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Reliable Internet in an RV in Ajijic that will hold up on the west pacific coast also

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Reliable Internet in an RV in Ajijic that will hold up on the west pacific coast also Empty Reliable Internet in an RV in Ajijic that will hold up on the west pacific coast also

Post by Nilewaves Thu Aug 20, 2020 1:39 pm

Hello All:

Thanks for being technical. I am not really, though I am teachable, and understand basics. I am planning to come to Ajijic next summer for one month. I will be staying in my RV. I will most likely be outside Ajijic proper most of the time. I want reliable internet there, like the south side of the lake and Jocoptopec and Chapala on the way to Guad. I will also be taking trips to the Pacific coast south of Puerto Vallarta, and staying on the beaches. I am asking about the best internet set up. Right now I am leaning toward a Telcel Jetpack, which I think you are calling an "Access Point" or a data modem? I am not sure. I think the best tool is a dedicated data hotspot unlimited access. I will use it alot. Or should I wait and see if my phone hotspot works good enough?

Thanks for insights. Alison Torba, Dolphin RV Toyota 1989.


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Reliable Internet in an RV in Ajijic that will hold up on the west pacific coast also Empty Re: Reliable Internet in an RV in Ajijic that will hold up on the west pacific coast also

Post by CanuckBob Thu Aug 20, 2020 1:52 pm

Yes I would use TelCel service.

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Reliable Internet in an RV in Ajijic that will hold up on the west pacific coast also Empty what is the tool called? access point, modem, jetpack?

Post by Nilewaves Thu Aug 20, 2020 2:00 pm

Is there a name in spanish?


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Reliable Internet in an RV in Ajijic that will hold up on the west pacific coast also Empty Re: Reliable Internet in an RV in Ajijic that will hold up on the west pacific coast also

Post by CanuckBob Thu Aug 20, 2020 2:43 pm

Well if you go for the TelCel modem you will need 120v to power it. If you just use your phone as a hot spot then 120v is not required.

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Reliable Internet in an RV in Ajijic that will hold up on the west pacific coast also Empty Re: Reliable Internet in an RV in Ajijic that will hold up on the west pacific coast also

Post by CHILLIN Thu Aug 20, 2020 2:52 pm

If you get a Telcell modem make sure it has a battery or power supply. I am buying a new, very powerful computer in November. It will run well on twelve volt, is super durable with a five year uncondition warranty, and a fifteen year parts availability gaurantee. It is called the Tensor PC. No moving parts, no fan, runs solid state drives. You can load one drive on Windows 10, and another one with my favorite, Linux Mint 20. It also includes Kensington lock down sockets that can use chains or cables to prevent theft.
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Reliable Internet in an RV in Ajijic that will hold up on the west pacific coast also Empty Re: Reliable Internet in an RV in Ajijic that will hold up on the west pacific coast also

Post by OasisCloud Thu Aug 20, 2020 3:01 pm

The TelCel hotspots are called "Internet en tu Casa".

They say "Unlimited", but that is not true. The 399 peso plan is unlimited until you use 100GB of data. I'm not sure if they cut you off then or just throttle the speed way back. They have a 799 peso plan that gives you 200GB. And you can add extra on any plan for 100 pesos per 25GB.

So depending on what "I will use it alot" works out to it could get expensive. You also have to have good cell coverage where you are parked. I have also heard, though I don't know this first hand, that they are intended for "in home" use and you have to give an address and if it moves around they cut you off.

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Reliable Internet in an RV in Ajijic that will hold up on the west pacific coast also Empty Re: Reliable Internet in an RV in Ajijic that will hold up on the west pacific coast also

Post by CHILLIN Thu Aug 20, 2020 5:16 pm

You should also checkout this website with professional quality wi fi extenders for rv etc.
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Reliable Internet in an RV in Ajijic that will hold up on the west pacific coast also Empty Re: Reliable Internet in an RV in Ajijic that will hold up on the west pacific coast also

Post by Nilewaves Thu Aug 20, 2020 8:04 pm

Wow. Thanks everyone. Sounds like there are some RVers on here. When I was down there in November Telcel cut off my service for "suspicious activity". My guess is they are squeezing pay as you go users so they buy a subscription, since I had hardly used the burner phone I bought. I really like the idea of tapping into existing WIFI as I don't care for Telcel's business practices at all.


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Reliable Internet in an RV in Ajijic that will hold up on the west pacific coast also Empty Re: Reliable Internet in an RV in Ajijic that will hold up on the west pacific coast also

Post by Nilewaves Thu Aug 20, 2020 8:06 pm

Chillin: Honestly your first post sounded like a foreign language. But I expect to really thoroughly SOLVE the reliable internet problem while on the road one HAS to learn a foreign language and blaze a new trail. Noone really knows how to do it well for a reasonable price as of yet from my research.


