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Canada bans assault rifle's

Bearded Beemer
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Canada bans assault rifle's Empty Canada bans assault rifle's

Post by CanuckBob Fri May 01, 2020 5:47 pm

About time.

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Canada bans assault rifle's Empty Re: Canada bans assault rifle's

Post by CHILLIN Fri May 01, 2020 6:03 pm

No wild boar protesters? You know the guy in the Southern U.S. who said what if a pack of wild boars attacked my children in their playground, a semi automatic assault rifle would be the only way I could defend them.
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Canada bans assault rifle's Empty Re: Canada bans assault rifle's

Post by Bearded Beemer Fri May 01, 2020 6:48 pm

Nice to see. Must be great to live in a country governed by responsible people versus living in a country "governed" by a flaming cheeto. A place where armed protestors who storm a State Capitol building are called very fine people.
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Canada bans assault rifle's Empty Re: Canada bans assault rifle's

Post by ferret Fri May 01, 2020 7:06 pm

I am very pleased to see this. Finally! Assault rifles have no place in the hands of anyone but the military... in any country, at any time and no matter who is the leader of that country.
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Canada bans assault rifle's Empty Re: Canada bans assault rifle's

Post by ComputerGuy Fri May 01, 2020 7:16 pm

Oh, we have our gun lobbyists. I heard a long and silly interview on CBC radio this morning from a woman who told us that AR14's are neither assault rifles nor military weapons, meant only for target practice with her daughter and granddaughters. And that the federal government is abusing her rights. She musta moved to Canada from bumf*** USofA.
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Canada bans assault rifle's Empty Re: Canada bans assault rifle's

Post by mattoleriver Fri May 01, 2020 7:52 pm

How have they defined an assault rifle?
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Canada bans assault rifle's Empty Re: Canada bans assault rifle's

Post by HoneyBee Fri May 01, 2020 8:07 pm

How no idea you could buy an assault rifle in Canada Shocked

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Canada bans assault rifle's Empty Re: Canada bans assault rifle's

Post by ferret Fri May 01, 2020 8:11 pm

mattoleriver wrote:How have they defined an assault rifle?

This link gives a link to the weapons banned...

To save you time, here's that link... long 69 pages of banned weapons...

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Canada bans assault rifle's Empty Re: Canada bans assault rifle's

Post by kiko Fri May 01, 2020 9:22 pm

I have a gun nut friend in Texas who has more guns than the US Army.  We got into a discussion once about the preppers for a doomsday scenario and his opinion was the best weapon to have in your home to protect yourself is a hunter's knife.  Why?  Because all of your nut case neighbors (remember we are in Texas) will seek you out if they know you have assault weapons and ammo when it gets down and dirty.  De acuerdo.

There are no effective lobbyists in America for the elderly or for common sense.  It is what it is.
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Canada bans assault rifle's Empty Re: Canada bans assault rifle's

Post by ComputerGuy Sat May 02, 2020 12:17 am

I've said it before: no one needs a gun of any kind for any purpose. Period. Hobbyists complain they are only doing target practice. NO ONE needs target practice. Find another sport. When the government says modern style semi-automatic military type weapons, everyone knows exactly what they are talking about. Demanding a definition and saying people are going to go hungry because their gun store will go under? Useless, disconnected rhetoric.

You want target practice? Get a bow and arrow. You want to hunt for your food? Get a bow and arrow.
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Canada bans assault rifle's Empty Re: Canada bans assault rifle's

Post by addtocart Sat May 02, 2020 8:51 am

So everyone railing about guns in the US has been sitting in a country full of assault rifles all these years?
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Canada bans assault rifle's Empty Re: Canada bans assault rifle's

Post by ferret Sat May 02, 2020 9:16 am

I doubt whether Canada is "full" of assault rifles but this law will make damn sure it doesn't get that way. As a Canadian, I don't even know ANYONE who owns a gun of any kind. imho that's good and I'd like to keep it that way.
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Canada bans assault rifle's Empty Re: Canada bans assault rifle's

Post by gringal Sat May 02, 2020 9:32 am

Anytime a lobby with lots of money exists, there's legislation to favor it.
No surprise. Greed has passed many laws.

Slainte expessed my sentiments very well.

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Canada bans assault rifle's Empty Re: Canada bans assault rifle's

Post by ComputerGuy Sat May 02, 2020 11:04 am

No 2nd amendment issues in Canada. And no legal right to bear arms. Surprisingly, 1 in 10 Canadians own guns, mostly standard rifles, according to reports by Justice Canada. 3 million.

