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Good for ecology, good for Walmart, and maybe others and

Problem Child
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Good for ecology, good for Walmart, and maybe others and Empty Good for ecology, good for Walmart, and maybe others and

Post by Problem Child Sat Apr 20, 2019 3:08 pm

maybe inconvenient for some of us.

No more plastic bags. Bring your own, buy a reusable one from Walmart, hand carry your item(s) or have them put in a cardboard box.

This one I give a Thumbs up

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Good for ecology, good for Walmart, and maybe others and Empty Re: Good for ecology, good for Walmart, and maybe others and

Post by Gamina Sat Apr 20, 2019 3:32 pm

I can't quite go as far as giving them a thumbs up.  WalMart is certainly not customer friendly.  They could have found biodegradable sacks but they would have been expensive and would call for being prepared for this new law.  But WalMart is cheap and not forward-thinking.
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Good for ecology, good for Walmart, and maybe others and Empty Re: Good for ecology, good for Walmart, and maybe others and

Post by suegarn Sat Apr 20, 2019 4:01 pm

Gamina wrote:I can't quite go as far as giving them a thumbs up.  WalMart is certainly not customer friendly.  They could have found biodegradable sacks but they would have been expensive and would call for being prepared for this new law.  But WalMart is cheap and not forward-thinking.

Walmart isn't the only one who is making us buy bags now (unless you bring your own). The 'everything' store across from the Ajijic plaza doesn't provide plastic bags anymore, and no other alternative except for buying one of their cloth bags.

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Good for ecology, good for Walmart, and maybe others and Empty Re: Good for ecology, good for Walmart, and maybe others and

Post by Problem Child Sat Apr 20, 2019 4:58 pm

In California, it's the law for grocery stores as I recall.

Of course WM is out for its bottom line, however in this case I still believe it benefits the planet.

Google "whale with plastic in its stomach" and see how many have died.

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Good for ecology, good for Walmart, and maybe others and Empty Re: Good for ecology, good for Walmart, and maybe others and

Post by lakeside7 Sat Apr 20, 2019 5:20 pm

Problem Child wrote:In California, it's the law for grocery stores as I recall.

Of course WM is out for its bottom line, however in this case I still believe it benefits the planet.

Google "whale with plastic in its stomach" and see how many have died.

Notice..I have no guilt feelings I am not responsible for the Sins of my Father...sorry we lost the dinosaurs etc, and all those other creatures Great and Small...if you were a Cave Man (sorry if I am not Gender neutral) you had more important issues like staying alive.....

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Good for ecology, good for Walmart, and maybe others and Empty Re: Good for ecology, good for Walmart, and maybe others and

Post by Trailrunner Sat Apr 20, 2019 5:45 pm

Doubt many cavemen threw their plastic bags from Walmart in the ocean.
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Good for ecology, good for Walmart, and maybe others and Empty Re: Good for ecology, good for Walmart, and maybe others and

Post by SunshineyDay Sat Apr 20, 2019 6:17 pm

lol!! Good point TR!

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Good for ecology, good for Walmart, and maybe others and Empty Re: Good for ecology, good for Walmart, and maybe others and

Post by SunshineyDay Sat Apr 20, 2019 6:21 pm

How many years have companies been giving us FREE cloth bags?
Maybe they were preparing us for this?

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Good for ecology, good for Walmart, and maybe others and Empty Re: Good for ecology, good for Walmart, and maybe others and

Post by solajijic Sat Apr 20, 2019 7:38 pm

free cloth bags from whom? I just ordered a dozen for each car. Of course they will need to be laundered every 6 or so weeks. oh well.

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Good for ecology, good for Walmart, and maybe others and Empty Re: Good for ecology, good for Walmart, and maybe others and

Post by CanuckBob Sun Apr 21, 2019 12:27 am

I believe plastic water bottles and plastic pop bottles are far more damaging than straws and plastic bags.

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Good for ecology, good for Walmart, and maybe others and Empty Re: Good for ecology, good for Walmart, and maybe others and

Post by gringal Sun Apr 21, 2019 6:44 am

CanuckBob wrote:I believe plastic water bottles and plastic pop bottles are far more damaging than straws and plastic bags.

Good point. One way to avoid using plastic water bottles is to install a reverse osmosis unit. No more garafons.

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Good for ecology, good for Walmart, and maybe others and Empty Re: Good for ecology, good for Walmart, and maybe others and

Post by JayBear Sun Apr 21, 2019 8:09 am

Remember when soft drinks came in glass bottles? I bought a small bottle of Coke at Oxxo the other day and got a glass bottle! I couldn't resist saving it--reminds me of days of yore.

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Good for ecology, good for Walmart, and maybe others and Empty Re: Good for ecology, good for Walmart, and maybe others and

Post by Carry Bean Sun Apr 21, 2019 9:31 am

JayBear wrote:Remember when soft drinks came in glass bottles? I bought a small bottle of Coke at Oxxo the other day and got a glass bottle! I couldn't resist saving it--reminds me of days of yore.

That was some of my spending money when I was little, returning soda bottles.

