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Telmex Windfall!!!

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Telmex Windfall!!! Empty Telmex Windfall!!!

Post by CHILLIN Thu May 18, 2017 2:04 pm

I am always amazed that many employers in Mexico pay a bonus if a worker shows up on time. We have also just discovered that Telmex rewards you very well if you pay your internet/land line on time. Our phone bill has always been in our Mexican landlady's name, but I doubt if she knows about this programme, because she is always pleading extreme poverty. Turns out after all these years we have built up her account to 90,000 pesos. You have to produce I.D. to access these credits, and you can use them as a lump sum or monthly payments on you Telmex bill. They cannot be converted to cash (as far as I know).

So what's the fair thing to do? I'm thinking of telling her about it, splitting 50/50. If she refuses, that means she knew about this all along, and why she discouraged us from getting a phone line in our own name. If that is the case, we are getting pretty close to a change of scenery anyways.

Anyways, this is important information, that few gringos at least, seem to know about.
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Telmex Windfall!!! Empty Re: Telmex Windfall!!!

Post by Clete Thu May 18, 2017 3:00 pm

If the account is in her name, how do you know the credit amount accrued?

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Telmex Windfall!!! Empty Re: Telmex Windfall!!!

Post by CHILLIN Thu May 18, 2017 3:11 pm

I was just checking with her, and sent all the information. She was under the impression that this is a way of financing consumer items through your phone bill at a pretty high interest rate. She is fully bilingual, maybe 90,000 points, does not mean pesos. Another friend says the 90,000 is likely a credit limit. We are no interested in credit - left that world behind a long time ago.
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Telmex Windfall!!! Empty Re: Telmex Windfall!!!

Post by sm1mex Thu May 18, 2017 4:01 pm

So how do we go about getting the refund after paying on time for 10 years? Who do you see at TelMex and what do you say?

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Telmex Windfall!!! Empty Re: Telmex Windfall!!!

Post by CHILLIN Thu May 18, 2017 4:15 pm

I don't know yet. It seems you register as a member online using your Telmex bill. Make your selection, then the price can be credit, cash, points or a combination - that's the confusing part. They make the transaction, and the goods are delivered to you, but you have to show I.D., another part I don't know. We are just trying to get a new smartphone - maybe it is easier just to go out and pay cash!
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Telmex Windfall!!! Empty Re: Telmex Windfall!!!

Post by CHILLIN Thu May 18, 2017 4:18 pm

How to you edit a post on this board. I wanted to clarify that it said 90,000 points - not pesos.
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Telmex Windfall!!! Empty Re: Telmex Windfall!!!

Post by sm1mex Thu May 18, 2017 4:19 pm

Register on line as a member to what???

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Telmex Windfall!!! Empty Re: Telmex Windfall!!!

Post by CanuckBob Thu May 18, 2017 4:38 pm

CHILLIN wrote:How to you edit a post on this board. I wanted to clarify that it said 90,000 points - not pesos.

You cannot edit after 15 minutes have passed. Points versus pesos noted.

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Telmex Windfall!!! Empty Re: Telmex Windfall!!!

Post by CHILLIN Thu May 18, 2017 5:05 pm

sm1mex wrote:Register on line as a member to what???

Log in to the Tienda Telmex website I sent in. Use the info off your Telmex bill. There are a lot of "affiliated" vendors as well.
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Telmex Windfall!!! Empty Re: Telmex Windfall!!!

Post by sm1mex Thu May 18, 2017 5:26 pm

I opened the link given but it just shows a bunch of products and the cost in pesos. I don't see where there is a place to put in your TelMex information.

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Telmex Windfall!!! Empty Re: Telmex Windfall!!!

Post by CHILLIN Fri May 19, 2017 9:16 am

I do not have an answer for you, the question is how do you convert points into discounts. No reply, no phone, no email from the owner of these points, which we have built up. Will apply for a new phone and internet account, which is portable.
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