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Ajijic Malecon

hound dog
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Ajijic Malecon Empty Ajijic Malecon

Post by hound dog Thu 3 Nov 2011 - 21:32

I took my first walk on the Ajijic malecon this afternood since my return from Chiapas and was pleased to see some additional construction going on down there near Six Corners. I asked around among the workers on duty there and they told me that the malecon will now be extended from its present configuration to at least the edge of the Six Corners soccer field which is great news. I´m not sure what the improvements will be to the soccer field but, no matter, it should be good news for all of us looking for a place to walk along the beach.
hound dog
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Ajijic Malecon Empty Re: Ajijic Malecon

Post by CheenaGringo Thu 3 Nov 2011 - 22:00

Interestingly, your bring this up. We were so impressed during our last visit that I applied for and was granted permission by TripAdvisor to do a brief review:

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Ajijic Malecon Empty Re: Ajijic Malecon

Post by Zedinmexico Fri 4 Nov 2011 - 8:21

hound dog wrote:I took my first walk on the Ajijic malecon this afternood since my return from Chiapas and was pleased to see some additional construction going on down there near Six Corners. I asked around among the workers on duty there and they told me that the malecon will now be extended from its present configuration to at least the edge of the Six Corners soccer field which is great news. I´m not sure what the improvements will be to the soccer field but, no matter, it should be good news for all of us looking for a place to walk along the beach.

Houndog in Ajijic?? I hope he didn't get contaminated :-) Got some Yoga class and sitar lessons waiting for ya dawg.


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Ajijic Malecon Empty Re: Ajijic Malecon

Post by hound dog Fri 4 Nov 2011 - 10:04

Houndog in Ajijic?? I hope he didn't get contaminated :-) Got some Yoga class and sitar lessons waiting for ya dawg.Z[/quote]

Thank you Z but, unfortunately, I left my sitar in San Cristóbal and, frankly, I´ve had my fill of yoga having just driven through Zipolite Beach (Playa de los Muertos) on the Oaxaca Coast on my way back to Peoria Upon Sump from Chiapas and, since Zipolite is a "clothing optional" beach, there was this drop-dead beautiful young woman practicing her yoga exercises in the nude on the beach quite openly and her movements were the very essence of grace if a bit immodest. Dawg, of course, was observing this having been taken with the incredible skills she was exhibiting with no erotic interest whatsoever since Dawg is a mellow old fellow. It was quite an astounding athletic performance.

Your mention of the sitar reminds me of a old Ravi Shankar LP album I purchased way back in the 1960s which was recorded in San Francisco before a live audience when everybody thought themselves hip and East Indian music was the rage. The album opened with some assorted notes followed by a pause at which time the live audience of hipsters broke into wild and sustained applause. After that raucus applause had faded, Shankar got on the micrphone and announced:

"Thank you very much. If you enjoyed the warm-up that much you are going to love the concert."
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Ajijic Malecon Empty Re: Ajijic Malecon

Post by CheenaGringo Fri 4 Nov 2011 - 10:55


Knowing that you spent time in India during your "wanderlust days" and previously exposed to Indian music - were you able to understand the fascination? Having lived in India, I was never able to understand the movement. Sitar with the accompanying tablas just didn't cut it with me and I had been subjected to tabla lessons as a replacement for my wish to learn how to play the drums. In the mid 70's, Ravi Shankar performed in Aspen and it was quite the social event.

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Ajijic Malecon Empty Re: Ajijic Malecon

Post by hound dog Fri 4 Nov 2011 - 11:53

Actually, Neil, I used to really like listening to the sitar with accompanying tablas back in the late 60s and 70s but uaually when stoned on weed which happened to me with some regularity way back then. I also liked those oatmeal joints in Kathmandu back then with those secret ingredients in the oatmeal.

Wait; this sounds like a trend. I really liked flamenco music in those days and still do but mainly back then over red wine in neighborhood bars in places such as Seville or Jerez when locals would come in on a Sunday afternoon and jam. Then everybody knows that Mississippi Delta Blues is best experienced in the Delta in rustic bars and not in some sterile concert venue in a vast auditorium in Birmingham or Memphis and the greatest jazz clubs in San Francisco and Washington, D.C. in those days were small bars often in seedy parts of town.

It was all fun while it lasted as best I can remember. That was, however, a long time ago in Dawg Time.
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Ajijic Malecon Empty Re: Ajijic Malecon

Post by CheenaGringo Fri 4 Nov 2011 - 13:46

Therein lies my problem! Lack of appreciation due to not partaking of the "weed"!

