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One can live in hope

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One can live in hope Empty One can live in hope

Post by HarryB Wed 16 Feb 2022 - 8:30

n order to comply with the Jalisco State Ecology Law, on January 29 the Chapala town council approved the regulation of pyrotechnics in the municipality.

Under the regulation, the use of fireworks, or “cuetes,” in the municipality is restricted to a schedule from 8:00 am to 9:00 pm, with the exception of those with permits approved by the Regulations Department which may allow use of fireworks outside of those hours.

The Regulations Department, with the support of the Fire Department and Civil Protection, will carry out prevention raids and enforce safety measures for the use, storage and transportation of flammable substances for pyrotechnics, in order to prevent accidents, according to the Council.

The regulation will enable the department to investigate who transports flammable materials for fireworks and to enforce safety measures in their storage and handling, as well as to verify the permits issued by the Secretary of National Defense (SEDENA) to carriers of flammable materials, said the municipal trustee, Gamaliel de Jesús Soto Pérez.

The regulation and ends for violations will be published in the transparency section of the Municipal Government's official website, and on social networks.

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