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Can I just rant here? You don't have to read it.

hound dog
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Can I just rant here? You don't have to read it. Empty Can I just rant here? You don't have to read it.

Post by SusieSunshine Wed Oct 19, 2011 2:48 am

It is really upsetting to lose a pet, but when the worst case scenario is that the employees of the so-called gated community might have gotten her, something's way wrong. Everyone up here complains about the staff here, but only a couple have the balls to say anything. The snow birds don't stay long enough to care, but I noticed that many have chosen other places this year. The full timers refer to the staff here as the mafia and are afraid to do anything that might piss them off. They openly admit to committing felonies and lie to the police when questioned. Am I wrong, or are the employees supposed to work for the people who are paying to live in the community? The people here are so cocky that they actually video taped themselves breaking into my house on one occasion and took numerous pictures on another (after they had trashed the place and spread poison all over the floors). There are also pictures of them placing a fighting pitbull in my house with our little dogs (3 under 20 lbs each) dog still has scars that fur won't grow over...their size was the only thing that saved them because they could hide where he couldn't get.

Sorry for the rant, but I have been out looking for a puppy all day and most of the night with two girls and one puppy (the missing puppy's littermate) crying for hours. It wasn't as bad when we thought she was just missing and out on the streets or someone had picked her up, but when a couple people said that they saw here and she was being carried by the secretary and gardener here all hell broke loose because we all knew that they would kill her if they got their hands on her...even my 6 year old (who was the first to say it out loud). The community allows pets, but apparently they have issues with mutts and feel that they are too good to have them here so mine need to be poisoned like the other people's street dogs who were brought in...which has been admitted to. I was told that if we kept one kitten that we picked up, that she would be poisoned and two weeks later, she was, but I was told "Prove it" because they had done it before and nothing can be done without solid witnesses seeing them feed the poison to the animal.

For what it matters, everyone is not bad...the people who live here are great and there are a couple good security officers who have been very nice and helpful. It just sucks when the most dangerous people are already inside the gates or have easy access.

Feels a little better. I wish these were the only problems up here. There were just the ones that I had to vent.

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Post by ferret Wed Oct 19, 2011 7:05 am

Jesus H. Christ!

Where is this hellhole? Why don't you move?...and what do you mean these people can't be fired?
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Post by raqueteer Wed Oct 19, 2011 12:53 pm

Yes, where is this vile place? P.M. if you don't want to say it on the board.

This is not a huge surprise since I've been here for many years and have heard similar stories, however it's always good to know where this is happening so in case we ever moved could avoid it like the plague.

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Post by hockables Wed Oct 19, 2011 1:28 pm

Those Security Fellas would scare the S*"t outta the Bad Guys... that might not be a bad approach...

U might offer the Security Fellas a few bucks ta boot down some doors to see if they can find Littl Scruffy....
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Post by kipissippi Wed Oct 19, 2011 1:30 pm

Won't the "good" security guards help you? You poison one of my babies ....and you'd bettered never leave YOUR drink cup untended EVER again. Can I just rant here? You don't have to read it. 868847
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Post by simpsca Wed Oct 19, 2011 3:06 pm

If there is a security force there is an Association that pays them. Are there board members can you trust to speak to them? I have heard of issues with security guards at many of the gated communities - guards robbing houses or tipping off burglars that owners are not home, but usually the association takes action and fires them and hires new ones. I've seen it done - the firing of bad employees. So if you are an owner, get in touch with your board. If you are a renter get out of there and rent a single family home.

One problem area was Los Sabinos. A friend had her house burgled in the middle of the night while she slept (laptop and many items gone in the morning) and the same night they hit several other homes in the complex - investigation turned up the security guards. The homes have a central courtyard and a gardener gate so very easy to enter. Another years ago was El Parque in San Anotnio - offending guards fired and now you don't hear much about problems there. So something can be done by the homeowners association.
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Post by Carry Bean Wed Oct 19, 2011 3:53 pm

They did clean up El Parque & when I rented there I was very impressed with how nice all the workers were there. You may have more of a problem if the the majority of homes are owned by snowbirds who aren't there to squawk over these problems but this will affect their rentals eventually so it would be smart for them to shape up the place.

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Post by hound dog Wed Oct 19, 2011 5:34 pm

You guys, perhaps unintentionally, vindicate me for my ideas when moving down here in 2001.

