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Notre Dame Cathedral burns...

Carry Bean
espíritu del lago
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Notre Dame Cathedral burns... - Page 2 Empty Re: Notre Dame Cathedral burns...

Post by brigitte Thu Apr 18, 2019 10:46 pm

I grew up in Paris and went to the Sorbonne so I passed Notre Dame everyday at least a couple of times a day sometimes more.. It never was my favorite building, I was way more attracted to Sainte Chapelle but everyone has their favorite site and this building is the top landmark in Paris soI do not see why foreigners cannot feel attached to it or want to donate for its rebuilding. As Mike said it is all part of feeling involved and I think that is wonderful. Yes the rich will donate a whole lot but all the smaller donations add up to a lot as well and it is part of the spirit of the building. Thousands of little people made that building.. yes the church or the kings and the court probably donated a ton of money but so did all the people who contributed in building it and that is the spirit of the building from the smallest to the largest donation count. Thanks Canada Mike for contributing.

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Notre Dame Cathedral burns... - Page 2 Empty Re: Notre Dame Cathedral burns...

Post by espíritu del lago Fri Apr 19, 2019 7:02 am

Canada_Mike wrote:There are a couple of points about making a private donation to ND. First of all, my modest donation in no way precludes my making other donations to other causes. Secondly, I often give to foreign charities when tragedy strikes. That they are not my countrymen does not loom large with me. I have donated in response to floods and typhoons, none of which we have in Canada. Yes, I give to Canadian causes, e.g., the Humboldt crash tragedy and the Toronto Star Christmas and summer camp funds. Some are at home and many are not.

I have been to the Notre Dame Cathedral several times on different trips, and have stood in awe of its magnificence and been struck by the work and craftsmanship it embodies. I know that the very wealthy corporations are laying out hundreds of thousands of euros, and that my €100 will not make much of a difference, unless a few thousand regular folk like my wife and I all help. The bottom line is that we wanted to feel involved in the rebuilding, so that when we go again, or our grandchildren go, they can they can feel a part of it.

But that's just us.

Thank you and well done!
espíritu del lago
espíritu del lago
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Notre Dame Cathedral burns... - Page 2 Empty Re: Notre Dame Cathedral burns...

Post by espíritu del lago Wed Apr 24, 2019 9:01 am

'Miousse's recreation is modeled as closely as possible to the structure as it was at the time--at least, for the most part. The team found that playtesters missed the spires, so Miousse added them to the cathedral despite the fact that they weren't actually added until later.'

'The company is helping out in another way, however. It has committed more than $500,000 to reconstruction efforts, and made Assassin's Creed Unity free for a limited time in honor of the cathedral.'

You tube has a video of this amazing recreation of the Cathedral.
espíritu del lago
espíritu del lago
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Notre Dame Cathedral burns... - Page 2 Empty Re: Notre Dame Cathedral burns...

Post by ferret Sat May 11, 2019 8:53 pm

Deleted my post when I found this thread again...

I did look for the original post on the fire and couldn't find it. But, just had to post this because it is SO cool and yet it is so complementary to the original structure that it looks like it was always that way. Enjoy.
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Notre Dame Cathedral burns... - Page 2 Empty Re: Notre Dame Cathedral burns...

Post by brigitte Sat May 11, 2019 10:28 pm

I hope they go for it, that is pretty cool.. tha will provide lots of jobs for window cleaners besides gardeners and aintenance people. Thanks for posting!

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Notre Dame Cathedral burns... - Page 2 Empty Re: Notre Dame Cathedral burns...

Post by ferret Sat May 11, 2019 10:54 pm

And it's an architectural firm based in Paris. Like, like, LIKE!
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Notre Dame Cathedral burns... - Page 2 Empty Re: Notre Dame Cathedral burns...

Post by Rosa Venus Sun May 12, 2019 11:30 am

Wow. That is magnificent. Thanks for posting the link.

(But all I can think of is, "How do they keep it from becoming 50 million degrees inside?")
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Notre Dame Cathedral burns... - Page 2 Empty Re: Notre Dame Cathedral burns...

