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Post by cypress Fri Apr 12, 2019 6:01 am

My computer guru, Rick Gonzalez, died. I need someone to replace him. Does anyone have recommendations?

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Computer person Empty Re: Computer person

Post by CanuckBob Fri Apr 12, 2019 6:39 am

Helperguy, on this forum does computer repairs and maintenance, etc.

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Computer person Empty Re: Computer person

Post by JayBear Fri Apr 12, 2019 6:46 am

Have used Computer Guy for years. Nice guy, reasonable prices, always has solved the problem, doesn't talk down to me, shows up when scheduled.

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Computer person Empty Re: Computer person

Post by Trailrunner Fri Apr 12, 2019 6:54 am

Helper Guy and Computer Guy are one and the same. Send him a PM. He is HG on this forum.
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Computer person Empty Re: Computer person

Post by ferret Fri Apr 12, 2019 7:32 am

Mike Reilly (aka ComputerGuy and HelperGuy) is punctual, efficient, knows his stuff, charges reasonably and will direct you elsewhere if he can't do it. Now, that last statement was a screen problem that needed replacing but I wanted to know for sure that I had to replace it and I trust him. He's always been able to help.
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Computer person Empty Re: Computer person

Post by SunFan Fri Apr 12, 2019 7:40 am

Just talked to Mike for the first time last night. Free helpful advice over the phone.

He's developing his expertise in the whole ilox/fiber arena so he should be in demand as the fiber continues to roll out.

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Computer person Empty computer help

Post by twelveoaks Fri Apr 12, 2019 9:59 am

cypress wrote:My computer guru, Rick Gonzalez, died. I need someone to replace him. Does anyone have recommendations?

Mike Riley ( Ajijic Computing) has done all of our computer problem solving for several years. He does excellent work and his prices are very reasonable.

Phone:765 4156

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Computer person Empty Re: Computer person

Post by cypress Fri Apr 12, 2019 8:01 pm

Yes, I have dealt with MIke Riley. When he worked on my computer part of it was related to the genealogy files I had on two different families. I could see that he certainly knew what he was doing. But I was puzzled that one of my genealogy files I had completely disappeared and the other was no longer in the same program I was used to. So today I have been asking some genealogy (including PAF) message boards what was the problem and I was given this answer. "Hi John,

Your problem isn’t really the Windows version, just the old genealogy program that you have. I’m not familiar with PAF but most programs are basically the same. Near the top of the screen click on the word “File”. Under that there will be an option to “Export”. From there you can choose to save your file as a Gedcom file (.ged) which can then be read by whatever new genealogy program you decide to use. The only drawback is that Gedcoms are text only so if you have any pictures in your old program you will have to transfer them manually. If you have any questions, let me know."
So I should have not have been relying on retrieving my data from a memory stick but from Gedcom files that I should have created. Mike did spend time digging up some other genealogy programs that could accept my data but they were strange and incomplete to me.
So the problem was not the Windows version but how I had saved it. Funny thing was I did end up finding my main genealogy file in the original version and I've bee using it ever since.
I had no idea that my genealogy program (PAF from the Mormon church) was essentially discontinued.
As I get older I get dumber.

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Computer person Empty Re: Computer person

Post by ferret Fri Apr 12, 2019 8:24 pm

Not really. It's tough keeping up with changes in the computer world. How many times have you thought "I'll upgrade"... a printer or other peripheral, or a program or an operating system and then find out something is not compatible with it. Yup. Been there, done that. Now I'm a chronic package reader to make sure things are either compatible or forward compatible or backwards compatible (like USB 3 ports will still accept USB 2 gadgets). I used to have some wonderful programs for making brochures that I was very comfortable with... of no use with an upgraded operating system. Computer person 851398
C'est la vie.
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Computer person Empty Re: Computer person

Post by SunFan Fri Apr 12, 2019 8:46 pm

I remember laughing at the old out of touch Farts 50 years ago when I was so smart.

I think of Bob Dylan's line

"But I was so much older then.

