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Disaster West Ajijic

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Disaster West Ajijic Empty Disaster West Ajijic

Post by HarryB Wed Oct 06, 2021 10:24 am

Buenos Dias a Todos
Yesterday we experienced a disaster. Due to the blockage of arroyos damage was done to roads and houses in west Ajijic.
Yesterday, from my humble point of view, Mother Nature took revenge for offenses done to her by man and paid man back with damages. She sent us a sincere message regarding developments in her mountains of the north shore Chapala. Please respect her arroyos! Yesterday she spoke with the waters. Thank God there was no loss of life!
There are two shelters for those who lost their homes. The Centro Cultural on the Ajijic plaza and the DIF Ajijic in La Floresta on Camino Royal. They are looking for non perishable foods like canned tuna, pasta, rice, beans, paper products and sanitary items which can be dropped off at the mentioned shelters or Manix restaurant, 57 Ocampo and it will be my honor to deliver for you.
Your friend Hector España Ramos
DIF Ajijic 376 766 4600
Centro Cultural 376 766 2373

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Disaster West Ajijic Empty Re: Disaster West Ajijic

Post by ComputerGuy Wed Oct 06, 2021 11:19 am

I would like to add that Traitte, the restaurant delivery service here, has added two links for Collection Centers on their Website for canned food, clothes, and hygiene products.
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Disaster West Ajijic Empty Re: Disaster West Ajijic

Post by Gamina Wed Oct 06, 2021 3:46 pm

If you build your house in an arroyo, expect trouble.
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Disaster West Ajijic Empty Re: Disaster West Ajijic

Post by ComputerGuy Wed Oct 06, 2021 4:02 pm

That answer is perfect for the other board, where holier-than-thou reigns. Meantime, suggest you send your message to every single person living in Racquet Club and San Juan Cosala, nobody for which do we have any idea why they live where they do. Can I count on you?
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Disaster West Ajijic Empty Re: Disaster West Ajijic

Post by gringal Wed Oct 06, 2021 4:45 pm

Most people who live in areas which turn out to be dangerous, do so out of ignorance. Learning better is often a very painful lesson. It seems also that the "powers that be" have allowed building where it shouldn't happen. They know this, but guess why it's permitted?

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Disaster West Ajijic Empty Disaster in West Ajijic

Post by Gamina Wed Oct 06, 2021 6:08 pm

ComputerGuy wrote:That answer is perfect for the other board, where holier-than-thou reigns. Meantime, suggest you send your message to every single person living in Racquet Club and San Juan Cosala, nobody for which do we have any idea why they live where they do. Can I count on you?
The Mexicans living in SJC never expected, when they moved there several generations ago, that someone would build houses up the arroyo and dam parts of it out of convenience.  Or that the powers-that-be would take money again and again to let some developer build for the "view" up an arroyo.  And then destroy their little village with a rain storm.  I don't feel much for the schmucks who bought in the arroyo and didn't think ahead or look up that arroyo and wonder what would happen . . .
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Disaster West Ajijic Empty Re: Disaster West Ajijic

Post by ComputerGuy Wed Oct 06, 2021 6:15 pm

I agree, but I want to define the word "ignorance" so it is taken the right way. It actually means "not being aware of the facts", but is most often used... especially on Webboards... to mean "stupid". Almost everyone who arrives here is ignorant of the ways of Mexico, and lakeside, in the correct definition. I resent anyone calling out anyone else for not knowing the situation. I point out the same example: tons of people live in Racquet Club. AND San Juan Cosala, which is NOT "in an arroyo". And when I moved here, I expected that a popular neighbourhood would be similar to home... if all those people are living there, what is there to question?

