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Word of the Day

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Word of the Day - Page 20 Empty Re: Word of the Day

Post by lunateak Wed Apr 30, 2014 12:37 pm

slainte39 wrote:
viajero wrote:
Pedro wrote:77 este no papa. este pinche mamacita.
Que?What the heck does that mean?Is that a google translation of pedro speak?

¡¡¡"pedro speak" español!!!    lol!       ¡¡ay ay ay!!

It is pedrospeak as it isn't Spanish, or isn't the Spanish translation that me!me! thought it was.

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Word of the Day - Page 20 Empty Re: Word of the Day

Post by lunateak Wed Apr 30, 2014 12:39 pm

CHOZNO? Is it an acronym?
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Word of the Day - Page 20 Empty Re: Word of the Day

Post by viajero Wed Apr 30, 2014 1:15 pm

lunateak wrote:CHOZNO?  Is it an acronym?
No,and it shouldn't be capitalized,it means great great great grandchild.
I had to look it up.

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Word of the Day - Page 20 Empty Re: Word of the Day

Post by lunateak Wed Apr 30, 2014 1:44 pm

Thanks! Probably not used often enough for my dictionary.
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Word of the Day - Page 20 Empty Re: Word of the Day

Post by CanuckBob Fri May 09, 2014 8:35 am

sumido soo-mee'-doh (adjective)
immersed, submerged


1. Mis hijos siempre están sumidos en sus condenados videojuegos.

My children are always immersed in their blasted video games.

2. El país está sumido en una profunda crisis económica.

The country is immersed in a profound economic crisis.

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Word of the Day - Page 20 Empty Re: Word of the Day

Post by CanuckBob Sun Jun 29, 2014 7:35 am

preocupado preh-oh-koo-pah'-doh (adjective)


1. Mónica está preocupada porque Alberto no ha respondido al mensaje que le dejó hace dos horas.

Monica is worried because Alberto hasn't responded to the message she left him two hours ago.

2. Lionel está preocupado que lo despidan del trabajo.

Lionel is worried that they'll fire him.

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Word of the Day - Page 20 Empty Re: Word of the Day

Post by CanuckBob Tue Jul 01, 2014 7:22 am

topar toh-pahr' (verb)
to run into, to bump into


1. Daniel topó con Adriana en el centro comercial.

Daniel ran into Adriana in the shopping mall.

2. El proyecto terminó fracasando porque topó con contratiempos inesperados.

The project ultimately failed because it ran into unexpected setbacks.

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Word of the Day - Page 20 Empty Re: Word of the Day

Post by lobita Tue Jul 01, 2014 9:00 am

(Just wanted to say thanks for continuing to post these, CB.)
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Word of the Day - Page 20 Empty Re: Word of the Day

Post by CanuckBob Wed Jul 02, 2014 8:55 am

bonito boh-nee'-toh (adjective)


1. A pesar de tantos días nublados, Seattle es una ciudad realmente muy bonita.

Despite so many cloudy days, Seattle really is a very pretty city.

2. El día está tan bonito. ¡Comamos afuera!

The day is so pretty. Let's eat outside!

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Word of the Day - Page 20 Empty Re: Word of the Day

Post by CanuckBob Thu Jul 03, 2014 8:34 am

el martillo mahr-tee'-joh (noun)


1. ¡Ay! Me pegué el dedo con el martillo.

Ouch! I hit my finger with the hammer.

2. El récord mundial en el lanzamiento de martillo lo tiene Yuriy Sedykh de la Unión Soviética.

The world record in the hammer throw belongs to Yuriy Sedykh of the Soviet Union.

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Word of the Day - Page 20 Empty Re: Word of the Day

Post by CanuckBob Fri Jul 04, 2014 1:01 pm

aguardar ah-gwahr-dahr' (verb)
to wait, to wait for


1. Aguarde unos momentos más. El doctor lo atenderá enseguida.

Wait just a few more moments. The doctor will be with you shortly.

2. Los niños pasan el mes de diciembre impacientemente aguardando la llegada de San Nicolás.

Children spend the month of December impatiently awaiting the arrival of Santa Claus.

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Word of the Day - Page 20 Empty Re: Word of the Day

Post by CanuckBob Sat Jul 05, 2014 9:03 am

vestido veh-stee'-doh (adjective)


1. ¡Nos tenemos que ir en diez minutos y todavía no estás vestido! ¡Date prisa!

We have to leave in ten minutes and you still aren't dressed! Hurry up!

2. No debes ir a una boda vestida de blanca. Ese color está reservado para la novia.

You shouldn't go to a wedding dressed in white. That color is reserved for the bride.

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Word of the Day - Page 20 Empty Re: Word of the Day

Post by CanuckBob Fri Jul 11, 2014 7:36 am

veloz veh-lohs' (adjective)
fast, quick


1. El pez vela es el pez más veloz del mundo; puede nadar hasta sesenta y ocho millas por hora.

The sailfish is the fastest fish in the world; it can swim up to sixty-eight miles per hour.

