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CFE notice for October 5th in Riberas

Carry Bean
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CFE notice for October 5th in Riberas - Page 2 Empty Re: CFE notice for October 5th in Riberas

Post by Carry Bean Sun Oct 14, 2018 9:27 pm

ferret wrote:CFE crews came and shut off the power AGAIN... yes, on a Sunday. It went off some time after I left the house at 9:45 a.m. I got home at noon. No notice, no nothing. It took them from 5 pm to 5:45 pm to get it going again. On, off, on, off, on, off. WTF? I already detest Telmex here and CFE is right up there with them. That's six times in the last 6 weeks. I'm pissed and starting to have no confidence in either utility.
BTW, the bidirectional meter goes down on my solar installation too. So, I'm not only feeling very inconvenienced, I feel like I've been robbed.

Did your electricity go down Thursday? No notice this time but it went off at 9:15 AM until after 5:00 PM. When I got home it looked like they butchered a bunch of trees to remove branches from the lines on San Luis so I assume that was the reason.

Carry Bean
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CFE notice for October 5th in Riberas - Page 2 Empty Re: CFE notice for October 5th in Riberas

Post by ferret Sun Oct 14, 2018 9:52 pm

No, I was spared on Thursday. Today, they were stringing new line along San Mateo so it had to have been planned. Within the time frame of the last six weeks, I have lost a Telmex modem, a telephone and a vonage modem and a pressurizing pump. The first two were plugged into surge protectors and the third was just grounded. I came home with groceries today. I would not have gone shopping if I'd known.
I am going to purchase another voltage regulator (I have two others in use). I usually plug the voltage regulator into a grounded outlet first and then plug the surge protector into that and then my stuff into the surge protector. I would say that I practice safe electricity.
And I know that thing's happen such as transformers blowing, wind, rain, whatever which neither I nor CFE can control. But stringing lines, trimming trees? That takes planning and I am simply overwhelmed with the lack of consideration.
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CFE notice for October 5th in Riberas - Page 2 Empty Re: CFE notice for October 5th in Riberas

Post by Carry Bean Mon Oct 15, 2018 1:41 pm

Exactly. Had there been any organization at all, they could have trimmed the trees on the same day they had the planned outage. Actually 2 planned outages plus your outage you didn’t know about until it happened Sunday. Glad I missed that one.

Carry Bean
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