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so what is this "renew your password" thing?

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so what is this "renew your password" thing? Empty so what is this "renew your password" thing?

Post by JayBear Sat Mar 18, 2017 1:51 pm

About every 3 months, this site indicates that I have to renew my password, which I can never remember, as whatever I think is the password, even tho I wrote it down somewhere, was (perhaps obviously) not included on the main list with my bank accounts and miserably deficient investment accounts. But after a few days when I was not on this site, I suddenly am able to access it without a password. SIGH! What will happen to me when I am 90 and can't remember my own name much less the various passwords for my various endeavors? I hate to stick my survivors with password lists, but perhaps they will be happy accessing the bank account (they have that one in hand) and not worrying too much about local chatboards. I know, y'all are going to say that you do not want to hear from me when I am 90 anyway!!! Wonder if we have age 90+ members online here. If so, please respond. The rest of you whippersnappers can go fry ice!

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so what is this "renew your password" thing? Empty Re: so what is this "renew your password" thing?

Post by slainte39 Sat Mar 18, 2017 2:14 pm

JayBear wrote:About every 3 months, this site indicates that I have to renew my password

Could it have to do with the mortality rate of the membership?

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so what is this "renew your password" thing? Empty Re: so what is this "renew your password" thing?

Post by JayBear Sat Mar 18, 2017 2:28 pm

Hopefully not--we are all young;)

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so what is this "renew your password" thing? Empty Re: so what is this "renew your password" thing?

Post by Canada_Mike Sat Mar 18, 2017 4:41 pm

I'm not 90, but have never gotten the change pwd notice. In any case I use a program call 1Password. This requires one master password, and then keeps track of all you others, plus any other confidential info you want to store. I use it 50 times a day.

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so what is this "renew your password" thing? Empty Re: so what is this "renew your password" thing?

Post by mattoleriver Sat Mar 18, 2017 7:58 pm

For sites like this one, with no real personal information, I just let my browser store my passwords. I wouldn't be too surprised to find that most people do that even if they don't realize they're doing it. Passwords stored on your browser are usually pretty simple to find if you know where to look.
For sites that have my personal information I use a password manager.
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so what is this "renew your password" thing? Empty Re: so what is this "renew your password" thing?

Post by CanuckBob Sun Mar 19, 2017 8:49 am

This is a problem at your end Jaybear. This forum software does not ask anyone to change passwords every 3 months.

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so what is this "renew your password" thing? Empty Re: so what is this "renew your password" thing?

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