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Good for ecology, good for Walmart, and maybe others and Empty Re: Good for ecology, good for Walmart, and maybe others and

Post by RVGRINGO Sun Apr 21, 2019 10:33 am

When I was a kid, living on a dirt road a mile from the 'corner store' at the two lane major highway, we walked that mile if we had a dime. The dime would buy a 7oz coke and a candy bar. Along the way, we often found a few discarded bottles. Those were picked up and turned in at the store for two cents each. Once in a while, we came out ahead! Recycling of glass makes sense, as it is made of sand, can be re-used as whole bottles, or re-crushed, or re-melted for other purposes; even pavement additives.
Meat came home in kraft paper or waxed paper, wrapped in newspaper. Bags were all kraft paper. I recall that four large ones, full of groceries for the week, for six of us, ran about $20 total; sometimes less. The change was my mother's 'mad money'.
At five, I got a tin lunch box with a thermos bottle for milk. I started kindergarten as WWII started. Then cam rationing, and salvaging everything possible.
Not many left with those memories.....

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Good for ecology, good for Walmart, and maybe others and Empty Re: Good for ecology, good for Walmart, and maybe others and

Post by espíritu del lago Sun Apr 21, 2019 11:50 am

Gamina wrote:I can't quite go as far as giving them a thumbs up.  WalMart is certainly not customer friendly.  They could have found biodegradable sacks but they would have been expensive and would call for being prepared for this new law.  But WalMart is cheap and not forward-thinking.

WalMart is handing out biodegradable bags that look and feel almost exactly like single use plastic bags, but do not have negative effects on the environment. According to what cashiers have been telling shoppers, WalMart will begin charging 10 cents per biodegradable bag on July 5.Jul 3, 2018'
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Post by espíritu del lago Sun Apr 21, 2019 11:54 am

Let me add they're not charging anything. To double check I'll ask next time I'm there.
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Good for ecology, good for Walmart, and maybe others and Empty Re: Good for ecology, good for Walmart, and maybe others and

Post by espíritu del lago Sun Apr 21, 2019 12:04 pm

I just called corporate headquarters and asked since Mexico banned plastic bags if their bags in Mexico and NOB are biodegradable.

They are not, so disregard the prior post.

Last edited by espíritu del lago on Sun Apr 21, 2019 12:06 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Spelling)
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espíritu del lago
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Good for ecology, good for Walmart, and maybe others and Empty Re: Good for ecology, good for Walmart, and maybe others and

Post by suegarn Sun Apr 21, 2019 3:20 pm

espíritu del lago wrote:I just called corporate headquarters and asked since Mexico banned plastic bags if their bags in Mexico and NOB are biodegradable.

They are not, so disregard the prior post.

You could delete your posts to avoid confusion, instead of saying "disregard the prior post".

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Good for ecology, good for Walmart, and maybe others and Empty Re: Good for ecology, good for Walmart, and maybe others and

Post by Carry Bean Sun Apr 21, 2019 7:38 pm

Those brown paper grocery bags made good schoolbook covers.  That’s what we did with them.

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Post by RVGRINGO Mon Apr 22, 2019 9:50 am

Brow paper bags also made great wrapping paper for mailing small packages. Cut into strips, they became bookmarks. With just a few holes, they were Halloween masks. They were cupboard shelf liners, before specialized ones were marketed........etc.

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Good for ecology, good for Walmart, and maybe others and Empty Re: Good for ecology, good for Walmart, and maybe others and

Post by Problem Child Mon Apr 22, 2019 11:47 am

RVGRINGO wrote:When I was a kid, living on a dirt road a mile from the 'corner store' at the two lane major highway, we walked that mile if we had a dime. The dime would buy a 7oz coke and a candy bar.  Along the way, we often found a few discarded bottles. Those were picked up and turned in at the store for two cents each. Once in a while, we came out ahead!  Recycling of glass makes sense, as it is made of sand, can be re-used as whole bottles, or re-crushed, or re-melted for other purposes; even pavement additives.
Meat came home in kraft paper or waxed paper, wrapped in newspaper. Bags were all kraft paper. I recall that four large ones, full of groceries for the week, for six of us, ran about $20 total; sometimes less. The change was my mother's 'mad money'.
At five, I got a tin lunch box with a thermos bottle for milk. I started kindergarten as WWII started. Then cam rationing, and salvaging everything possible.
Not many left with those memories.....

Dearie, do you remember when  - - - - - - -?

Gasoline was $016 a gallon and sometimes lower when there was a "Price War."

Cars with running boards and I had to use my left heel to push the starter button on the floor.

When a cereal box was 90% full.

When you got a real decoder ring with your Cracker Jacks and not a piece of paper with some saying on it.

Tiny cans of name brand foods were in doll houses and not on shelves of markets.

When you didn't have to be a chemist to know what was in your food (today, only Laura Scudder peanut butter is the same way. Ingredients: Peanuts and salt. That's it).

When the bank would give you a toaster of set of flatware if you opened a savings account with $5.00

When ingredients were listed on a bottle/can, you didn't have to be a chemist to understand it.

When companies could pretty well be trusted because they cared about their reputations and good public relations.

When I was actually served a meal on a plane, with flatware and warm food  - - - for free.

IMO, today, companies don't give a sh*t about anything other than the bottom line.

If you really want a look into how companies often work overtime to screw the consumers, look at

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