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cohetes Empty cohetes

Post by karjoeaz Sun Dec 13, 2020 10:20 am

Whats the deal with all the cohetes lately? Especially at 2 and 3 o'clock in the am. Not complaining just wondering why.

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cohetes Empty Re: cohetes

Post by ferret Sun Dec 13, 2020 10:31 am

Festival for the Virgin of Guadalupe and the last night, the twelfth of December, should give you a break from the cohetes for a while (maybe).

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cohetes Empty Re: cohetes

Post by karjoeaz Sun Dec 13, 2020 11:00 am

ferret wrote:Festival for the Virgin of Guadalupe and the last night, the twelfth of December, should give you a break from the cohetes for a while (maybe).


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cohetes Empty Re: cohetes

Post by gringal Sun Dec 13, 2020 11:16 am

I buy a large desk calender from the Velazquez' gallery on 16 de Septiembre in Ajijic every year. They list all the holidays for Mexico, Canada and the U.S. in tiny print in the number boxes. This includes the religious you know when to get out the ear plugs.

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cohetes Empty Re: cohetes

Post by CHILLIN Sun Dec 13, 2020 12:38 pm

The Guadalupe processions are cancelled aren't they?
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cohetes Empty Re: cohetes

Post by ferret Sun Dec 13, 2020 1:00 pm

They may have been cancelled but the cohetes went off as planned. Anyway it's over now.
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cohetes Empty Re: cohetes

Post by BisbeeGal Sun Dec 13, 2020 1:05 pm

In Seis Esquinas where the church named for Guadalupe is located, there were bands and mini-parades off/on during the novena. I ran into the native dancers a few times last week in centro Ajijic, coming and going from events/parades. Big parties yesterday at many homes.

Yes the cohetes were loud, every morning at 5ish for 6 AM mass and again in the evening for 6PM mass

I like hearing the cohetes and had missed them these past 9 months.
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cohetes Empty Re: cohetes

Post by slainte39 Sun Dec 13, 2020 1:33 pm

For the very religious, this is the MOST important religious holiday in Mexico. More so than Navidad o Pascua.
Mi consuegra was born on 12 de diciembre....guess what her name is?  lol!

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cohetes Empty Re: cohetes

Post by CHILLIN Sun Dec 13, 2020 1:59 pm

Guess what her name is.

Long Suffering?😂
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cohetes Empty Re: cohetes

Post by CHILLIN Sun Dec 13, 2020 4:02 pm

I once painted a true fresco of the Virgin in her green cloak, etc. My Father was travelling back to Canada for medical treatment that day. So I thought why not, might be good luck. I used a pigment called malachite for the cloak. I had started late, so I put a plastic sheet over the fresco, so I could touch up some sections in the morning. Next morning, removed the plastic, and found the Malachite had turned black, in reaction to the lime. I had painted a black Guadalupe! This may provoke a lightning bolt from heaven! I quickly scraped up the black, put in a new layer of lime where the cloak was, snd used lime resistant pigments to finish the job. Luckily my father 's trip and operation were event free.
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cohetes Empty Re: cohetes

Post by ComputerGuy Sun Dec 13, 2020 6:39 pm

It would appear we have yet another zealous priest in S.A.T. Never heard this many (expensive!) cohetes and fireworks at this time of year in Riberas. Ridiculous waste considering how tought things are right now for many here. I can hear them as I write this.
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cohetes Empty Re: cohetes

Post by MexicoPete Sun Dec 13, 2020 9:36 pm

I am finally almost getting used to hearing the cohetes when they go off in the middle of the night. I sure don't like them, though.

Does anyone know what one pays for a cohete? I have always wondered where the churches got enough money to pay for those continuous blasts of cohetes during the night, this time of the year. If you know the cost of a cohete, please share it with us
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cohetes Empty Re: cohetes

Post by slainte39 Sun Dec 13, 2020 11:19 pm

MexicoPete wrote:I am finally almost getting used to hearing the cohetes when they go off in the middle of the night. I sure don't like them, though.

Does anyone know what one pays for a cohete? I have always wondered where the churches got enough money to pay for those continuous blasts of cohetes during the night, this time of the year. If you know the cost of a cohete, please share it with us

They are usually paid for by private groups and individuals and not the church.  Hard to control the spending for something legal by these various factions, the same with weddings, etc., as they can buy as many flowers as the Templo can hold, nothing to do with the expense account of the Cura. I haven´t bought or paid for any for a long time so I can´t give you a recent price.  My last wedding was 20 years ago at the Templo de San Francisco in Chapala and I don´t remember the price of the cohetes that we used up that night. Many years ago, I donated for fireworks in SAT for the religious fiestas in junio and diciembre.
Now I´m deaf and can´t hear them......

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cohetes Empty Re: cohetes

Post by CanuckBob Mon Dec 14, 2020 7:42 am

I bought some a few years ago and they were about $1 usd each.

Vacation Rentals
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cohetes Empty Re: cohetes

Post by oncesubtle Mon Dec 14, 2020 9:00 am

As of 4 years ago Pedro Gonzalez Vega manufactured and sold the big sky rockets from his home in Chapala. He also had a selection of custom castillos, toritos and juegos pirotecnicos. I don't remember the prices other than thinking 100 bucks would probably be enough to start a war.

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cohetes Empty Re: cohetes

Post by kiko Mon Dec 14, 2020 10:15 am

I bought my wife this:

Works great. Ona scale of 1 to 10, a 10 for noise suppression.
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