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R.I.P. Chapala Malacon Bench Project.

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R.I.P. Chapala Malacon Bench Project. Empty R.I.P. Chapala Malacon Bench Project.

Post by Problem Child Fri Dec 14, 2018 10:03 pm

"The best laid plans . . . . .. "

Got all set up and myself and my Shield Maidens started painting, and the Mayor and one other top dog came over and asked nicely why I was doing that painting, etc. I said trying to be a participating member of the community, etc.

Then I pulled out the official, stamped, signed letter of permission.

OOPS! Was told the guy that signed it didn't have authority over the benches.

They were more than very nice and complimented us, etc., but bottom line was, "It ain't gonna happen."

Have lots of pictures but they won't attach.

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R.I.P. Chapala Malacon Bench Project. Empty Re: R.I.P. Chapala Malacon Bench Project.

Post by CanuckBob Sat Dec 15, 2018 7:18 am

So did you ask him if you provide the materials can he get the muni workers to do it?

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R.I.P. Chapala Malacon Bench Project. Empty Re: R.I.P. Chapala Malacon Bench Project.

Post by Problem Child Sat Dec 15, 2018 7:48 am

CanuckBob wrote:So did you ask him if you provide the materials can he get the muni workers to do it?

No. I had bought the materials (paint, sanding material, even a couple volunteer workers) and arranged for donation of replacement slats.

I wanted to do this "hands-on," rather than just give money. Feeling of accomplishment for me.

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R.I.P. Chapala Malacon Bench Project. Empty Re: R.I.P. Chapala Malacon Bench Project.

Post by CanuckBob Sat Dec 15, 2018 7:54 am

Well a lot of it probably has to do with displacing muni workers and possible liabilities stemming from any injury while working on government owned assets.

In Ajijic they were very quick to offer the muni workers to do the job once they were informed that we would provide the materials.

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R.I.P. Chapala Malacon Bench Project. Empty Re: R.I.P. Chapala Malacon Bench Project.

Post by Problem Child Sat Dec 15, 2018 8:19 am

CanuckBob wrote:Well a lot of it probably has to do with displacing muni workers and possible liabilities stemming from any injury while working on government owned assets.

In Ajijic they were very quick to offer the muni workers to do the job once they were informed that we would provide the materials.

You're probably right on the liability point. I was also told that the benches must be a specific color. I said I was going to pint them using colors similar to the ones on the "CHAPALA" sign.

I was also told "they" are doing a bench "revitalization" on the Ajijic benches, and guess whose name was mentioned as "helping?" Yes, it was you Bob.

Anyway, probably not worth further discussion. I just wanted to close the chapter so it didn't look as if I was all talk and no action. BTW, there is still one bench at Chapala that I painted. Didn't get to replace the broken board.

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R.I.P. Chapala Malacon Bench Project. Empty Re: R.I.P. Chapala Malacon Bench Project.

Post by CanuckBob Sat Dec 15, 2018 8:33 am

Once the Ajijic project is finished I will contact you to discuss helping you out with Chapala.

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R.I.P. Chapala Malacon Bench Project. Empty Re: R.I.P. Chapala Malacon Bench Project.

Post by Lady Otter Latté Sat Dec 15, 2018 9:21 am

PC told the presidente he was going to paint the city’s benches a variety of colors on his own schedule and the presidente didn’t go for it? I am shocked.
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R.I.P. Chapala Malacon Bench Project. Empty Re: R.I.P. Chapala Malacon Bench Project.

Post by solajijic Sun Dec 16, 2018 5:10 pm

Your "feeling" of accomplishment really isn't that important when weighed against having the work actually done and the ultimate benefit to the community.  Your offer has strings attached.  It is difficult to believe you didn't even inform the officials what you were considering.  I hope you gave them the paint, the other materials and the name of who or whatever offered the replacement slats.

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R.I.P. Chapala Malacon Bench Project. Empty Re: R.I.P. Chapala Malacon Bench Project.

Post by Problem Child Sun Dec 16, 2018 5:20 pm

solajijic wrote:Your "feeling" of accomplishment really isn't that important when weighed against having the work actually done and the ultimate benefit to the community.  Your offer has strings attached.  It is difficult to believe you didn't even inform the officials what you were considering.  I hope you gave them the paint, the other materials and  the name of who or whatever offered the replacement slats.

I asked and got permission; if they wanted strings, it should have been in the paper.

I was asked if I wanted to "donate" the paint and I did.

Personally, I love to do hands-on "handyman" work, so my motive wasn't 100% altruistic.

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