My brother bought a lovely little house in Riberas from an old, old friend of mine. Little did we know the whole damn neighbourhood had been under water some years back. It eventually developed more cracks in the roof that we could afford to repair, thanks to shifting damp ground. But for 30 years prior, it was just fine. So by Gamina's "standards", what does that make us?
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Disaster West Ajijic Empty Re: Disaster West Ajijic

Post by gringal Wed Oct 06, 2021 6:36 pm

I meant "ignorant" the same way you did, Computer Guy.
Stupid is not the same thing at all.
The blame should lay on the heads of those who allowed building in the R.C. since both it and S.J.C. have ended up in such a sad situation.
We were shown property in R.C. and yes, the views are amazing, but experience told us this would not be a safe place to live.

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Disaster West Ajijic Empty Re: Disaster West Ajijic

Post by Gamina Wed Oct 06, 2021 6:45 pm

One can't expect to be taken care of by the govt here like in the north.  I agree that if blame is to be assigned it partly lies with the govt.  But one has to look after themselves and not blame others when the mountain falls on top of them.
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Disaster West Ajijic Empty Re: Disaster West Ajijic

Post by CanuckBob Wed Oct 06, 2021 7:00 pm

They need to go up the mountain and clear the plugged arroyos regularly through the rainy season so they don't back up and create small lakes. The water is still raging down the RC streets two days later. Must have been one large lake that let rip.......

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Disaster West Ajijic Empty Re: Disaster West Ajijic

Post by ComputerGuy Wed Oct 06, 2021 8:09 pm

gringal wrote:I  meant "ignorant" the same way you did, Computer Guy.
Stupid is not the same thing at all.
The blame should lay on the heads of those who allowed building in the  R.C. since both it and S.J.C. have ended up in such a sad situation.
We were shown property in R.C. and yes, the views are amazing, but experience told us this would not be a safe place to live.

I know you did.
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Disaster West Ajijic Empty Re: Disaster West Ajijic

Post by ComputerGuy Wed Oct 06, 2021 8:11 pm

Gamina wrote:
ComputerGuy wrote:That answer is perfect for the other board, where holier-than-thou reigns. Meantime, suggest you send your message to every single person living in Racquet Club and San Juan Cosala, nobody for which do we have any idea why they live where they do. Can I count on you?
The Mexicans living in SJC never expected, when they moved there several generations ago, that someone would build houses up the arroyo and dam parts of it out of convenience.  Or that the powers-that-be would take money again and again to let some developer build for the "view" up an arroyo.  And then destroy their little village with a rain storm.  I don't feel much for the schmucks who bought in the arroyo and didn't think ahead or look up that arroyo and wonder what would happen . . .

To start taking the government to task now for something that has been going on for 40 or more years? And runs rampant with every new construction or development? Barn door.
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Disaster West Ajijic Empty Re: Disaster West Ajijic

Post by gringal Thu Oct 07, 2021 6:28 am

I doubt that many of us who have been here for a while would think that taking the government to task for their practices would do any good at all. ("barn door" is right). I gather from the various posts here that people are simply saying that the situation happened because of the government's lack of control over what unscrupulous developers have done and are still doing...based on the mess I observed along the road going West yesterday. What surprised me most was that the great piles of debris started so soon after passing Yves.
That area has been rife with new developments recently.

I do think it would be a good idea for people contemplating a move to that area to take a good look at what has happened there and plan accordingly. Having a new house with a fine lake view isn't everything!! Shocked

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Disaster West Ajijic Empty Re: Disaster West Ajijic

Post by Zedinmexico Thu Oct 07, 2021 7:24 am

Forget this arguing crap. Find what you don't need (remember folks lost everything) and take it to one of the two collection sites. You can also donate money at the Civic center on the Ajijic plaza.


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Disaster West Ajijic Empty Re: Disaster West Ajijic

Post by gringal Thu Oct 07, 2021 8:18 am

What's the matter with people "arguing" as well as donating, eh? Problem?
Disaster West Ajijic 87465

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Disaster West Ajijic Empty Realtors

Post by MichaelB Thu Oct 07, 2021 9:29 am

gringal wrote:I doubt that many of us who have been here for a while would think that taking the government to task for their practices would do any good at all. ("barn door" is right). I gather from the various posts here that people are simply saying that the situation happened because of the government's lack of control over what unscrupulous developers have done and are still doing...based on the mess I observed along the road going West yesterday. What surprised me most was that the great piles of debris started so soon after passing Yves.
That area has been rife with new developments recently.