And that leads to an interesting story: my father (an ex-Marine) traveled extensively throughout India. At the time he smoked either Pall Malls or Chesterfields and ran out while off in the countryside where American cigs were not available. The night he returned we were all sitting at the dining table on the patio. After dinner, he went to light up and pulled out a pack of locals. Being proud of his find, he bragged that he found a brand that tasted OK to him. As soon as my sister and I saw the package, we both exclaimed: "No wonder you like it, it is a mix of tobacco and weed!" That package flew off the patio ASAP!

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Ajijic Malecon Empty Re: Ajijic Malecon

Post by gringal Fri 4 Nov 2011 - 13:57

Back in the states, a friend enjoyed having friends over to dine and party. When some folks just didn't realize it was going home time, he'd put on classical koto music or extreme sitar. Cleared the place out quicker than a police siren.

You have to be in the right mood for it.

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Ajijic Malecon Empty Re: Ajijic Malecon

Post by Zedinmexico Fri 4 Nov 2011 - 14:25

I should have known better than to bait my hook without knowing what kinda
fish the Dawg is. At least it made for a nice amusing drift.


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Ajijic Malecon Empty Re: Ajijic Malecon

Post by hound dog Fri 4 Nov 2011 - 15:46

Zedinmexico wrote:I should have known better than to bait my hook without knowing what kinda
fish the Dawg is. At least it made for a nice amusing drift.


Let´s not be facile,Z. Your astonishingly shallow paean to the Dawg for whom you have absolutely no personal respect, has no standing in Dawg´s world. You are the absolute manifestation of everything inconsequential The Dawg detests. Do you actually think you can recover some rectitude by engaging me in some sort of inconsequential banter? If so, you ar a moron. Amusing drift my ass.

Dawg is not a fish to be drawn into your boat by some missplaced empty headed pinche cabron who couldn´t find his/her way back to the dock to have some two-bit esclava scale the godamned thing for you incompetent bourgeois pork pie hat.

Otherwise I have no opinion.
hound dog
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Ajijic Malecon Empty Re: Ajijic Malecon

Post by Zedinmexico Fri 4 Nov 2011 - 18:34

Dawg no doubt you are bright and clever but you are also clueless sometimes.

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Ajijic Malecon Empty Re: Ajijic Malecon

Post by hound dog Fri 4 Nov 2011 - 18:54

Zedinmexico wrote:Dawg no doubt you are bright and clever but you are also clueless sometimes.

According to my soulmate of over 40 years, I am clueless most of the time.
hound dog
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Ajijic Malecon Empty Re: Ajijic Malecon

Post by martygraw Fri 4 Nov 2011 - 21:23

hound dog wrote:
Zedinmexico wrote:Dawg no doubt you are bright and clever but you are also clueless sometimes.

According to my soulmate of over 40 years, I am clueless most of the time.

Bubba, she is one very bright women.
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Ajijic Malecon Empty Re: Ajijic Malecon

Post by Zedinmexico Sat 5 Nov 2011 - 8:59

Dawg your Soulmate must either be a Saint or as Dark as you are sometimes. I
suspect she is a version of Saint and I am sure she is very bright. I can't imagine
you Dawg with a dumb woman for 40 years. Consider yourself lucky. I didn't get
married until I was 55 as I am very picky and spouses interfere with work and
life in my opinion. YMMV


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Ajijic Malecon Empty Re: Ajijic Malecon

Post by hound dog Sat 5 Nov 2011 - 12:02

[quote="Zedinmexico"]Dawg your Soulmate must either be a Saint or as Dark as you are sometimes. I
suspect she is a version of Saint and I am sure she is very bright. I can't imagine
you Dawg with a dumb woman for 40 years. Consider yourself lucky. I didn't get
married until I was 55 as I am very picky and spouses interfere with work and
life in my opinion. YMMVZ[/quote]

You know, Z, I´m beginning to regret my petulant little response to one of your earlier posts which sounded more testy than I had intended. I, for one, welcome you to the forum and I have no real problem being called to task on my remarks hereabouts so have at it and I will try to be more civil in the future.

You´re right that my soulmate is a hell of a lot smarter than am I. That reminds me of a story I´m sure I´ve told before but, what the hell, to paraphrase what Seinfeld´s Uncle Leo told him, "Hell, I´m and old man and can´t remember what I´ve done from moment."

