is broken. In desperation, frustration, and pain, he took his own life.

I posted that if any of my friends found someone like that in that kind of hell, please send him here! I will help them get good medical care and at a fraction of the cost. Within a few minutes another friend posted they would be willing to help with the patient's expenses getting here, then a Mexican woman friend posted she didn't have money but would be happy to put a patient like that up temporarily, and everyone posted positively about helping such a person.

This is the kind of Facebook I love.
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Facebook Empty Re: Facebook

Post by gringal Sat Nov 05, 2016 9:47 am

That is an inspiring story, Trailrunner. You are connected to good people. Would that all experiences were like that.

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Facebook Empty Re: Facebook

Post by Carry Bean Sat Nov 05, 2016 9:52 am

They can be. You can block ugly, mean people.

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Facebook Empty Re: Facebook

Post by Trailrunner Sat Nov 05, 2016 10:10 am

YES! And that is what we're trying to tell you, Gringal! FB is what you make of it.

Please don't respond with your reasons and justifications for not liking FB again, I do understand. BUT, you are missing GREAT groups that you would love! Artists, painters, cooking and organic growing groups - I love my groups! Many of them you would love too.
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Facebook Empty Re: Facebook

Post by CanuckBob Sat Nov 05, 2016 10:11 am

Exactly, YOU select who to be "friends" with and you can punt anyone at anytime. It's like having your own personal forum.....jaja.

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Facebook Empty Re: Facebook

Post by gringal Sat Nov 05, 2016 11:50 am

Trailrunner wrote:YES! And that is what we're trying to tell you, Gringal! FB is what you make of it.

Please don't respond with your reasons and justifications for not liking FB again, I do understand. BUT, you are missing GREAT groups that you would love! Artists, painters, cooking and organic growing groups - I love my groups! Many of them you would love too.

Why shouldn't I feel free to say what I think of the Facebook phenomenon? You're out there touting it, which is fine with me.
I say it has great potential for doing good, but also for biting people in the ass down the line. I don't think well of governments' increasing survellience of their citizens, either.  Wierd, perhaps, but I value a certain level of privacy, now rapidly disappearing from planet Earth.

I don't like the Orwellian aspect of it, just as I don't think it's a good thing that people feel compelled to be on their cell phones constantly.  I think the Internet is a wonderful thing for many purposes.  I also think it's great that you can have a phone in your pocket when you need it.

I feel no need to add more communication to what already exists in my world: special interest groups with their own web boards as well as active clubs, etc. in addition to face to face talking and emailing people I actually know.  YMMV.

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Facebook Empty Re: Facebook

Post by slainte39 Sat Nov 05, 2016 1:27 pm

My family couldn't exist without facebook. LOL
It's a great way to get news that is pertinent to you in the personal realm of your life.
For me, more interesting than MSNBC, CNN, Yahoo, and all the other "news" sources. Most of my family says email was in the "dark ages".  Very Happy

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Facebook Empty Re: Facebook

Post by CanuckBob Sat Nov 05, 2016 1:47 pm

Jaja.....I totally agree with your family. It would be more difficult for us to live this far away from friends and family without Facebook.

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Facebook Empty Re: Facebook

Post by brigitte Sat Nov 05, 2016 2:20 pm

I communicate a lot with facebook and whatsapp , all my family and friends are on it , it is convenient and there is nothing in what we say that could be interesting to the government or others anyways.

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Facebook Empty Re: Facebook

Post by gringal Sat Nov 05, 2016 3:44 pm

If it works for you, your friends and your family........great. I freely admit to being a mild curmudgeon.

My opinion is of the overall picture, where the stanger people think they are communicating with may have nothing to do with who that person really is. If the person has met the other, it's a whole different picture.
By getting bitten on the ass later, I was referring to situations like the silly teenager I knew who posted as though she was Miss Super Sexy, and later, had this come back to haunt her when she was seeking a serious job.

Some of us may have been "somewhat" active politically in the past (to put it mildly) and certainly would not want our rants available in writing years later, especially in the current climate. I'll bet Hillary wishes she had not let her fingers do so much walking on the keyboard.

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Facebook Empty Re: Facebook

Post by RicoSuave Sat Nov 05, 2016 4:22 pm

I drink too much to get recorded forever, so you all can have my bandwidth for your social discourses.

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Facebook Empty "I know it's true. I read it on Facebook."

Post by Clueless Sat Nov 05, 2016 5:44 pm

For those of you who haven't seen it, Google "Dave the Mind Reader"

The link insert isn't working for me.

Last edited by Clueless on Sat Nov 05, 2016 5:46 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Link insert not working.)
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Facebook Empty Re: Facebook

Post by gringal Sat Nov 05, 2016 5:59 pm

Clueless wrote:For those of you who haven't seen it, Google "Dave the Mind Reader"  

The link insert isn't working for me.

Ah, the sneaky one.... Forbes.  So, I googled your title.  It went to the Forbes article of the same name, but Forbes won't tell you spit unless you turn off your ad blocker.  No thanks, Forbes.  Found some information elsewhere.  Interesting.

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Facebook Empty Re: Facebook

Post by jrm30655 Sat Nov 05, 2016 8:41 pm

If you haven't learned anything else this election, you should have noticed that anything that goes over the net is basically "forever". Even if you get out the bleach, it still hangs around somewhere. Just ask Hillary.

I have a smart phone and it just has one number in it, mine, since I have to add minutes and can never remember it.

I'm looking forward to the day that some cop wants to see whats in it. Boy will he be disappointed........

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Facebook Empty Re: Facebook

Post by CanuckBob Sun Nov 06, 2016 8:02 am

It's pretty simple actually, never put anything out there that could cause you embarrassment or trouble. I taught my kids this when they first started using the internet. I still cringe at a few things they post on Facebook.....

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