I'm younger than that now."


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Computer person Empty Re: Computer person

Post by ltollefs Sat Apr 13, 2019 8:13 am

ferret wrote:Not really. It's tough keeping up with changes in the computer world. How many times have you thought "I'll upgrade"... a printer or other peripheral, or a program or an operating system and then find out something is not compatible with it. Yup. Been there, done that. Now I'm a chronic package reader to make sure things are either compatible or forward compatible or backwards compatible (like USB 3 ports will still accept USB 2 gadgets). I used to have some wonderful programs for making brochures that I was very comfortable with... of no use with an upgraded operating system. Computer person 851398
C'est la vie.

Designed obsolescence. Apple doesn't have 191 different types of power adapter for nothing.
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Computer person Empty Re: Computer person

Post by sm1mex Mon Jul 22, 2019 4:14 pm

What is computer guy email address. The one I found doesn’t work. It must be old.

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Computer person Empty Re: Computer person

Post by ComputerGuy Mon Jul 22, 2019 4:39 pm

My email is mike -at- Replace the word - at - with the correct character. It has been the same for about 15 years, though.
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Computer person Empty Re: Computer person

Post by sm1mex Mon Jul 22, 2019 6:22 pm

I got it. It should be @. Huh. Thanks.

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Computer person Empty Re: Computer person

Post by cypress Mon Jul 22, 2019 6:30 pm

cypress wrote:Yes, I have dealt with MIke Riley. When he worked on my computer part of it was related to the genealogy files I had on two different families. I could see that he certainly knew what he was doing. But I was puzzled that one of my genealogy files I had completely disappeared and the other was no longer in the same program I was used to. So today I have been asking some genealogy (including PAF) message boards what was the problem and I was given this answer. "Hi John,

Your problem isn’t really the Windows version, just the old genealogy program that you have. I’m not familiar with PAF but most programs are basically the same. Near the top of the screen click on the word “File”. Under that there will be an option to “Export”. From there you can choose to save your file as a Gedcom file (.ged) which can then be read by whatever new genealogy program you decide to use. The only drawback is that Gedcoms are text only so if you have any pictures in your old program you will have to transfer them manually. If you have any questions, let me know."
So I should have not have been relying on retrieving my data from a memory stick but from  Gedcom files that I should have created. Mike did spend time digging up some other genealogy programs that could accept my data but they were strange and incomplete to me.
So the problem was not the Windows version but how I had saved it. Funny thing was I did end up finding my main genealogy file in the original version and I've bee using it ever since.
I had no idea that my genealogy program (PAF from the Mormon church) was essentially discontinued.
As I get older I get dumber.

An update Rick Gonzalez in Ajijic could solve my computer/genealogy problem but he is gone and no one else in Mexico could figure out the solution. Back in Canada the first computer place I went to solved the problem quite quickly and perfectly. No Gedcoms were necessary and there was no problem with my old genealogy program as it is still used-it took me awhile to find it and I did not lose any of my information. Everything needed was right there if you poked around. So shop around for computer guys with imagination.

Last edited by cypress on Mon Jul 22, 2019 6:38 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : clarity)

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Computer person Empty Re: Computer person

Post by ComputerGuy Mon Jul 22, 2019 7:16 pm

You insist on bringing this up, over and over again, in public. Okay then.

Everything you needed was right there, as you just pointed out, because I put it there. You were not willing to take the time to a: understand that the old genealogy program would not work with your new installation of Windows, or b: listen to any help I offered. I researched and installed two different new programs that a: worked on your computer, and b: were compatible with your genealogy files.

Enough of this disparaging. Give it up. User error.
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Computer person Empty Re: Computer person

Post by cypress Tue Jul 23, 2019 5:43 pm

ComputerGuy wrote:You insist on bringing this up, over and over again, in public. Okay then.

Everything you needed was right there, as you just pointed out, because I put it there. You were not willing to take the time to a: understand that the old genealogy program would not work with your new installation of Windows, or b: listen to any help I offered. I researched and installed two different new programs that a: worked on your computer, and b: were compatible with your genealogy files.