In 1972, my new bride and I moved from Mobile to San Francisco so I could accept a job offer with a major financial institution there and also because I had lived in San Francisco before moving to Mobile and liked the city so I talked her into moving there with me. Shortly after we had moved there, we were invited to a bank management cocktail party (shudder) on Russian Hill and, during the course of the party, at a time when she and I had become separated, she was chatting with some senior bank official who asked her during the course of the conversation how she had come to move from Paris where she was raised, to San Francisco. She responded that she had actually initially moved to Mobile from Paris on a temporary teaching assignment, gotten married in Alabama and been induced by her new husband to move to San Francisco. He responded that he found it hard to believe that she would move to Mobile as, according to him, the place was full of rednecks. Said she; " Tell me, I married one." End of discussion.

Now, Dawg left Alabama some forty years ago and my darlin´ wife and I have spent our years together primarily in California, Mexico and France but there are some things an ole boy from Bama who went to the University with Joe Namath in the 60s cannot ignore so I must prepare to watch the Crimson Tide destroy the LSU Tigers tonight on satellite which means I must go stock up on a case of XX Lager to ice down for the evening. I promise not to post after drinking all that beer as Mr. Hyde lurks behind the keyboard.
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Ajijic Malecon Empty Re: Ajijic Malecon

Post by Uncle Jack Sat 5 Nov 2011 - 12:11

" I promise not to post after drinking all that beer as Mr. Hyde lurks behind the keyboard.".

I wish to God you had made that pledge years ago. Would have made my life a bit easier.

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Ajijic Malecon Empty Re: Ajijic Malecon

Post by hound dog Sat 5 Nov 2011 - 15:10

[quote="Uncle Jack"]" I promise not to post after drinking all that beer as Mr. Hyde lurks behind the keyboard.".
I wish to God you had made that pledge years ago. Would have made my life a bit easier.uj[/quote]

Now, now, UJ, you know we had a lot of fun in those days and Dawg (Bubba back then) misses you. Mr. Hyde´s unfortunate tendencies are much in remission now. In the early 2000s he was a mean sumbitch but, now, even when he pops up, he is a pussycat.

We miss you down here and your beloved of many years. I hope this finds you doing well in the frozen tundra.

We just met an old friend on the street as we were walking our latest dogs in beautiful, leafy La Floresta and were surprised to see him again as he had moved to Wichita, Kansas only a couple of years ago after many years as a professional in many parts of Latin America and had lived here in La Floresta for a number of years. We told him we were pleased he had come back and, since we had been living for some time in Chiapas we had not known of his return to Lakeside , this time to West Ajijic and asked him how long he had lasted in Kansas. He told us, about three weeks in August. We told him we had had much the same response to the U.S. Southwest on a recent trip up there after ten years in Mexico without returning for any length of time to the U.S. At least as far as we and our returned friend are concerned, after years of living in Mexico and other parts of Latin America, the U.S. is too much to take.
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Ajijic Malecon Empty Re: Ajijic Malecon

Post by Zedinmexico Sat 5 Nov 2011 - 15:29

hound dog wrote:[[i]quote="Zedinmexico"]Dawg your Soulmate must either be a Saint or as Dark as you are sometimes. I

You know, Z, I´m beginning to regret my petulant little response to one of your earlier posts which sounded more testy than I had intended. I, for one, welcome you to the forum and I have no real problem being called to task on my remarks hereabouts so have at it and I will try to be more civil in the future.

Thats OK we have discussed things before on another forum life. I am use to you. I didn't take it personally however
watching you post sometimes is like looking at two different people. One I like one I don't care for. Most of the time
you are the person I like.


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Ajijic Malecon Empty Re: Ajijic Malecon

Post by kipissippi Sat 5 Nov 2011 - 15:48

We of the old "Bubba" fan club..Elke was president, knew that the bamaboy rarely meant to actually hurt anyone. He's playing...this is a fun playground for him and if someone did get hurt...he was always quick to try and make it right. So if something he says cuts you to the quick..keep in mind that it was probably not intentional.

Cousin Kippy
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Ajijic Malecon Empty Re: Ajijic Malecon

Post by hound dog Sat 5 Nov 2011 - 17:21

Zardoz! Now I remember. You should add some spice hereabouts.

Thank you for your kind remarks Cousin Kippy.

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Ajijic Malecon Empty Re: Ajijic Malecon

Post by Zedinmexico Sat 5 Nov 2011 - 18:04

hound dog wrote:Zardoz! Now I remember. You should add some spice hereabouts.

Lost my password to my Zardoz logon here and it was easier to set up another account. Didn't want you
or anybody to think I was trying to be sneaky or whatever.


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