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De Lucha Libre - The masked wrestlers

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De Lucha Libre - The masked wrestlers Empty De Lucha Libre - The masked wrestlers

Post by CanuckBob Wed Jul 19, 2017 12:46 pm

Every Tuesday night you can go to the Arena Colisea de Guadalajara and see De Lucha Libre. We went last night. What a spectacle. Everyone should see this at least once. Great fun. The place was packed and the crowd was totally into it. And yes, they even played catch with the midgets......jajaja.

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De Lucha Libre - The masked wrestlers Empty Re: De Lucha Libre - The masked wrestlers

Post by CanuckBob Wed Jul 19, 2017 12:53 pm

Oh yeah, on the way home you have to stop at Los Burritos De Moyahua (on the Guadalajara/Chapala highway) for the best burritos on the planet. They are open 24 hrs.

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De Lucha Libre - The masked wrestlers Empty Re: De Lucha Libre - The masked wrestlers

Post by borderreiver Wed Jul 19, 2017 11:33 pm

Los Burritos rocks. Monstrous tortilla making machine, they use A LOT. They have there own goat farm. They don't have salsa, they have salsa buffet(s). There lengua, yum. They have their very own shot gun wielding cop on site. Queso fresca, yum. Ample parking. Date destination for the young Guad crowd with some pesos. Shaded sit down areas where the salsa tables are.
I could spend horas there. High in depth Mexican, world class entertainment. Oh, it's also a truck stop. The very first time I came here the first stop was this place. Love it. Go for a taco flight. Drooling
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De Lucha Libre - The masked wrestlers Empty Re: De Lucha Libre - The masked wrestlers

Post by elgringo Thu Jul 20, 2017 4:38 am

Do they have lengua again? They haven't had if for 6 months or more. I Really miss it.
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De Lucha Libre - The masked wrestlers Empty Re: De Lucha Libre - The masked wrestlers

Post by Defarge Thu Jul 20, 2017 10:51 am

Had the good fortune of going to Arena Mexico a few weeks back on a Tuesday night for Lucha Libre. It was a TV night, so a lot more drama ( like it is possible? ) Anyway, our tickets were arranged from a friend in CD MX who works for a big bank. She got us the VIP seats that included a full buffet dinner during the show and table side cocktail service.
I had recently watched a documentary on Netflix Mexico about Lucha, most of it revolved around Arena Mexico, it was a fun night and I'm not a wrestling fan. I was amused that the average fan cheers for the good guys, and the suit and tie crowd, yeah, suits and ties at lucha, cheer for the bad guys.
Thanks for the pics Bob!
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De Lucha Libre - The masked wrestlers Empty Re: De Lucha Libre - The masked wrestlers

Post by Rosa Venus Thu Jul 20, 2017 7:24 pm

Defarge wrote:... it was a fun night and I'm not a wrestling fan. I was amused that the average fan cheers for the good guys, and the suit and tie crowd, yeah, suits and ties at lucha, cheer for the bad guys.

One of the other fun things about Lucha Libre is when the two different sections of fans, cheap seats versus VIP - or as you describe them, "the average fans" versus the "suit and tie crowd" - start chanting at and mocking each other. All in Spanish, of course, and lots of colorful slang, etc. It's VERY funny, even if like me you only understand part of it. The "suit and tie crowd" doesn't fare very well. Basketball
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