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Maz versus Lakeside

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Maz versus Lakeside Empty Maz versus Lakeside

Post by kip Sat Jan 07, 2023 11:24 am

Anyone know how they compare budget and services wise?

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Maz versus Lakeside Empty Re: Maz versus Lakeside

Post by ferret Sat Jan 07, 2023 11:36 am

Before you even THINK about moving to Mazatlan (or anywhere on the coast), please rent there from June to the end of October.
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Maz versus Lakeside Empty Re: Maz versus Lakeside

Post by kip Sat Jan 07, 2023 12:02 pm

ferret wrote:Before you even THINK about moving to Mazatlan (or anywhere on the coast), please rent there from June to the end of October.

We live in Mississippi...might be doable. I would prefer the weather Lakeside but all that seafood and the ocean..... enticing.

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Maz versus Lakeside Empty Re: Maz versus Lakeside

Post by RickS Sat Jan 07, 2023 1:37 pm

Not saying that it's not hot/humid in Mazatlan but it is farther north....Tropic of Cancer. IMO not as bad as, say, Manzanillo or PV area.
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Maz versus Lakeside Empty Re: Maz versus Lakeside

Post by RickS Sat Jan 07, 2023 1:41 pm

Plus one is just a hop skip 'n jump from Culiacan and all the Fentanyl one can digest.
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Maz versus Lakeside Empty Re: Maz versus Lakeside

Post by kip Sat Jan 07, 2023 1:43 pm

RickS wrote:Plus one is just a hop skip 'n jump from Culiacan and all the Fentanyl one can digest

Think I'll skip the Fentanyl and stick with shrimp.

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Maz versus Lakeside Empty Re: Maz versus Lakeside

Post by mudgirl Sat Jan 07, 2023 4:38 pm

Not everyone considers hot, humid weather to be miserable. I've lived in Sayulita for 20 years and I like the summer here. I don't even have AC- fans work just fine for me. What a lot of gringoes who clear out as soon as the weather turns hot and humid don't realize is that May and June are actually the most miserable months, as well as Oct. Before the rains start and after they stop. At least I have always found it so. Once the rains really kick in, it rains almost every afternoon or during the night and cools things down considerably. There have been mornings in July and August where it was chilly enough in the morning that I put on a long-sleeved shirt.

And like everywhere, the climate is changing. This year, nights were pleasantly cool all through June (even my neighbor who hates the hot weather thought so), and whereas in the past there were many summer nights where I just slept with a fan on me and not even a top sheet because it was so hot, this summer that wasn't the case. Even the nights when the electric went out during a storm so that the fans didn't work, which usually results in hardly being able to sleep because it's stiflingly hot and humid, weren't like that.

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Maz versus Lakeside Empty Re: Maz versus Lakeside

Post by ferret Sat Jan 07, 2023 6:41 pm

Everybody knows what they like or dislike. That's why I suggested renting for that time frame FIRST. Lived on the coast for six years and hated it every summer. Only been back once (January 2014) since leaving in 2011.

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Maz versus Lakeside Empty Re: Maz versus Lakeside

Post by mudgirl Sat Jan 07, 2023 8:18 pm

And the advice to check it out in the summer is crucial. I know so many people who came down to the PV area on holiday during the fall and winter, fell in love with it, and bought a house, only to find out that they totally hated the hot humid summers, the daily rain, the mud, and the power outages.

The same could be said for any area one is considering moving to- check it out in all seasons. For instance, you Lakeside folks seem to always claim that Lakeside has a perfect climate year-round, but almost every winter I see posts saying that people are cold and where can I buy a space heater? Maz versus Lakeside 1f61c

And just like I said the summer weather here on the coast has changed over the years, the winter weather has, too. There have been some really cold nights here the last couple years, which I never experienced for the previous 15 years I lived here except for one winter maybe 20 years ago that was an aberration. Last year in Jan./Feb. it went down to around 45-50 degrees F for weeks in a row. When my Canadian friends asked how cold it was when I told them it was cold here, they said "That's not cold". I had to remind them that when it's that cold in Canada, they have their heat on inside, and we have no heat here.

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Maz versus Lakeside Empty Re: Maz versus Lakeside

Post by kip Sat Jan 07, 2023 8:32 pm

ferret wrote:Everybody knows what they like or dislike. That's why I suggested renting for that time frame FIRST. Lived on the coast for six years and hated it every summer. Only been back once (January 2014) since leaving in 2011.

Renting? Heavens yes!!!! We will never buy again. Rents are so much more reasonable than Mexican property prices.

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Maz versus Lakeside Empty Re: Maz versus Lakeside

Post by mudgirl Sat Jan 07, 2023 8:55 pm

"Renting? Heavens yes!!!! We will never buy again. Rents are so much more reasonable than Mexican property prices."

Depends where. Here in Sayulita, rents are outrageous. It's become such a tourist trap that it's impossible to find anything reasonable to rent any more. During the tourist season everyone wants to do vacation rentals and there is almost nothing available to rent year-round that is affordable. I bought a lot and built a house here 16 years ago because of that.

There are some little 2 room, ugly inside, constructed about as cheaply as you can, casitas in the lot behind me where long-term renters live. They pay 8000 pesos/month and utilities are not included.

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Maz versus Lakeside Empty Re: Maz versus Lakeside

Post by kip Sat Jan 07, 2023 10:18 pm

mudgirl wrote:"Renting? Heavens yes!!!! We will never buy again. Rents are so much more reasonable than Mexican property prices."

Depends where. Here in Sayulita, rents are outrageous. It's become such a tourist trap that it's impossible to find anything reasonable to rent any more. During the tourist season everyone wants to do vacation rentals and there is almost nothing available to rent year-round that is affordable. I bought a lot and built a house here 16 years ago because of that.  

There are some little 2 room, ugly inside, constructed about as cheaply as you can, casitas in the lot behind me where long-term renters live. They pay 8000 pesos/month and utilities are not included.

Both Maz and Lakeside have some pretty good deals.

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Maz versus Lakeside Empty Re: Maz versus Lakeside

Post by CanuckBob Sun Jan 08, 2023 7:15 am

The big difference between too hot and too cold, when you are out and about, is that with the cold you can always wear more clothes. Not much you can do when it's too hot outside.

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