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Looking for a quiet restaurant on Turkey Day

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Looking for a quiet restaurant on Turkey Day Empty Looking for a quiet restaurant on Turkey Day

Post by Pogo Tue Nov 26, 2019 10:54 am

A friend and I would like to have a quiet lunch / dinner on American Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 28th. Would like to have no buffet, no planned menu, no big event. Just a normal meal in a smallish restaurant where you can hear one another across the table.

Any suggestions would really be appreciated. .

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Looking for a quiet restaurant on Turkey Day Empty Re: Looking for a quiet restaurant on Turkey Day

Post by ComputerGuy Tue Nov 26, 2019 10:59 am

The Guadalajara Reporter for this week lists all the restaurants. However, I doubt you will find turkey being served at any small quiet places, simply because it's not worth their while.

One exception might be Armando's Hideaway, which is a romantic place and not given to noise. He is doing a Thanksgiving dinner, but it is a planned menu. Unless you are not looking for turkey: then there are dozens of restaurants.
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Looking for a quiet restaurant on Turkey Day Empty Re: Looking for a quiet restaurant on Turkey Day

Post by Pogo Tue Nov 26, 2019 11:34 am

Thanks for the quick reply, Guy. I am not necessarily looking for turkey dinner. In fact I would rather have steak. But quiet, small, no big event is what I am seeking. I will have a look at the Reporter. However, I have such trouble getting onto that site that I will probably have to go get one. Urggh!

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Looking for a quiet restaurant on Turkey Day Empty Re: Looking for a quiet restaurant on Turkey Day

Post by CanuckBob Tue Nov 26, 2019 2:19 pm

I dont think Tangos does a thanksgiving spread so you can get a steak and it will probably be quiet in there.

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Looking for a quiet restaurant on Turkey Day Empty Re: Looking for a quiet restaurant on Turkey Day

Post by slainte39 Tue Nov 26, 2019 6:42 pm

You can get a good steak at Bruno´s and it´s not a big enough place to have a big event, whatever that is, and no music either.

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Looking for a quiet restaurant on Turkey Day Empty Re: Looking for a quiet restaurant on Turkey Day

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