Post by RVGRINGO Sun May 12, 2019 11:38 am

The rooster will glow red-hot, day and night. Very Happy

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Notre Dame Cathedral burns... - Page 2 Empty Re: Notre Dame Cathedral burns...

Post by CHILLIN Sun May 12, 2019 11:44 am

Paris is not that hot, it is about 50 degrees latitude, let say a little north of Vancouver in North America. Of course is does not get the Pacific coastal drizzle though.
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Notre Dame Cathedral burns... - Page 2 Empty Re: Notre Dame Cathedral burns...

Post by brigitte Sun May 12, 2019 11:58 am

yes the heat will be a problem athough it does not get hot until end of June to mid july if it ever does..
It will get hot in there and they will have to think about that...

Paris can be hot in the summer as the sun comes out around 5 in the morning and does not go down until 10 or so ..the nights do not cool off and that is why so many people died of heat a few years ago...It is usually cloudy but it can get very hot.
The people who have glass roofs and I know several who do in Paris, all complain of the heat when the sum is out.

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Notre Dame Cathedral burns... - Page 2 Empty Re: Notre Dame Cathedral burns...

Post by ferret Sun May 12, 2019 12:05 pm

All of you missed this in the article:

"while the roof's diamond-shaped "scales" will open to offer natural ventilation -- a design inspired by termite mounds. "

In another article I read about it, it was saying that the choir would be bathed in natural light... so I was more concerned about how far the voices of the choir would travel when those scales were open.
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Notre Dame Cathedral burns... - Page 2 Empty Re: Notre Dame Cathedral burns...

Post by brigitte Sun May 12, 2019 12:23 pm

The attic was not open to the cathedral below so I am not sure it would work for the sound to open the ceilings.. Also all these hundreds of windows will be open how? and hopefully it will not get as old looking and dirty as Beaubourg

The termite mounts are protected by dirt not by glass..

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Notre Dame Cathedral burns... - Page 2 Empty Re: Notre Dame Cathedral burns...

Post by brigitte Sun May 12, 2019 1:01 pm

16 more choices of designs...

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Notre Dame Cathedral burns... - Page 2 Empty Re: Notre Dame Cathedral burns...

Post by Canada_Mike Sun May 12, 2019 1:35 pm

Paris gets brutally hot in the summer. Been there, and never again.
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Notre Dame Cathedral burns... - Page 2 Empty Re: Notre Dame Cathedral burns...

Post by brigitte Sun May 12, 2019 3:09 pm

It is impossible to say when or if it will get hot in Paris but when it gets hot it is miserable. It usually in end of june or july and it lasts 2 or 3 days then a storms cools things off then it starts again.. and so on but come years like a few years ago when many died... It was horrible and lasted something like 2 months.. Since the nights are very short , ther is no cooling off period.. most people do not have A/C and it is truly awful, that is torture.. I was in Paris and Marseill during the murderous heat wave and I went to the catacombes, to stay cool, went to movies that had A/C.. We went out at 10 or 11 to eat and came back at 2 and it was still in the 90és.. So much for Paris being cool Chillin. It is not common and it usually do not last but when it does it is hell and the cathedral is sure to know some of this type of weather , Good luch to the plants under that kind of situation.

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Notre Dame Cathedral burns... - Page 2 Empty Re: Notre Dame Cathedral burns...

Post by brigitte Sun May 12, 2019 3:11 pm

It is impossible to say when or if it will get hot in Paris but when it gets hot it is miserable. It usually  in end of june or july and it lasts 2 or 3 days then a storms cools things off then it starts again.. and so on but come years like a few years ago when many died... It was horrible and lasted something like 2 months.. Since the nights are very short , there is no cooling off period.. most people do not have A/C and it is truly awful.. I was in Paris and Marseille during the murderous heat wave and I went to the catacombes, to stay cool, went to movies that had A/C.. We went out at 10 or 11 to eat and came back at 2 and it was still in the 90és..I slept on the tile floor just to get a little cool. So much for Paris being cool Chillin. It is not common and it usually do not last but when it does it is hell and the cathedral is sure to know some  of this type of weather  , Good luch to the plants under that kind of situation. That was 2003 and 15 000 people died, I went there because my aunt got an attack because of the heat and died from it... Many old people died in that summer.

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