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NetFlix warning

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NetFlix warning Empty NetFlix warning

Post by CanuckBob Thu Dec 07, 2017 10:42 am

I received emails from Netflix advising me that I had changed my password and email address. I had not changed anything so I opened up my Netflix to discover that my profile now showed "Bruno" and had been changed to Spanish. I called Netflix and they fixed it within 4 minutes with some personal info verification. They didn't act surprised at all. A Google search revealed that it is super easy for hackers to get your NetFlix email address and password. They log in and change it so then they have control over your account OR they don't change it but they just use your account as is. If you notice that any of your "previously watched" shows aren't what you actually watched then someone is using your account. I will change my password regularly now.

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NetFlix warning Empty Re: NetFlix warning

Post by suegarn Thu Dec 07, 2017 12:48 pm

CanuckBob wrote:I received emails from Netflix advising me that I had changed my password and email address. I had not changed anything so I opened up my Netflix to discover that my profile now showed "Bruno" and had been changed to Spanish. I called Netflix and they fixed it within 4 minutes with some personal info verification. They didn't act surprised at all. A Google search revealed that it is super easy for hackers to get your NetFlix email address and password. They log in and change it so then they have control over your account OR they don't change it but they just use your account as is. If you notice that any of your "previously watched" shows aren't what you actually watched then someone is using your account. I will change my password regularly now.

Thanks for the heads up, CBob! I'll keep an eye on my account now. Thumbs up

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NetFlix warning Empty Re: NetFlix warning

Post by Flamingo Thu Dec 07, 2017 2:30 pm

Frustrating that companies who make huge profits from their customers can't spend a few thousand to secure their damn Websites.
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