2. Me gusta correr, pero no soy muy veloz.

I like to run, but I'm not very fast.

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Word of the Day - Page 20 Empty Re: Word of the Day

Post by CanuckBob Fri Jul 25, 2014 8:44 am

pecar peh-kahr' (verb)
to sin; to succumb


1. Mi abuelita siempre decía que quien dice la verdad, ni peca ni miente.

My grandma always sad that whoever tells the truth neither sins nor lies.

2. Graciela es incapaz de ver chocolate sin pecar.

Graciela is incapable of seeing chocolate without succumbing to the temptation.

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Word of the Day - Page 20 Empty Re: Word of the Day

Post by CanuckBob Sat Jul 26, 2014 7:48 am

corriente koh-ree-ehn'-teh (adjective)
current; common, ordinary


1. Para los hombres, tener barba y bigote es la moda corriente.

For men, having a beard and mustache is the current fashion.

2. Soy un tipo bastante corriente; no tengo nada de espectacular.

I'm a pretty ordinary guy; there's nothing spectacular about me.

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Word of the Day - Page 20 Empty Re: Word of the Day

Post by CanuckBob Tue Jul 29, 2014 9:39 am

casado kah-sah'-doh (adjective)


1. Mis abuelos han estado casados por sesenta y dos años.

My grandparents have been married for sixty-two years.

2. Estar casado es uno de los retos más difíciles de la vida, pero también uno de los más gratificantes.

Being married is one of the most difficult challenges in life, but also one of the most rewarding.

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Word of the Day - Page 20 Empty Re: Word of the Day

Post by CanuckBob Fri Aug 01, 2014 2:21 pm

infantil een-fahn-teel' (adjective)
children's; childlike, childish


1. Ella es una autora famosa de libros infantiles.

She is a famous author of children's books.

2. Mi amigo tiene un sentido de humor infantil.

My friend has a childish sense of humor.

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Word of the Day - Page 20 Empty Re: Word of the Day

Post by CanuckBob Fri Aug 15, 2014 7:28 am

intentar een-tehn-tahr' (verb)
to attempt, to try


1. Estoy intentando aprender francés, pero es difícil.

I am trying to learn French, but it's hard.

2. Intenté llamarte, pero no contestaste tu teléfono.

I tried to call you, but you didn't answer your phone.

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Word of the Day - Page 20 Empty Re: Word of the Day

Post by CanuckBob Thu Sep 04, 2014 7:36 am

el cargo kahr'-goh (noun)
job, position; charge, fee


1. ¿Cuál es su cargo en su empresa actual?

What's your position in your current company?

2. Tengo que llamar el banco porque hay un cargo misterioso en mi tarjeta de crédito.

I have to call the bank because there's a mysterious charge on my credit card.

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Word of the Day - Page 20 Empty Re: Word of the Day

Post by CanuckBob Mon Mar 02, 2015 6:51 am

el espacio



1. Los científicos piensan que pueden haber más de cien mil millones de galaxias en el espacio.
Scientists believe that there may be more than one hundred billion galaxies in space.

2. No hay espacio en mi maleta para los artículos de higiene. ¿Los llevas tú?
There's no space in my suitcase for the toiletries. Would you take them?

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Word of the Day - Page 20 Empty Re: Word of the Day

Post by viajero Tue Mar 10, 2015 12:09 pm

It's one of those words that I find humorous and useful.
Anybody know what it means?

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Word of the Day - Page 20 Empty Re: Word of the Day

Post by slainte39 Thu Mar 12, 2015 12:34 am

viajero wrote:Fodongo
It's one of those words that I find humorous and useful.
Anybody know what it means?

Or knows someone who fits the description?   lol!

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Word of the Day - Page 20 Empty Re: Word of the Day

Post by Rosa Venus Thu Mar 12, 2015 12:43 am

I DON'T know. But I know where to ask tomorrow and I'm looking forward to it!
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Word of the Day - Page 20 Empty Re: Word of the Day

Post by viajero Thu Mar 12, 2015 9:46 am

slainte39 wrote:
viajero wrote:Fodongo
It's one of those words that I find humorous and useful.
Anybody know what it means?

Or knows someone who fits the description?   lol!
I think we all fit the description sometimes...but hopefully not in the (via publica). Very Happy

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Word of the Day - Page 20 Empty Re: Word of the Day

Post by slainte39 Thu Mar 12, 2015 12:35 pm

viajero wrote:
slainte39 wrote:
viajero wrote:Fodongo
It's one of those words that I find humorous and useful.
Anybody know what it means?

Or knows someone who fits the description?   lol!
I think we all fit the description sometimes...but hopefully not in the (via publica). Very Happy

Looked in the mirror this footed it back to bed and pulled the covers over my head.
Thanks a lot for bringing this up, Chris.....couldn't have been more timely......NOT!      lol!

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Word of the Day - Page 20 Empty Re: Word of the Day

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