In the US, every single person owns 1 or more guns, based on population. 393 million. The US has 10 times the population of Canada, but owns 100 times more guns.
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Canada bans assault rifle's Empty Re: Canada bans assault rifle's

Post by ferret Sat May 02, 2020 11:13 am

And I bet those statistics are based on legally registered guns which leaves a whole lot of 'em unaccounted for.
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Canada bans assault rifle's Empty Re: Canada bans assault rifle's

Post by Gamina Sat May 02, 2020 11:26 am


In the US, every single person owns 1 or more guns, based on population. 393 million. The US has 10 times the population of Canada, but owns 100 times more guns.[/quote]

No, no, no. Not every single person owns a gun, legal or not. I'm from cow country and many people had a rifle or a shotgun in their pickup rear window. Even kids trucks in high school parking lots. Living in a big city, most people did not have guns and those that did were either hunters with rifles or hand guns for person protection. Each area has a different culture and a different need or not to own a weapon. Assault weapons don't belong in the hands of a civilian as they are only good for killing people, not target practice. Assault weapons also seem to swell the testicles of those who have small ones--and that's the purpose of owning one.
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Canada bans assault rifle's Empty Re: Canada bans assault rifle's

Post by HoneyBee Sat May 02, 2020 11:50 am

I think I will give up VIAGRA and get an assault rifle instead Beer

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Canada bans assault rifle's Empty Re: Canada bans assault rifle's

Post by lakeside7 Sat May 02, 2020 12:52 pm

ComputerGuy wrote:I've said it before: no one needs a gun of any kind for any purpose. Period. Hobbyists complain they are only doing target practice. NO ONE needs target practice. Find another sport. When the government says modern style semi-automatic military type weapons, everyone knows exactly what they are talking about. Demanding a definition and saying people are going to go hungry because their gun store will go under? Useless, disconnected rhetoric.

You want target practice? Get a bow and arrow. You want to hunt for your food? Get a bow and arrow.

Yes I agree .......but that does not help the 3/4 guys gunned down in Chapala last how to fix the local in Mexico situation were we are and stop the Cartels from owning weapons ??

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Canada bans assault rifle's Empty Re: Canada bans assault rifle's

Post by gringal Sat May 02, 2020 1:07 pm

Unless you are a Mexican citizen eligible to vote, you might as well shrug your soldiers. There nada that "we" can do about it.

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Canada bans assault rifle's Empty Re: Canada bans assault rifle's

Post by CanuckBob Sat May 02, 2020 1:43 pm

90% of the cartel's weapons come from the US. Stop giving them guns and ammo then maybe Mexico can try stopping the drugs from flowing North.

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Canada bans assault rifle's Empty Re: Canada bans assault rifle's

Post by ComputerGuy Sat May 02, 2020 4:07 pm

Gamina wrote:[quote="

In the US, every single person owns 1 or more guns, based on population. 393 million. The US has 10 times the population of Canada, but owns 100 times more guns.

No, no, no.  Not every single person owns a gun, legal or not.  I'm from cow country and many people had a rifle or a shotgun in their pickup rear window.  Even kids trucks in high school parking lots.  Living in a big city, most people did not have guns and those that did were either hunters with rifles or hand guns for person protection.  Each area has a different culture and a different need or not to own a weapon.  Assault weapons don't belong in the hands of a civilian as they are only good for killing people, not target practice.  Assault weapons also seem to swell the testicles of those who have small ones--and that's the purpose of owning one.

Obviously I was generalizing. Okay, let me rephrase: there are enough guns in the US for everyone to have more than one: every man, woman, child, and baby. The fact that they don't is not the point. The fact that there are almost 400,000,000 guns is what I was getting at.
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Canada bans assault rifle's Empty Re: Canada bans assault rifle's

Post by lakeside7 Sat May 02, 2020 4:14 pm

CanuckBob wrote:90% of the cartel's weapons come from the US. Stop giving them guns and ammo then maybe Mexico can try stopping the drugs from flowing North.

Respectfully if the "current NA" supplier dried up today...tomorrow they would be importing them from Poland.... or where ever they are made in "Palm Tree Sapling's" and would be expedited through customs post haste

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Canada bans assault rifle's Empty Re: Canada bans assault rifle's

Post by slainte39 Sat May 02, 2020 4:56 pm

lakeside7 wrote:
CanuckBob wrote:90% of the cartel's weapons come from the US. Stop giving them guns and ammo then maybe Mexico can try stopping the drugs from flowing North.

Respectfully if the "current NA" supplier dried up today...tomorrow they would be importing them from Poland.... or where ever they are made in "Palm Tree Sapling's" and would be expedited through customs post haste

So you think Poland or other distant countries would be exporting assault rifles to Mexico as easily as they come from the US?
For some reason, I kind of doubt it:  Do you think it would be "easy" for Mexicans to buy weapons in China or Russia? I kind of doubt it, no matter how much they paid for them.

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Canada bans assault rifle's Empty Re: Canada bans assault rifle's

Post by Zedinmexico Sat May 02, 2020 5:09 pm

Guys in the US you can buy a semi automatic hunting rifle. It shoots just like a (legal not modified to automatic as many are) assault weapon only it looks like a hunting rifle. One pull on the trigger and one bullet fired. This is what makes this situation interesting. I think the main difference between both weapons is number of bullets they hold. So in Canada is a semi automatic hunting rifle still legal???

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Canada bans assault rifle's Empty Re: Canada bans assault rifle's

Post by ComputerGuy Sat May 02, 2020 5:14 pm

lakeside7 wrote:
CanuckBob wrote:90% of the cartel's weapons come from the US. Stop giving them guns and ammo then maybe Mexico can try stopping the drugs from flowing North.

Respectfully if the "current NA" supplier dried up today...tomorrow they would be importing them from Poland.... or where ever they are made in "Palm Tree Sapling's" and would be expedited through customs post haste

Absolutely friggin' hilarious. You made my day.
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