Enough of this disparaging. Give it up. User error.

You still have it wrong. As the computer guys in Canada quickly showed the old genealogy program works perfectly with Windows ten if it is installed properly. They could not understand why you could not do it. Why would I listen to you as I thought you were wrong. The research you did was pretty flimsy. The new programs you installed did work with my computer but were pretty amateurish. They weren't very compatible with my genealogy information as they did not accept  a lot of the information I had. The worst thing was you lost one of my files that took me years to collect-a cardinal sin for a computer guy. I think you were just over your head.

Last edited by cypress on Tue Jul 23, 2019 5:48 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : clarity)

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Computer person Empty Re: Computer person

Post by ComputerGuy Tue Jul 23, 2019 8:35 pm

Your statements are the biggest pile of BS I have yet read on any board. Keep your simpering to yourself. Accept the fact that you are Clueless when it comes to all things technical. I have helped you countless times on TOB, even after your spiteful treatment of me, and this is the thanks I get. Screw you and your cheap-ass tiny mind.
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Computer person Empty Re: Computer person

Post by DuckieHoomever Tue Jul 23, 2019 9:49 pm

ComputerGuy wrote:Your statements are the biggest pile of BS I have yet read on any board. Keep your simpering to yourself. Accept the fact that you are Clueless when it comes to all things technical. I have helped you countless times on TOB, even after your spiteful treatment of me, and this is the thanks I get. Screw you and your cheap-ass tiny mind.

Mike, I'm an obsolete computer guy who had to deal with angry clueless users more than I wanted. One of my favorite diagnoses in a situation like this is PEBKAC. "Problem exists between keyboard and chair."

Best to ya.

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Computer person Empty Re: Computer person

Post by cypress Wed Jul 24, 2019 8:29 am

ComputerGuy wrote:Your statements are the biggest pile of BS I have yet read on any board. Keep your simpering to yourself. Accept the fact that you are Clueless when it comes to all things technical. I have helped you countless times on TOB, even after your spiteful treatment of me, and this is the thanks I get. Screw you and your cheap-ass tiny mind.
I won't argue with you as the facts speak for them selves. You did a very poor job for me-there is more that I haven't mentioned yet. I know a bit about computers so I am not clueless. I rely on experts other than you. My treatment wasn't spiteful as you botched your job on my computer (according to outside "experts" and refused to acknowledge your failures). Who can back up your details and denials? I have several "experts" to back up my statements. If you can't acknowledge the facts maybe it is retirement time.

Last edited by cypress on Wed Jul 24, 2019 8:37 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : clarity)

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Computer person Empty Re: Computer person

Post by ComputerGuy Wed Jul 24, 2019 8:41 am

Simply put, John Burns / Cedros, you are not worth my time.
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Computer person Empty Re: Computer person

Post by ferret Wed Jul 24, 2019 8:42 am

Your experience, Cedros, is an anomaly if it even occurred.

Now, what I REALLY want to know is how you put an icon your desktop. Or, did you really pay someone to drag it and drop it for you.
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Computer person Empty Re: Computer person

Post by cypress Wed Jul 24, 2019 1:39 pm

ferret wrote:Your experience, Cedros, is an anomaly if it even occurred.

Now, what I REALLY want to know is how you put an icon your desktop. Or, did you really pay someone to drag it and drop it for you.

My experience may be an anomaly but that could be because it involved information that Computer Guy was unfamiliar with-genealogy programs and large genealogy files. If only he had been honest about it. It may be something he doesn't deal with.

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Computer person Empty Re: Computer person

Post by ferret Wed Jul 24, 2019 3:44 pm

You're really not going to answer my question are you?
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Computer person Empty Re: Computer person

Post by Carry Bean Wed Jul 24, 2019 4:10 pm

ComputerGuy wrote:Simply put, John Burns / Cedros, you are not worth my time.

What’s the reason for posting his real name?

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