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solar water heater

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solar water heater Empty solar water heater

Post by beener Wed Apr 10, 2019 8:42 pm

Wondering if anyone has a suggestion or two, I'm going to be away for a month or so. The question is <<<<is there a problem with draining the system. The reason I ask is my system tends to get really hot and lets off a colum of water just like a car overheating. I'm the only person using it so I get the hot rad thing now and then, 4 times in the last month. I hate to water the street. Any thoughts please.

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solar water heater Empty Re: solar water heater

Post by ferret Wed Apr 10, 2019 9:32 pm

Contact your installer. There should have been a shutoff installed before and after the unit if only for maintenance and repair purposes.
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solar water heater Empty Re: solar water heater

Post by ohhappyday Thu Apr 11, 2019 12:31 pm

So that you're not wasting water in a time when water supplies in the area are low, shade cloth laid across a portion of the tubes will take care of this and if your water isn't hot enough in January, remove for a month until the sun is back to its usual strength and then have it put back. Our installer charged us $100mxn to do this and it has worked perfectly.

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