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Reliable Internet in an RV in Ajijic that will hold up on the west pacific coast also Empty Re: Reliable Internet in an RV in Ajijic that will hold up on the west pacific coast also

Post by Nilewaves Thu Aug 20, 2020 8:07 pm

Chillin, I wonder how much that Cadillac computer is costin?


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Reliable Internet in an RV in Ajijic that will hold up on the west pacific coast also Empty Re: Reliable Internet in an RV in Ajijic that will hold up on the west pacific coast also

Post by Nilewaves Thu Aug 20, 2020 8:08 pm

Chillin, so you are NOT getting a Telcel modem, but alternately a really good computer? What is your modem going to be?


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Reliable Internet in an RV in Ajijic that will hold up on the west pacific coast also Empty Re: Reliable Internet in an RV in Ajijic that will hold up on the west pacific coast also

Post by CHILLIN Fri Aug 21, 2020 2:22 pm

Based on the Mint Box mini 2 pro - about 349$ US. I am landline, Telmex Infinitum with a second TP link wi fi router. Two routers give you two firewalls You would have no problem learning Linux Mint, it is super user friendly and absolutely free. You can load Windows 10 as well and choose what you want to use at startup.
Yes, alternatives like Hughes Satellite internet are quite expensive though I have not looked lately. There are supposed to be at least three low orbit internet
satellites starting to service currently no internet service locations in Latin America, equatorial regions, etc.
Dish U.S.A. has a 100$ receiver dish, and a very economical onternet and streaming package. Dish Mexico is owned by Carlos Slim. I have no idea why they haven't introduced it here.
From what I read from CCrane, a lot of RV parks offer wi fi, but they are weak signals.
I had completly rebuilt a 1971 22 ft. Superior, all galvanised steel motorhome, including a new engine, built to racecar specs. Decided at the last minute not to bring it and sold it for cheap. Besides, my parents had a beach front casita in Puerto Vallarta which they were unable to use anymore. The motorhome would been in storage for a long time.
The Dolphin is another fine, classic motorhome.
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Reliable Internet in an RV in Ajijic that will hold up on the west pacific coast also Empty Re: Reliable Internet in an RV in Ajijic that will hold up on the west pacific coast also

Post by CHILLIN Sun Aug 23, 2020 5:39 pm

Maybe wait for 5g
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Reliable Internet in an RV in Ajijic that will hold up on the west pacific coast also Empty Re: Reliable Internet in an RV in Ajijic that will hold up on the west pacific coast also

Post by TooMuchCoffee Sun Dec 06, 2020 5:59 pm

I think your best bet is to use a Telcel broadband modem as mentioned above, or tether it to your Telcel phone.  You can buy unlimited data for 2 hours for 15 pesos which is a great plan for watching movies in the evening.

At one time, Telcel had a restriction on the use of broadband modems.  If you moved to a new location, you had to pay a substantial service fee.  The first move was free.  You might want to check that out.  Of course, satellite might be another choice but there are limitations there too.

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Reliable Internet in an RV in Ajijic that will hold up on the west pacific coast also Empty Re: Reliable Internet in an RV in Ajijic that will hold up on the west pacific coast also

Post by inthecolumbiagorge Fri Jan 01, 2021 9:44 am

All I can say is "Good Luck:/" I have a TelCel wireless modem as there really is no other good service where we live apparently and it is not a very good option. I can stream netflix sometimes but most of the time I cannot. I have no service at all at least weekly, and sometimes more than one time a week and the service I do have is not very good. You do need a physical address that they tie the service to and when I tried to bring it with me to Manzanillo it did not work at all regardless of the good cell service that we had. If I could find something else that would work in our location I would get it. I pay $500 pesos monthly for "unlimited" service but it most definitely is limited. I have a cell tower within line of sight of my modem and it does not seem to make it any better either.
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Reliable Internet in an RV in Ajijic that will hold up on the west pacific coast also Empty Re: Reliable Internet in an RV in Ajijic that will hold up on the west pacific coast also

Post by Riverman Sat Jan 02, 2021 10:43 pm

inthecolumbiagorge wrote:All I can say is "Good Luck:/" I have a TelCel wireless modem as there really is no other good service where we live apparently and it is not a very good option. I can stream netflix sometimes but most of the time I cannot. I have no service at all at least weekly, and sometimes more than one time a week and the service I do have is not very good. You do need a physical address that they tie the service to and when I tried to bring it with me to Manzanillo it did not work at all regardless of the good cell service that we had. If I could find something else that would work in our location I would get it. I pay $500 pesos monthly for "unlimited" service but it most definitely is limited. I have a cell tower within line of sight of my modem and it does not seem to make it any better either.

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Check if your phone has the bands for the cell company you use, if you can see your tower I'd suspect your phone is lacking bands.


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