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Be alert or be a victim.

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Be alert or be a victim. Empty Be alert or be a victim.

Post by Clueless Wed May 03, 2017 7:16 pm


On three occasions at Walmart, when we got home, there were one or two items missing. We made sure the cart was empty at the car at WM and nothing was left in the trunk/back seat.

By diductive logic, here is where my wife and I made the error.

As we were checking out, there were several bags of groceries. One was put off to the side and the others loaded into our cart and we left. The bag that was put off to the side, stayed behind.

We didn't look to see if anything was left, especially since the person behind us was starting through the cashier. Even if we had looked, we might have thought the bag to the side belonged to the person behind us.

Fool me once, shame, shame on you; fool me twice and then a third time, shame, shame on me and I deserve the loss and inconvenience.

We were not alert, but it won't happen again.
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Be alert or be a victim. Empty Re: Be alert or be a victim.

Post by Lady Otter Latté Wed May 03, 2017 8:50 pm

It is horrible to live in a place where you must constantly be on alert and watchful to prevent being stolen from or a victim in some other way. It has to be exhausting. My condolences.
Lady Otter Latté
Lady Otter Latté
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Be alert or be a victim. Empty Re: Be alert or be a victim.

Post by Trailrunner Wed May 03, 2017 9:03 pm

So true!
And I don't think I've ever heard of an individual who suffers so many problems as the OP does. Pobrecito. It must be awful.
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Be alert or be a victim. Empty Re: Be alert or be a victim.

Post by Clueless Wed May 03, 2017 9:18 pm

Trailrunner wrote:So true!
And I don't think I've ever heard of an individual who suffers so many problems as the OP does. Pobrecito. It must be awful.

This was just an inconvenience, since my wife really wanted the yogurt.

Of course, no one feels positive about getting ripped off.

I just figured a reminder might help some people here.
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Be alert or be a victim. Empty Re: Be alert or be a victim.

Post by Lady Otter Latté Wed May 03, 2017 9:50 pm

Some people here have reported returning to the store with receipt and their left behind bag was at customer service waiting for them. I know you live a distance from Walmart so you do not want to return there. Feeling ripped off and cheated is your only option. It is nice of you to warn others about the conspiracy of thieves out there. Some of us have been living here happily for many years, never realizing how alert and watchful we should constantly be. You are right. You are performing a public service.
Lady Otter Latté
Lady Otter Latté
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