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maximum deposit via Cheque into a BBVA acccout

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maximum deposit via Cheque into a BBVA acccout Empty maximum deposit via Cheque into a BBVA acccout

Post by Plan B Mon Jul 15, 2019 11:22 am

I have emailed and called the Chapla and Ajijic locations, without success. Mailbox full on call and emails ignored. Customer care at it's finest...

Would anyone know what the new limits for the maximum deposit via Cheque into a BBVA acccount is?

Plan B
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maximum deposit via Cheque into a BBVA acccout Empty Re: maximum deposit via Cheque into a BBVA acccout

Post by kalafia Mon Jul 15, 2019 12:46 pm

Like many things, it may have changed since yesterday.

A trip to Bancomer is necessary for a definitive answer.

FYI- I bank at Bancomer and checked this morning to see how many US dollars I would need to transfer to have $160,000 pesos for a car purchase. The answer was pennies shy of $9091 at their "compra" rate for today. At HSBC the cost of the same $160,000 pesos was just under $8520. The difference in the two rates of $571 USD will pay for a couple of new tires and a year of insurance. This is why I don't deposit USD checks or make wire transfers to my Bancomer account.


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maximum deposit via Cheque into a BBVA acccout Empty Re: maximum deposit via Cheque into a BBVA acccout

Post by Zedinmexico Wed Jul 17, 2019 8:58 am

1000 USD is the max a personal check can be but you can write multiple checks.They have told me that they are trying to change it back for our branch. I switched to XE and Zoom file transfers services which gives a better rate anyway. I do want to point out we have legal addressed in both countries. Your mileage may vary as one person on the other board says that XE cancelled the account due to the sin of having a Mexican address. You do get asked alot of questions at first but than it settles down.

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maximum deposit via Cheque into a BBVA acccout Empty Re: maximum deposit via Cheque into a BBVA acccout

Post by brigitte Wed Jul 17, 2019 10:50 am

I get Scwab from the US to chamge first and then transfer pesos to mu Bancomer account and I get a good rate from Schwab..simple.

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maximum deposit via Cheque into a BBVA acccout Empty Re: maximum deposit via Cheque into a BBVA acccout

Post by Plan B Wed Jul 17, 2019 11:49 am

Zedinmexico wrote:1000 USD is the max a personal check can be but you can write multiple checks.They have told me that they are trying to change it back for our branch.  I switched to XE and Zoom file transfers services which gives a better rate anyway.  I do want to point out we have legal addressed in both countries. Your mileage may vary as one person on the other board says that XE cancelled the account due to the sin of having a Mexican address. You do get asked alot of questions at first but than it settles down.

Yes it took me 3 days of forms and questions to finally get my XE account in Canada. It was cancelled once I had residency in Mexico (I was told I was possibly supporting Terrorist while living in Mexico. XE couldn't understand that my grocery expenses were NOT helping terrorist.). It was a great asset to have for money tx while it was functioning.
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