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Picture of Ajijic Malecon

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Picture of Ajijic Malecon Empty Picture of Ajijic Malecon

Post by DaveP Fri Aug 09, 2013 10:04 am

The Canadian Club of Lake Chapala is going hi-tech. We are going to use plastic membership cards similar to a credit card.

Does anyone have a recent picture of the Ajijic Malecon (with water) that they are willing to donate to the cause?

PM me if you like or send me an email

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Picture of Ajijic Malecon Empty Re: Picture of Ajijic Malecon

Post by Pedro Fri Aug 09, 2013 10:35 am

canadian club of lake "chapala" having a card printed with "ajijic" as background?
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Picture of Ajijic Malecon Empty Re: Picture of Ajijic Malecon

Post by Lady Otter Latté Fri Aug 09, 2013 11:10 am

Apparently the Ajijic malecon is what says "Lake Chapala" to them, and it is their card.
Congratulations on going hi-tech.
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Picture of Ajijic Malecon Empty Re: Picture of Ajijic Malecon

Post by CanuckBob Fri Aug 09, 2013 11:15 am

The term "Lake Chapala" refers to the lake and ALL the surrounding burbs INCLUDING the city of Chapala. Since the majority of the ex-pat Canadians here live in one of the burbs called Ajijic it makes sense to use it as the backdrop. No?
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Picture of Ajijic Malecon Empty Re: Picture of Ajijic Malecon

Post by hockables Fri Aug 09, 2013 11:25 am

CanuckBob wrote:The term "Lake Chapala" refers to the lake and ALL the surrounding burbs INCLUDING the city of Chapala.  Since the majority of the ex-pat Canadians here live in one of the burbs called Ajijic it makes sense to use it as the backdrop. No?
Is Chapala a City or Town?

Majority? Do the Majority of Canadians reside in Ajijic? Interesting... I never even considered it before....

I gotta move ta Ajijic....Beer 
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Picture of Ajijic Malecon Empty Re: Picture of Ajijic Malecon

Post by DaveP Fri Aug 09, 2013 11:31 am

CanuckBob wrote:The term "Lake Chapala" refers to the lake and ALL the surrounding burbs INCLUDING the city of Chapala.  Since the majority of the ex-pat Canadians here live in one of the burbs called Ajijic it makes sense to use it as the backdrop. No?
Thanks Bob.

The shots we have of the Ajijic Malecon are not really representative of the area so we are going with an older shot of the Chapala Malecon which has a lot of life in it.

Thanks to everyone who sent pics but the deadline is today and I have to get on with the art work.
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Picture of Ajijic Malecon Empty Re: Picture of Ajijic Malecon

Post by CanuckBob Fri Aug 09, 2013 1:24 pm

hockables wrote:
CanuckBob wrote:The term "Lake Chapala" refers to the lake and ALL the surrounding burbs INCLUDING the city of Chapala.  Since the majority of the ex-pat Canadians here live in one of the burbs called Ajijic it makes sense to use it as the backdrop. No?
Is Chapala a City or Town?

Majority?  Do the Majority of Canadians reside in Ajijic?  Interesting... I never even considered it before....

I gotta move ta Ajijic....Beer 
Yep, I would think at least 5 times more any other burb and yep you shoulda moved to Ajijic......just ask Milena.....jaja.
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Picture of Ajijic Malecon Empty Re: Picture of Ajijic Malecon

Post by Pedro Fri Aug 09, 2013 2:56 pm

now that dave has solved his card thing,how about we discuss the distribution of us canuckleheads on the north shore? mezcala to jocotepec? it's too small a sample to be relevant but how about a head count of board members for starters? i don't believe for one minute that the majority reside in ajijic proper.
by the way the canadian club does have it's meetings at the nueva posada-i fine setting.
i obviously live in the city of chapala.
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Picture of Ajijic Malecon Empty Re: Picture of Ajijic Malecon

Post by Smartalex Fri Aug 09, 2013 4:16 pm

DaveP wrote:...the Chapala Malecon which has a lot of life in it.
Ain't that the truth.
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Picture of Ajijic Malecon Empty Re: Picture of Ajijic Malecon

Post by Jim W Fri Aug 09, 2013 4:43 pm

hockables wrote:
CanuckBob wrote:The term "Lake Chapala" refers to the lake and ALL the surrounding burbs INCLUDING the city of Chapala.  Since the majority of the ex-pat Canadians here live in one of the burbs called Ajijic it makes sense to use it as the backdrop. No?
Is Chapala a City or Town?

