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Sellador For Mirador Roof Tile?

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Sellador For Mirador Roof Tile? Empty Sellador For Mirador Roof Tile?

Post by pedro malo Tue Mar 14, 2017 10:41 am

Hello Everyone,

I'm returning to Joco in a couple weeks and have a roof project awaiting me.

I have a clay tile patio roof (Mirador) on my house which is in need of resealing. Last year I tried a product recommended by someone on TOB called Sellacril (100% pure acrylic sealer) and after a meticulous preparation of sanding, cleaning, and with a final wipe with lacquer thinner during the driest time of year, the crap peeled off in sheets after only 2 weeks. Complete waste of 5000 pesos for the junk purchased at Home Depot. Someone else has recommended a product called Wizmar which is a combination of waxes and other water repellants. I'm not sure if this is what I need. I'm not sure that it would leave an impermeable seal to keep water out of cracks. It most likely absorbs into the surface of tile, repelling water but the water still might flow into small cracks in grout getting under tile and absorbing into the construction below. The house is becoming damp and humid.

Are there any "expat experts" with experience in this out there that can recommend products by brand name that would provide a clear impermeable barrier sealing out water that won't peal off? Someone had mentioned a 2 part epoxy type sealer but without a name. Or polyurethane based products? Any suggestions?

Would also be wonderful to get names of local Mexican roof experts that I could contact once I get there?

Thank you everyone, whatever advise or recommendations are greatly appreciated.

pedro malo

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Location : Jocotepec & Port Townsend,WA
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Sellador For Mirador Roof Tile? Empty Re: Sellador For Mirador Roof Tile?

Post by WillieRae Tue Mar 14, 2017 11:38 am

Think about a torch/roll down roof. We had one in Mazatlan that was still good after 15 yrs. The material was about a meter wide and looked like shingle material....a little more expensive but worth it over the years. We are going to use on our house in Chapala soon.

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Sellador For Mirador Roof Tile? Empty Re: Sellador For Mirador Roof Tile?

Post by Jreboll Tue Mar 14, 2017 12:13 pm

Re: torch/roll down roof. Any website you can recommend so I can get a better idea of what you are referring to. Est. price would be nice too

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Sellador For Mirador Roof Tile? Empty Re: Sellador For Mirador Roof Tile?

Post by sparks Tue Mar 14, 2017 12:16 pm

Sellador at any paint store

Mine is covered with Impermeabilizante and material where needed
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Sellador For Mirador Roof Tile? Empty Re: Sellador For Mirador Roof Tile?

Post by pedro malo Tue Mar 14, 2017 12:23 pm

Thanks for your response.

I have the torch roll down over the bedrooms which are then covered in Spanish red tiles and over our bodeva. The patio mirador has a beautiful clay tiled surface and would hate to cover it with asphalt. I'm looking for a clear sealer so that the tile will be visible.

Anybody have suggestions for sealers?

pedro malo

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Sellador For Mirador Roof Tile? Empty Re: Sellador For Mirador Roof Tile?

Post by peteben Tue Mar 14, 2017 1:49 pm

I have used Festex Silicon in the past, although my handyman wants to use a similar product from another company this year. This is a thin, clear liquid that is quickly absorbed into the tile. Does not affect the appearance at all. You do need to apply it every year, but it is a pretty quick process. Tried another product in the past, but it ended up making the tiles very sticky.


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Sellador For Mirador Roof Tile? Empty Re: Sellador For Mirador Roof Tile?

Post by sparks Tue Mar 14, 2017 1:50 pm

I painted my outdoor steps with a product and it still looks good after 4 years. Lots of traffic.

Can't remember the name but can try my construction guys.There were 3 grades and I chose the most expensive. Most paint brands have something similar according to Google.

Will post the name if I find it

cemento sellador para piso mexico
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Sellador For Mirador Roof Tile? Empty Re: Sellador For Mirador Roof Tile?

Post by pedro malo Wed Mar 15, 2017 11:12 am

Thank you sparks and the rest of you for your suggestions.

Can anyone recommend a good roofer or contractors that I could contact?

Thanks again!


pedro malo

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Location : Jocotepec & Port Townsend,WA
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