Dawg had been tricked into becoming the new president of a high-rise luxury 60 unit condominium on San Francisco´s Russian Hill upon moving into a unit there in about 1980. Like so many Lakeside condos or gated communities, this building had splendid views of the city and the bay and famous bay bridge sometimes those splendid amenities tend to put one off one´s guard. I mean, here you are in this eagles nest gazing out at, in my case, the bay and North Beach and Chinatown and the Oakland/Berkeley Hills and one loses his/her perspective and sense of intellectual balance otherwise known as common sense. It must be that the novitiate presumes, that others living in this impressive environment are most civilized and probably affluent and well-educated so what better a constituency among whom to live and serve as their communal president.

Well, I was sucked in and, in fact, it was a fine urban environment in which to settle but, without going into detail, I will tell you readers what you most certainly already know that affluence and sophistication among one´s neighbors and viiews from one´s perch beyond imagination do not civilized people nor fine places to live necessarily make.

Well, I won´t go into what transpired after I, like the moron I was, successfully (?) was elected to the presidency of that condominum association but let´s just say my problems came from rampant incivility among those frigging swells and corruption oozing form San Francisco city hall and incompetence from several experts whose lack of knowledge upon whiich they based assinine recommendations all combined to make what tutrned out to be one of the longest and most difficult years of my life until, finally, I threw them the keys and told them to go get f*cked.

That having been said, based upon that experience, we both made the decision that, among other criteria, when we retired to Mexico, whatever community in which we settled had to meet, among other essential criteria, that it not be an even remotely governed fraccionamiento or condominium or neighborhood association and that, whereever we settle, we would never associate ourselves with self-righteous pissants calling themselves the "Whatever-Whatever Society" and those citieria, strictly applied, have kept us in good stead and free, and I MEAN FREE, brother, from these things recounted here that seem to be afflicting some of our brethren posting hereabouts.

If the guards and other community personnel are or may be corrupt at one of these self-governing communities, then maybe you had better make friends with the powers-thtt- be or exit the premise mas rapido.

Last edited by hound dog on Wed Oct 19, 2011 6:13 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post by SusieSunshine Wed Oct 19, 2011 5:59 pm

Wow! I did not expect so many responses. I was (and still am) beyond tired and without sleep. I was just trying to rant to release a little pent up frustration.

The hellhole is Villas de La Floresta at the top of Paseo del Lago. There is a President but she and the staff are all in the same "mafia." The residents know it, but it is a volunteer position and with the owners mostly living in Guad and NOB, no one else wants to take it over. I don't think there are other board members. I was told the board for La Floresta is separate and doesn't cover the villas, but would love to see how they feel on what all has gone on. The security guards can only do so much...they have to protect their jobs. They responded when the break ins occurred and called the police for me. They have been on the lookout for the puppy.

I think a huge problem is that the vast majority of owners do not live here. I'm renting, so they don't care. Nothing is maintained properly. If I were an owner, I would be really pissed because the whole place is falling apart.

I have found another place to rent, but it isn't available just yet. My real upset is the puppy right now. I rescued her from Mezcala a few weeks ago and I was told that I had I not taken her, she wouldn't have made it through the night. She was blind from being attacked by a bigger dog and her whole body was filled with infection and pain. She has had procedures to drain infection from her head and then got sick and lost half her body weight in four has been an uphill battle, to say the least. I hate to think that something else bad would happen to her.

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Post by simpsca Wed Oct 19, 2011 6:21 pm

I sympathize with you over your puppy. I can't say even here in the Octagon what I would do to someone who would hurt my puppy or a child, but it would involve taking out a contract on the offending party after I left - torture would be too good for that person.

Until you can leave, buy a wasp spray at the hardware store and a pepper spray called Cobra. and maybe you have to take the dogs or puppies out on a leash to keep them away from poison. Sleep with the sprays next to your bed. And thanks for warning other people of the place this is going on. I will warn anyone I know of planning to rent there.

I am sure many of us are sympathetic to your problem at the hands of those hoodlums.
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Post by hound dog Wed Oct 19, 2011 8:49 pm

You may want to let the person who is in charge and the guards that there is a reward for the return of the dog if anyone has seen it. I bet you one of them will come up with the dog if they have taken it.
Good luck
hound dog
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Post by ferret Wed Oct 19, 2011 8:54 pm

kipissippi wrote: You poison one of my babies ....and you'd bettered never leave YOUR drink cup untended EVER again. Can I just rant here? You don't have to read it. 868847

My feelings exactly. I think a good dosing of epsom salts or any other strong laxative might do the trick. Refrescos or brownies anyone?

