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Multi-Tasking Amigos AD&D support group

Carry Bean
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Multi-Tasking Amigos AD&D support group - Page 2 Empty Re: Multi-Tasking Amigos AD&D support group

Post by ltollefs Sat Oct 20, 2018 9:46 am

Gringal, Chris Hedges' latest book, America: The Farewell Tour, does, in part, look at the current opoid crisis and the role the pharmaceutical companies played in it's creation. I'm only a third the way through but based on what I've read thus far, I recommend it.

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Multi-Tasking Amigos AD&D support group - Page 2 Empty Re: Multi-Tasking Amigos AD&D support group

Post by mattoleriver Sat Oct 20, 2018 11:07 am

ltollefs wrote:Gringal, Chris Hedges' latest book, America: The Farewell Tour, does, in part, look at the current opoid crisis and the role the pharmaceutical companies played in it's creation. I'm only a third the way through but based on what I've read thus far, I recommend it.
Along those same lines I would recommend Dreamland: The True Tale of America's Opiate Epidemic by Sam Quinones. Big pharma, their lobbyists, our legislators and Mexican drug syndicates all have very dirty hands.
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Multi-Tasking Amigos AD&D support group - Page 2 Empty Re: Multi-Tasking Amigos AD&D support group

Post by Jreboll Sat Oct 20, 2018 11:35 am

It seems what goes around comes around. Didn’t the British do something similar to China. I wouldn’t be surprised if China was a hidden avenging angel in all this.

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Multi-Tasking Amigos AD&D support group - Page 2 Empty Re: Multi-Tasking Amigos AD&D support group

Post by Carry Bean Sat Oct 20, 2018 12:04 pm

Doctors also have a hand in this. It got to be very easy (and quick) to fork over a prescription rather than take the time to deal with the real issues. Back in the late ‘60’s and early ‘70’s when I was battling booze I was always handed prescriptions from Thorazine to every kind of tranquilizer and anti-depressant on the market. Luckily I never filled them. Booze was easier until it wasn’t but I’m forever grateful I never wanted legal or illegal drugs.

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Multi-Tasking Amigos AD&D support group - Page 2 Empty Re: Multi-Tasking Amigos AD&D support group

Post by gringal Sat Oct 20, 2018 12:13 pm

Even here, doctors over prescribe drugs. When I had disk surgery last February, the doctor prescribed some heavy duty stuff which left me in a state of zombieism. I quit long before the drugs ran out, from self-preservation.

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