I do think it would be a good idea for people contemplating a move to that area to take a good look at what has happened there and plan accordingly. Having a new house with a fine lake view isn't everything!! Shocked

I blame the realtors also. They know the history but just want to make a sale...Customer gets screwed yet again

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Disaster West Ajijic Empty Re: Disaster West Ajijic

Post by ComputerGuy Thu Oct 07, 2021 9:57 am

My girlfriend, Cecilia Walters, goes out of her way as a real-estate agent (Fenix) to inform her clients of every known problem with a house and the land. She sells fewer houses than some, but remains guilt-free. Please don't paint all agents with the same brush.
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Disaster West Ajijic Empty Re: Disaster West Ajijic

Post by gringal Thu Oct 07, 2021 1:31 pm

ComputerGuy wrote:My girlfriend, Cecilia Walters, goes out of her way as a real-estate agent (Fenix) to inform her clients of every known problem with a house and the land. She sells fewer houses than some, but remains guilt-free. Please don't paint all agents with the same brush.

Cecilia was our "buying agent" and what he said about her is true. We happened to see the property at Racquet Club on our own at an Open House.

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Disaster West Ajijic Empty Re: Disaster West Ajijic

Post by HarryB Thu Oct 07, 2021 6:25 pm

I believe most of the damage in La Canacinta was from a developer turning an arroyo into a trough with the municipality's approval and over the objections of the locals. Class action suits are allowed now in Mexico and This developer and the municipality are ripe for it!

In the mean time. Let's help the innocent victims.

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Disaster West Ajijic Empty Re: Disaster West Ajijic

Post by ferret Thu Oct 07, 2021 7:09 pm

Developers (also known as people with deep pockets who know people in high places) will never be held accountable. It's all about lining their own pockets and to hell with everyone else.
Be very careful where you choose to live. The location AND the builder.
Even that may not be enough. The people, who owned the very large piece of property on the hillside opposite us in San Pancho, diverted a natural run off because they wanted to develop the lower half of their property. One hell of a mess resulted with the rushing water undermining a well constructed house on the beach. Nothing happened or was done to them. Blackeye
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Disaster West Ajijic Empty Re: Disaster West Ajijic

Post by HarryB Fri Oct 08, 2021 8:22 am

a class action suit can make a lawyers career money + fame is worth the battle!

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Disaster West Ajijic Empty Re: Disaster West Ajijic

Post by CanuckBob Fri Oct 08, 2021 8:36 am

The RC was built over 20 years ago by multiple developers. Who are you going to sue? The Ejido have also cleared land up the mountains to grow crops, etc. which also factors into the problem in some areas.

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Disaster West Ajijic Empty Re: Disaster West Ajijic

Post by ComputerGuy Fri Oct 08, 2021 8:59 am

HarryB wrote:a class action suit can make a lawyers career money + fame is worth the battle!

Or break them. Anyone working in the legal profession here for more than a minute wouldn't even consider taking this on.
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Disaster West Ajijic Empty Re: Disaster West Ajijic

Post by ferret Fri Oct 08, 2021 9:10 am

Nobody ethical at least.
We did get a cracker jack Lawyer involved who had relocated from Mexico City to San Pancho. Even the local government was on our side and knew that run off stream had been an annual occurence for over 40 years. That was also why the property had a bridge over it almost immediately behind the gate entrance.
The Lawyer, who was very ethical, told us these people knew people who knew people who would keep us tied up in the courts for years.
Ya gotta know when to hold 'em and know when to fold 'em.
We sold and moved. It wasn't the only reason for selling but I had enough battles going on.
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Disaster West Ajijic Empty Re: Disaster West Ajijic

Post by CanuckBob Fri Oct 08, 2021 9:57 am

Well living on the side of any mountain has inherent risk as does living on the waterfront.

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