I remember a posting (can't recall which board) which was also about Las Villitas de La Floresta. The renter witheld the rent (but put it in the hands of a lawyer to show that it wasn't because she couldn't pay) because of a constantly overflowing toilet and other plumbing issues. The owners of the house locked the driveway gate with her car inside...never did hear the resolution to that one except that she was looking for another place.

Me? I would have loaded my stuff in the car in the dead of night...put a mattress behind the car and backed it right out through the gate. Bye now MF's! Can I just rant here? You don't have to read it. 223417
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Post by raqueteer Wed Oct 19, 2011 8:56 pm

hound dog wrote:You guys, perhaps unintentionally, vindicate me for my ideas when moving down here in 2001.

Dawg had been tricked into becoming the new president of a high-rise luxury 60 unit condominium on San Francisco´s Russian Hill upon moving into a unit there in about 1980. Like so many Lakeside condos or gated communities, this building had splendid views of the city and the bay and famous bay bridge sometimes those splendid amenities tend to put one off one´s guard. I mean, here you are in this eagles nest gazing out at, in my case, the bay and North Beach and Chinatown and the Oakland/Berkeley Hills and one loses his/her perspective and sense of intellectual balance otherwise known as common sense. It must be that the novitiate presumes, that others living in this impressive environment are most civilized and probably affluent and well-educated so what better a constituency among whom to live and serve as their communal president.

Well, I was sucked in and, in fact, it was a fine urban environment in which to settle but, without going into detail, I will tell you readers what you most certainly already know that affluence and sophistication among one´s neighbors and viiews from one´s perch beyond imagination do not civilized people nor fine places to live necessarily make.

Well, I won´t go into what transpired after I, like the moron I was, successfully (?) was elected to the presidency of that condominum association but let´s just say my problems came from rampant incivility among those frigging swells and corruption oozing form San Francisco city hall and incompetence from several experts whose lack of knowledge upon whiich they based assinine recommendations all combined to make what tutrned out to be one of the longest and most difficult years of my life until, finally, I threw them the keys and told them to go get f*cked.

That having been said, based upon that experience, we both made the decision that, among other criteria, when we retired to Mexico, whatever community in which we settled had to meet, among other essential criteria, that it not be an even remotely governed fraccionamiento or condominium or neighborhood association and that, whereever we settle, we would never associate ourselves with self-righteous pissants calling themselves the "Whatever-Whatever Society" and those citieria, strictly applied, have kept us in good stead and free, and I MEAN FREE, brother, from these things recounted here that seem to be afflicting some of our brethren posting hereabouts.

If the guards and other community personnel are or may be corrupt at one of these self-governing communities, then maybe you had better make friends with the powers-thtt- be or exit the premise mas rapido.

Just priceless Dawg, and might i add that we too are trying to free ourselves from the ties that bind, and chafe. Enough is more than enough. We have done our time in the land of the unfree, and would also like a bit of freedom. Beer

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Post by raqueteer Wed Oct 19, 2011 9:01 pm

ferret wrote:
kipissippi wrote: You poison one of my babies ....and you'd bettered never leave YOUR drink cup untended EVER again. Can I just rant here? You don't have to read it. 868847

My feelings exactly. I think a good dosing of epsom salts or any other strong laxative might do the trick. Refrescos or brownies anyone?

I remember a posting (can't recall which board) which was also about Las Villitas de La Floresta. The renter witheld the rent (but put it in the hands of a lawyer to show that it wasn't because she couldn't pay) because of a constantly overflowing toilet and other plumbing issues. The owners of the house locked the driveway gate with her car inside...never did hear the resolution to that one except that she was looking for another place.

Me? I would have loaded my stuff in the car in the dead of night...put a mattress behind the car and backed it right out through the gate. Bye now MF's! Can I just rant here? You don't have to read it. 223417

Hahahaha, another good one ferret. One must be proactive.

This puts me in mind of a former assistant, whose husband, an attorney, had cheated on her. Not to be deterred she waited until he was sleeping, then crept up with a bottle of nair. Nuff said.