Majority?  Do the Majority of Canadians reside in Ajijic?  Interesting... I never even considered it before....

I gotta move ta Ajijic....Beer 

Couldn't pay me enough to live in Ajijic Hocks........Thank GAWD we all make our own when are you moving? Beer Beer  You having a moving party.....Just kidding scratch cheers 
Jim W
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Picture of Ajijic Malecon Empty Re: Picture of Ajijic Malecon

Post by CanuckBob Fri Aug 09, 2013 4:50 pm

Pedro wrote:now that dave has solved his card thing,how about we discuss the distribution of us canuckleheads on the north shore? mezcala to jocotepec? it's too small a sample to be relevant but how about a head count of board members for starters? i don't believe for one minute that the majority reside in ajijic proper.
by the way the canadian club does have it's meetings at the nueva posada-i fine setting.
i obviously live in the city of chapala.
Well first of all I believe that by a long shot, Ajijic (which includes West Ajijic) has far more NA expats (both US & Can) than any other town on the North Shore. So simple statistics would say that the split of the ex-pats in Ajijic would likely be at least 50/50, as it would be in the other towns with the exception of Chapala where I think more US ex-pats than Canadian ex-pats are (70/30). I have no numbers to prove anything other than I can easily see the number of gringos walking around Ajijic versus any of the other towns. It is vastly different.
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Picture of Ajijic Malecon Empty Re: Picture of Ajijic Malecon

Post by CanuckBob Fri Aug 09, 2013 4:51 pm

Jim W wrote:
hockables wrote:
CanuckBob wrote:The term "Lake Chapala" refers to the lake and ALL the surrounding burbs INCLUDING the city of Chapala.  Since the majority of the ex-pat Canadians here live in one of the burbs called Ajijic it makes sense to use it as the backdrop. No?
Is Chapala a City or Town?

Majority?  Do the Majority of Canadians reside in Ajijic?  Interesting... I never even considered it before....

I gotta move ta Ajijic....Beer 
Couldn't pay me enough to live in  Ajijic Hocks........Thank GAWD we all make our own when are you moving?     Beer Beer  You having a moving party.....Just kidding    scratch cheers 
It seems they can't pay you enough for CH either.......jajajaja. Blackeye 

How's the heat up there in Phoenix?
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Picture of Ajijic Malecon Empty Re: Picture of Ajijic Malecon

Post by Jim W Fri Aug 09, 2013 5:23 pm

Freaking hot...only supposed to hit 103 today:twisted: Twisted Evil ...I think about the same temp as Vicam.......
We just finished playing golf, making Idaho Russet twice baked potato, and a huge Fillet......USDA steak!

Anybody got a chopper to lift us over the blockade?
Jim W
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Picture of Ajijic Malecon Empty Re: Picture of Ajijic Malecon

Post by espíritu del lago Fri Aug 09, 2013 6:21 pm

we had a cool front only 102 in my neck of the woods.
espíritu del lago
espíritu del lago
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Picture of Ajijic Malecon Empty Re: Picture of Ajijic Malecon

Post by Lady Otter Latté Fri Aug 09, 2013 6:30 pm

Idaho Russet twice baked potato? You´re killin´ me, Jim! Picture of Ajijic Malecon 851398 
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Picture of Ajijic Malecon Empty Re: Picture of Ajijic Malecon

Post by Zedinmexico Fri Aug 09, 2013 6:49 pm

78 and sunny in Seattle right now. We just got over a heat spell it hit 88 I think LOL.


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Picture of Ajijic Malecon Empty Re: Picture of Ajijic Malecon

Post by gvprod Fri Aug 09, 2013 9:58 pm

it was 108 today in Maricopa AZ...
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Picture of Ajijic Malecon Empty Re: Picture of Ajijic Malecon

Post by simpsca Sun Aug 11, 2013 9:02 am

It's 67 degrees right now in San Juan Cosala. Very Happy
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Picture of Ajijic Malecon Empty Re: Picture of Ajijic Malecon

Post by SunFan Sun Aug 11, 2013 9:09 am

The coptor comes only if its going to be loaded up with 20 lb. bags of Russets.

and some Rhubarb.

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Picture of Ajijic Malecon Empty Re: Picture of Ajijic Malecon

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