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where to store the gas tank?

Carry Bean
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where to store the gas tank? Empty where to store the gas tank?

Post by Sherman Tue Aug 28, 2018 2:53 pm

Where to store a gas tank -- a large one, 182cm wide, at a new home. I've only had the experience of one at ground level, same size. Architect is proposing to put the 'big' guy up on the garage roof at the new house. I'm concerned about the weight of the large tank when full ... can a garage roof hold that? I don't want a midnight surprise, especially if my car is sitting under it.

Thought, comments, bad experiences?

S. where to store the gas tank? 87465

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where to store the gas tank? Empty Re: where to store the gas tank?

Post by Kiri Tue Aug 28, 2018 3:11 pm

Sherman wrote:Where to store a gas tank -- a large one, 182cm wide, at a new home. I've only had the experience of one at ground level, same size. Architect is proposing to put the 'big' guy up on the garage roof at the new house. I'm concerned about the weight of the large tank when full ... can a garage roof hold that? I don't want a midnight surprise, especially if my car is sitting under it.

Thought, comments, bad experiences?

How will you be able to see the guage for the gas level? Or easily fill it?
S. where to store the gas tank? 87465
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where to store the gas tank? Empty Re: where to store the gas tank?

Post by gringal Tue Aug 28, 2018 3:47 pm

The gas companies have a very long hose and the necessary ladders on their trucks to go up on the roofs. I know this because of many experiences having to wait behind their trucks when they do this. Rolling Eyes

How you are going to access the tank is another matter.

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where to store the gas tank? Empty Re: where to store the gas tank?

Post by brigitte Tue Aug 28, 2018 3:58 pm

I would think one of those snail staircase would be the way and the hose on the street can be low enough for the gas company to reach.. That is the type I have in Chiapas

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where to store the gas tank? Empty Re: where to store the gas tank?

Post by Carry Bean Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:34 pm

You can have a gadget that reads a gas tank gauge when it’s on the roof. The man at Handy Mail installs them. I don’t have one but will probably get one one of these days,

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where to store the gas tank? Empty Re: where to store the gas tank?

Post by Gamina Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:58 pm

My tank is on the roof, three floors up from the street. But the fill valve is in the cochera.
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where to store the gas tank? Empty Re: where to store the gas tank?

Post by CanuckBob Wed Aug 29, 2018 7:53 am

Many tanks are on the roof within the villages. Mine is and all my neighbors are. The architect or builder would engineer it to take the weight. A 300 liter tank filled to the max is no heavier than a bathtub filled to the top.

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where to store the gas tank? Empty Re: where to store the gas tank?

Post by cvanparys Wed Aug 29, 2018 7:58 am

If you have room on the ground, why would you put it on the roof?


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where to store the gas tank? Empty Re: where to store the gas tank?

Post by ferret Wed Aug 29, 2018 8:13 am

Probably aesthetics. Personally, I want to be able to get close to my tank so I can sniff the air occasionally and be aware if it's leaking.
I just replaced my twenty year old 300 litre tank last November with one that is 180 litres and I'm still using the same gas that filled it then. Taking out that empty tank was a struggle for three fit young men. Very heavy and awkward.
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where to store the gas tank? Empty Re: where to store the gas tank?

Post by JayBear Wed Aug 29, 2018 11:26 am

We fill our rooftop gas tank monthly whether it needs it or not, and we compare usage from month to month so we can be aware if a problem arises, either in volume used or cost. We rely on the gas delivery people to keep an eye on the tank condition, and we ask them about it. We tried a meter on the back covered patio, with a line running to the roof tank, but the meter gave out after a short time. BTW, the gas guys put a ladder against the house and haul the hose up to the roof that way--and they are quite fast at this.

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where to store the gas tank? Empty Re: where to store the gas tank?

Post by cvanparys Wed Aug 29, 2018 12:34 pm

Ours is hidden behind a low structure that has our address. Not noticeable at all. My neighbor has his in the ground with a steel grate over it... Both are easy to fill and check.


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where to store the gas tank? Empty Re: where to store the gas tank?

Post by Sherman Wed Aug 29, 2018 6:53 pm

thanks everyone .... I think I got my question answered. We are figuring that we just fill the tank 3 times a year and that should keep it full. But, if we need to get on the roof, I'm thinking of a permanent ladder (easy to climb and use) to get to the roof. My last question to the architect is whether or not the tank can is hidden from view as I don't think it's exactly a cool decorative feature for the house! And, now I can stop worrying about the garage roof caving in!

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where to store the gas tank? Empty Re: where to store the gas tank?

Post by cypress Wed Aug 29, 2018 9:12 pm

If the garage roof is brick boveda and I beams they are very strong. Many houses have their aljibes under their parking area-so they can support a car.

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where to store the gas tank? Empty Re: where to store the gas tank?

Post by ferret Wed Aug 29, 2018 10:02 pm

They also build septic systems under the parking areas. I've heard of $hit hitting the fan but never the car.
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where to store the gas tank? Empty Re: where to store the gas tank?

Post by gringal Thu Aug 30, 2018 8:03 am

My pre-existing gnormous tank was smack dab next to the entrance to the garage. Very handy, and very ugly in dirty yellow. Painted it white to match the garage walls and it doesn't look that bad. I did consider putting a folding screen to hide it but...meh...too much trouble. The only way to get to my casa is to troop through the garage, so there's no use in getting fancy at this point.

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