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Praise The Lord and Pass The Donation Box

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Praise  The Lord and Pass The Donation Box Empty Praise The Lord and Pass The Donation Box

Post by Bubba2shoes Sat Dec 17, 2016 9:35 am

We have resided as retirees  in Mexico for some 15 years and, as we would have said in South Alabama when Dawg was a kid in the 1940s. "Everthang wuz just fine." until we had what I would describe as a glitch in the essence of civility with an unplanned and certainly undesired interraction with a Mexican highway cop. A generally  iikely occurrence if you pissed off the top dog or his/her  obligated/endentured  underlings perhaps not easily definable but as real as unobserved quicksand in an Alabama swamp that suffocates yo ass upon indiscrete and unintended entrance therein..

Mexico is indeed corrupt  but Dawg remembers his native South Alabama in the 1940s and 50s where, before the opening of the Interstate Highways, every two-bit hick town had speed limits of 10MPH upon entering the indefinable city limits undisclosed and located in some rural area way out of town and indistinguishable by human residential corruption.  In these instances, the speed limit went from 60MPH to to 10MPH without even a resembalce of sanity and God help the innocent African American family with Michigan license plates who drove through town or, ahem, the  woebegone distant outskirts of town, at 11MPH when having encountered Deputy Sheriff Billy Bob on the hunt for "negroes displaying inappropriately aggressive behavior toward White folks".    

Corruption  is universal.  Want to discuss this?

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Praise  The Lord and Pass The Donation Box Empty Re: Praise The Lord and Pass The Donation Box

Post by RichD Sat Dec 17, 2016 9:51 am

Bubba, a bit overstated ain't it?
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Praise  The Lord and Pass The Donation Box Empty Re: Praise The Lord and Pass The Donation Box

Post by brigitte Sat Dec 17, 2016 9:56 am

I do not think so , the same game goes on in Nevada.. where you could go as fast as you could in the desert until you enteres a city limit..No city in sight but the cops were thre happy to fine the heck out of you. The intent in Alabama was to harrass blacks and in Nevada to fill up the town´s coffer..but same idea..

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Praise  The Lord and Pass The Donation Box Empty Re: Praise The Lord and Pass The Donation Box

Post by Luisa Sat Dec 17, 2016 10:49 am

Ditto for the Park Cities in Dallas, after dark. They are beautiful neighborhoods and wonderful to live in, if you're white.

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Praise  The Lord and Pass The Donation Box Empty Re: Praise The Lord and Pass The Donation Box

Post by RichD Sat Dec 17, 2016 10:51 am

The racism of the ole south worked both ways. Way back when, I was traveling at an excessive rate of speed on a rural road in Mississippi. I was stopped by a state trooper and issued a citation, but was not required to be taken to the justice of the peace in the county I was in at the time, a normal procedure then. The trooper said that if I were to be taken there that as a white boy in that county, I would most likely have my car impounded and I would be jailed until I paid the impound fee and some exorbitant fine.
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Praise  The Lord and Pass The Donation Box Empty Re: Praise The Lord and Pass The Donation Box

Post by Bubba2shoes Sat Dec 17, 2016 12:46 pm

RichD wrote:The racism of the ole south worked both ways. Way back when, I was traveling at an excessive rate of speed on a rural road in Mississippi. I was stopped by a state trooper and issued a citation, but was not required to be taken to the justice of the peace in the county I was in at the time, a normal procedure then. The trooper said that if I were to be taken there that as a white boy in that county, I would most likely have my car impounded and I would be jailed until I paid the impound fee and some exorbitant fine.

just my´point RichD.  This White boy broke the Windows with Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer Botles out of the black high school school during the racial segreragtion days in Alabama ni the 1950s  and the local White cops knew I was the culprit but my dad was the White mayor of that town in those days and my punishment was verbal reprimand.

Justce is applied by those who define it based upon the times

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Praise  The Lord and Pass The Donation Box Empty Re: Praise The Lord and Pass The Donation Box

Post by shana Mon Dec 19, 2016 11:16 pm

Watch your spelling and use of capital letters.  White should have been white, botle spelled bottle and in addition the next to last sentence should have read "and my punishment was a reprimand".
If you are going to set yourself up as an English critic make sure yours is always perfect.

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Praise  The Lord and Pass The Donation Box Empty Re: Praise The Lord and Pass The Donation Box

Post by ltollefs Tue Dec 20, 2016 10:06 am

Penultimate. Do you clean your teeth with that stick up your sitting gear?
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