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Post by ferret Wed Oct 19, 2011 11:11 pm

Susie Sunshine...why are you still living in Las Villitas considering the other problem that you had there earlier this year?
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Post by Chapalagringa Wed Oct 19, 2011 11:35 pm

it appears she didn't feel she could move just yet but does have another place lined up. Hopefully, it won't be too much longer. That thread was from Aug., not that long ago. Things take time here, unless she's related to dehler...jk, but he can move FAST! Very Happy What an awful experience.
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Post by SusieSunshine Thu Oct 20, 2011 9:54 pm

To start, it is not Las Villitas....I don't want the wrong person(s) blamed. It is the Villas de la Floresta at the top of Paseo del Lago. I know it is an easy mix up, but one is probably a nice place to live.

I have been trying to work it out through lawyers, but it has only gotten worse. The lawyers say to stay until we reach a settlement, but I am being beyond harasssed. The biggest reason that I have stayed is the neighbors. With two exceptions, they have all told me they really want me to stay and that it will get better. It has become like a little family for myself and the girls. I have two daughters who really don't want to leave their friends. So, I just got accustomed walking out to the car (which isn't too big of a deal most of the time) and leaving it outside the gate. We had dealt with the plumbing and lights issues for months, so I had gotten used to it. It has gotten beyond anything reasonable as of late and I have been looking at other places for the end of the month. I have two and told hope lawyers will speed it up.

The experience has been eye opening, though. I watched people lie right in front of the judge in Chapala. The judge told them not to do things and they did them anyway. There is no real recourse for crimes committed against you around here. Even if someone is seen around your house at the time of an absolute break in, unless someone saw them come out with your items in plain sight...nothing. If someone says they will kill your kitten and then is seen at your house and your kitten comes up dead with an autopsy showing poisoning...nothing. If someone verbalizes that they killed your dog in front of witnesses, but tells the police they didn't say it...nothing.

Due to a few witnesses, I now have reason to believe it was the staff here that took out the puppy. So I have reason to be concerned because of their past actions against animals...including killing them. "Someone" (whose profile looked pretty familiar) put dog food with poison in it under the door this morning. The other puppy got to it before I did, but I got her to the vet in time.

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Post by ferret Thu Oct 20, 2011 10:58 pm

This is hearbreaking. I honestly don't know how you stand it because I sure wouldn't.

I would have been out of there in August. Period.
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Post by SusieSunshine Thu Oct 20, 2011 11:33 pm

It is heartbreaking. I have been in tears ever since we found her missing. I have a six year old that spent the first night crying incessantly and the littermate who is still crying pretty much nonstop.

I was offered free rent and promised there would be no problems for the issues I had and the things I had paid to fix. That was why I stayed. I keep being promised no more problems...but this is the final straw. I'll just take it to court.

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Post by ferret Fri Oct 21, 2011 6:58 am

Forget court. Your sanity and the health and well being of your family are far more important than being "right".

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Post by gringal Fri Oct 21, 2011 9:21 am

Experience has taught me that taking things to court is a good way to have more problems than you already have.

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Post by hound dog Fri Oct 21, 2011 12:45 pm

You have that one pegged. SusieSunshine should get the hell out before something really bad happens. If they are nervy enough to slip poison under a door who knows what else they will do. Life is to short to live this way.
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Post by gringal Fri Oct 21, 2011 1:12 pm

Brigitte........sometimes people "have right on their side" and they just can't resist trying to get it fixed in the courts. Meanwhile, their enemies escalate the meanness and gawd knows where it could end.
If you're going to take something to court, you surely don't want to be living amongst those on the other side of the case.

Once again, Susie..........from a bunch of well-wishers: MOVE.

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Post by SusieSunshine Fri Oct 21, 2011 1:18 pm

Thanks! I meant that I would forget staying and trying to work it out. I will just move and try to recover what I can in court. However, if that is just going to create more problems, I may not. I don't have experience with the court system.

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Post by gringal Fri Oct 21, 2011 2:07 pm

Trust this, Susie: you don't want experience in the court system...........anywhere.
There are times when the best course is to close the door and just move on. Some lessons are expensive........but worth it in the long haul. You will never make the same mistake again, and that fact in itself might be more profitable than anything you could get in a lawsuit.

Good luck! cheers

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