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Drones Empty Drones

Post by windrider17 Sun Mar 04, 2018 8:12 pm

A significant number of folks in Riberas and San Antonio have been reporting drones hovering over their homes and properties. There has been an uptick in daytime burglaries in both areas as well. I'm not saying they are connected, but having spent my life involved in the criminal justice system in one form or fashion since 1971, I have learned to discount coincidents. The police shrug shoulders and don't seem to care about the drones. I know everyone says it is the tax man checking to see if there are any additions to properties, but has anyone every verified that?

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Drones Empty Re: Drones

Post by MexicoPete Sun Mar 04, 2018 8:21 pm

Interesting thought. I know that upon occasion Real Estate agents will use them to help advertise a home, A friend who runs a real estate office was nice enough to do an overhead film of mine; he even uploaded it for me on YouTube so I could share it with friends. No my home is not for sale Very Happy
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Drones Empty Re: Drones

Post by espíritu del lago Mon Mar 05, 2018 6:28 am

"It is feared that because the technology allows thieves to explore properties from the air they will be used to identify security weak spots, such as older-style patio or French doors which can be easily forced.

Because of their abilities to get close-in to potential targets, drones are thought to present an even greater threat than websites such as Google’s Street View and Google Earth services, which have previously been accused of assisting thieves with satellite and kerb-side images of properties.

Larger homes with substantial grounds may be the most likely target for thieves using drones."
UK Telegraph

It could happen anywhere..
espíritu del lago
espíritu del lago
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Drones Empty Re: Drones

Post by CanuckBob Mon Mar 05, 2018 7:25 am

I fly a very large drone for a mining survey company down around Manzanillo. A couple of weeks ago when we were down there we had to make a repair on it and needed to test it prior to taking it into the field. The house we were in was right on the cliff on Las Hadas Peninsula so we figured we would fly it off the back patio over the ocean. We made several short flights. Long story short the cops showed up to the house within 30 minutes and told us not to fly it there.

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Drones Empty Re: Drones

Post by Bill Phillips Mon Mar 05, 2018 8:04 am

Here's the web page of a local drone service:

Chapala Drone
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Drones Empty Re: Drones

Post by Trailrunner Mon Mar 05, 2018 8:11 am

What is this mining company looking to dig up, CB? Same Canadian mining company that operates up in northern MX?
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Drones Empty Re: Drones

Post by CanuckBob Mon Mar 05, 2018 12:16 pm

Currently surveying for iron ore. This is a survey company not a mining company. We have no other jobs going.

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Drones Empty Re: Drones

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