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safety fencing around swimming pool

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safety fencing around swimming pool Empty safety fencing around swimming pool

Post by Sherman Fri Jan 20, 2017 5:10 pm

Upnorth I'm looking at some safety fencing that goes around a swimming. Basically it is a series of removeable polls set in holes a few feet apart, with screening between the polls (nylon or plastic screening). They are actually panels that clip together in some way. They can be easily removed.

Does this kind of this sound familiar for here? Anyone have such a fence, seen one or know of a company that does this?
Thanks for any leads .....

As always, thanks for the help, S.

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safety fencing around swimming pool Empty Re: safety fencing around swimming pool

Post by RichD Fri Jan 20, 2017 6:30 pm

My house's mirador overlooks several yards with pools and there are no safety fences to be seen. If you have a youngster that needs one, by all means get a safety net, but unlike NOB, you don't seem to have a liability here for uninvited drownings.
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safety fencing around swimming pool Empty Re: safety fencing around swimming pool

Post by Sherman Fri Jan 20, 2017 7:21 pm

thanks. The issue is 'safety' not liability. I don't want one of my dogs to drown ..... as for kids, well.

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safety fencing around swimming pool Empty Re: safety fencing around swimming pool

Post by ferret Fri Jan 20, 2017 10:33 pm

Sherman wrote:thanks.  The issue is 'safety' not liability.  I don't want one of my dogs to drown ..... as for kids, well.

You made me laugh out loud Sherman. Love the humour.
This may not be what you're looking for but the reviews are of interest ... and there's even a model for kids if you are so inclined ;)
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safety fencing around swimming pool Empty Re: safety fencing around swimming pool

Post by Trailrunner Sat Jan 21, 2017 7:35 am

Is there no way (stairs, ramp etc) for the dogs to get out of the pool? I've never heard of many dogs drowning in pools unless they get caught under a pool cover.
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safety fencing around swimming pool Empty Re: safety fencing around swimming pool

Post by CanuckBob Sat Jan 21, 2017 7:39 am

Dogs drown in pools all the time. A dog needs to be taught how to get out of a pool (where the stairs, ramp or ladder is). They are one of the few animals that will swim into a corner and keep treading water there until they drown. Other animals will instinctively swim the perimeter looking for a way out. I was told that is because dogs are so domesticated they have lost that instinct and rely on humans too much now.

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safety fencing around swimming pool Empty Re: safety fencing around swimming pool

Post by Trailrunner Sat Jan 21, 2017 8:57 am

Wow, I didn't know that! What a tragedy that would be.
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safety fencing around swimming pool Empty Re: safety fencing around swimming pool

Post by CanuckBob Sat Jan 21, 2017 9:13 am

My pool in Vancouver only had ladders to get in/out so I bought a floating ramp for the dogs to swim too in case they fell in. It took quite a while to train them to swim to it. They hated water so after putting them in the pool 20 or so times they wouldn't go within 10 feet of it anyways.....jaja.

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safety fencing around swimming pool Empty Re: safety fencing around swimming pool

Post by CHILLIN Sat Jan 21, 2017 11:57 am

The problem is not the materials, it is anchoring the poles. You can drill holes through the concrete, and then put the poles in the holes - but this requires the use of a diamond core drill, pretty scarce in these parts, even to rent someone with one. The other way is to use stanchions (pole holders), usually custom made here. The trick with these, for high strength, is to chisel out a tile size area where you want the posts drill holes for the stanchion bolts, glue then in with epoxy, then cut the tile, and then concrete and grout in place.

Medium and lightweight plastic screen is sold by Laura, at the "Garden Center" by 7-11 in Riberas. It is typically used to protect fruit trees from birds.They have heavy duty shade cloth as well. The place to ask if there is anyone to hire to drill the holes in concrete would be "Casa de Plomeros". Seems like this is where all the"professional" plumbers shop. I don't know exactly where it is, but it is towards West Ajjic.
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safety fencing around swimming pool Empty Re: safety fencing around swimming pool

Post by jrm30655 Sat Jan 21, 2017 3:47 pm

Casa de Plomeros directions

Go through the last light going west in Ajijic. When you get to the top of the hill, it is on the right headed west.

They seem to have everything. Wouldn't surprise me if they holes to go in concrete, they have everything else.

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safety fencing around swimming pool Empty Re: safety fencing around swimming pool

Post by Sherman Sat Jan 21, 2017 3:55 pm

Thanks Chillin .... I know Casa de Plumbers and Laura and see what they have.
Just might have to wait until returning to the US .... for materials, etc

P.S. All the dogs know how to swim to the stairs and get out. But, there are other issues.

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