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Town Hall Meeting

Carry Bean
too young for ajijic
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Town Hall Meeting - Page 2 Empty Re: Town Hall Meeting

Post by Trailrunner Tue Nov 13, 2018 6:38 am

Exactly right, Rosa. Apparently this will be the latest dog and pony show.

If it is to satisfy the newbies on FB, I predict it will evolve to " robberies" no later than the . . . oh, second question. Infrastructure doesn't appear to be an issue for them.

I like this little teaser: "There will be vital and important information shared, as well as unexpected actions taken." Unexpected actions!

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Town Hall Meeting - Page 2 Empty Re: Town Hall Meeting

Post by hickton Tue Nov 13, 2018 6:56 am

Got to agree trailrunner, how many will turnup is another matter. They all see to be terrified of getting robbed, stopped by cops, leaving the house !!
For me the most important issue is the crumbling infrastcture,and the proposed building on the hills but i have no doubt the meeting will turn out to be a whitewash and nothing will be achieved.
Still waiting for the telmex meeting that was cancelled earlier in the year to be re scheduled ,
Some hope.

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Town Hall Meeting - Page 2 Empty Re: Town Hall Meeting

Post by brigitte Tue Nov 13, 2018 7:46 am

The time of the meetings are picked by the office of the president.. Those people know what they are dong and the time of the meetings tells you what kind of audience they want.. simple yes most Mexicans cannot attend so it will be a meeting for gringos who do not vote. They will get their chance to be heard , what will happen after that s another story.

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Town Hall Meeting - Page 2 Empty Re: Town Hall Meeting

Post by CanuckBob Tue Nov 13, 2018 8:14 am

I doubt any Mexicans would show up to a meeting about "Transito's" no matter what time the meeting was at.

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Town Hall Meeting - Page 2 Empty Re: Town Hall Meeting

Post by brigitte Tue Nov 13, 2018 8:16 am

ha ha yes I agree they know the drill....

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Town Hall Meeting - Page 2 Empty Re: Town Hall Meeting

Post by CanuckBob Sat Nov 17, 2018 10:28 am

Here is a quick summary of the town hall meeting with the transitos:

1. If you are stopped, ask for the reason. The officer has to have his ID displayed. If he doesn't, he is probably planning to shake you down. Ask for the ID and photo it if you can. Don't try to photo him. A representative from State Transito was given the available letters, pictures from Facebook and statements presented at the meeting. Ask for the "folio" and NEVER pay a bribe.

2. If you are harassed in any way , you can call the police to come and protect you. An english speaking officer will answer 332 161 5903. Municipal Transito also can be called 331 566 3440.

3. Have you paperwork in order. CURRENT licence, CURRENT registration, CURRENT insurance, your emissions sticker if due. If an imported car, your CURRENT visa. If you are missing one of these you can be ticketed. If you are missing two, your car can be impounded.

4. Municipal Transito will begin enforcing laws December 6. We alerted them to motorcycle drivers and the intersection in La Floresta at the monument.

5. they will have definitive answers about golf carts in January.

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Town Hall Meeting - Page 2 Empty Re: Town Hall Meeting

Post by brigitte Sat Nov 17, 2018 11:22 am

I watch the meeting on facebook, thought it was well done.. Still do not understand why they do not promote, demote El Gordr to another area since he cannot be fired without lots of hassle from the peron who has to complain.. Also an important point was made.. the polce tried to blame the people paying mordida to the cop... Typical Mexico, if you pay you are just as guilty as the cop asking for it.. Also the cop can turn it around and say you are the one wanting to pay him and f you do not have a witness or two you are toast.. Remember that one.
It took years to India to get that law changed.. and a similar thing happened to the company I was working for in Maryland.
The state emplyees were helping themselves with liquor and when we denounce them they accused us of bribery and we ended being fined..careful when you accuse someone, have witnesses..El Gordo is smart , he does not do it n front of someone.. when years ago he hit me for mordida he made me leave the car and told me not to tell the person who was with me and told me to put the money in the passport... he knows the rules..

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Town Hall Meeting - Page 2 Empty Re: Town Hall Meeting

Post by MexicoPete Sat Nov 17, 2018 11:35 am

I was at the LCS to pay my annual dues an hour before the event started. And asked the Mexican representative who "El Gordo" was. I pointed out to him that most of the complaints I had heard about included El Gordo. They knew exactly who I was talking about.

I thanked them for coming and said that since I learned basic street Spanish and had Jalisco plates that the only time I had been stopped in the last several years was when I ran a red light and that I deserved to be stopped.
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Town Hall Meeting - Page 2 Empty Re: Town Hall Meeting

Post by Carry Bean Sat Nov 17, 2018 12:38 pm

CanuckBob wrote:Here is a quick summary of the town hall meeting with the transitos:

1. If you are stopped, ask for the reason. The officer has to have his ID displayed. If he doesn't, he is probably planning to shake you down. Ask for the ID and photo it if you can. Don't try to photo him. A representative from State Transito was given the available letters, pictures from Facebook and statements presented at the meeting. Ask for the "folio" and NEVER pay a bribe.

2. If you are harassed in any way , you can call the police to come and protect you. An english speaking officer will answer 332 161 5903. Municipal Transito also can be called 331 566 3440.

3. Have you paperwork in order. CURRENT licence, CURRENT registration, CURRENT insurance, your emissions sticker if due. If an imported car, your CURRENT visa. If you are missing one of these you can be ticketed. If you are missing two, your car can be impounded.

4. Municipal Transito will begin enforcing laws December 6. We alerted them to motorcycle drivers and the intersection in La Floresta at the monument.

5. they will have definitive answers about golf carts in January.

This could have been covered easily with a paragraph in the Guad Reporter.

Carry Bean
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