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A question about salitre…

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A question about salitre… Empty A question about salitre…

Post by Carry Bean Sat May 07, 2022 11:47 am

My house is 12 years old (bought when it was half completed. Salitre is popping up now. My question is would a border of neutral tile around where the salitre is showing to cover it up just make more pop up higher on the walls above where the tile is? Or would the tile eventually come off from the moisture? Or is there any way to fix this that won’t involve tearing up all the walls. It’s mostly in the living room.

Carry Bean
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A question about salitre… Empty Re: A question about salitre…

Post by BisbeeGal Sat May 07, 2022 12:44 pm

If it took 12 years to pop up for first time...lucky you!

Maybe if you mitigate now with standard of scrape, treat, repaint, maybe it'll take another 12 years to re-appear??

Our first house here was a total rebuild in 2007 and we had salitre almost every year, inside certain rooms, outside too. Our current house is about 50 y/o; since we moved in we spot treat every other year. Luckily at this house it's been on exterior walls.
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A question about salitre… Empty Re: A question about salitre…

Post by Carry Bean Sat May 07, 2022 4:34 pm

There have been a few small patches which I ignored but now there are a few more. I don’t know the name of the paint color and don’t relish the idea of repainting.

Thanks for the help. Will think on this a bit more.

Carry Bean
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