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Getting FMM stamped out in Guadalajara instead of Cancun when exiting Mexico

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Getting FMM stamped out in Guadalajara instead of Cancun when exiting Mexico Empty Getting FMM stamped out in Guadalajara instead of Cancun when exiting Mexico

Post by sm1mex Thu Apr 04, 2019 9:10 am

We are flying from Guadalajara and have a transfer in Cancun to exit Mexico and on to our final destination. Can we get the FMM stamped out in Guadalajara instead of Cancun. I know you can do that in Guadalajara if you exit Mexico through Mexico City but just wondered if we can get stamped out in Guadalajara instead of trying to find the man in Cancun at our layover.

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Getting FMM stamped out in Guadalajara instead of Cancun when exiting Mexico Empty Re: Getting FMM stamped out in Guadalajara instead of Cancun when exiting Mexico

Post by CanuckBob Thu Apr 04, 2019 11:57 am

I have done that when travelling to Vancouver via Mexico City. I get is stamped in GDL and then hand it in when departing MEX.

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Getting FMM stamped out in Guadalajara instead of Cancun when exiting Mexico Empty Re: Getting FMM stamped out in Guadalajara instead of Cancun when exiting Mexico

Post by sm1mex Thu Apr 04, 2019 12:05 pm

Yes Mexico City allows you to get stamped out in Guad, but Morelia is a different story. You have to deplane, find the man 3 stories down, down the hall around the corner at the end of another hall in a tiny office, then run back up to 3rd flood and catch another plane. Usually when we have flown through Morelia to our final destination we only have 1 hour layover, and it is too close for comfort to have to get stamped out in Morelia. A delayed plane out of Guad, you would be stranded in Moralia, missing the next flight.

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