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Holy Guacamole War!!

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Holy Guacamole War!! Empty Holy Guacamole War!!

Post by BisbeeGal Thu Feb 17, 2022 1:12 pm

After a US inspector at a Michoacán avocado MEX to US export center received a death threat, the US put a hold on avocado imports.  The death threat occurred after the US inspector rejected a load of avocados from the state of Puebla; the US-MEX import agreement allows avocados ONLY from Michoacán to be imported to US.  Michoacán exports 80% of its avocados to the US and accounts for 80% of all avocados sold in the US.  

AMLO is claiming the ban is based on other issues: 1) the US wants to decrease MEX avocado imports in favor of avocado growers in the US, and 2) the US wants to punish MEX as it is allowing the MEX fishing industry to no longer protect the vaquita, a small dolphin in danger of extinction found off Baja.  

Other theories about why the US has instituted this ban (since last Saturday) is that the US: 1) is really upset about AMLO's energy policy (a policy not just criticized in the US, but world-wide), and 2) the US is sending a message to MEX cartels that the US can make them suffer economically in trade/business not directly tied to the drug trade.  

Interesting to see how this plays out.

This is good article on the subject (but sorry for all the pop-up ads).
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Holy Guacamole War!! Empty Re: Holy Guacamole War!!

Post by kiko Thu Feb 17, 2022 1:52 pm

Mexico could end this if they agreed to pay for guns with avocados. (Note:Sarcasm)
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Holy Guacamole War!! Empty Re: Holy Guacamole War!!

Post by CHILLIN Thu Feb 17, 2022 2:06 pm

Or the only legal guns must use avocado pits as the projectile.
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Holy Guacamole War!! Empty Re: Holy Guacamole War!!

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